Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 58: The counter current


On the other side, when Nie Lu opened his eyes again and regained his vision, he had already arrived at the main god space. It was pitch black around him, and there was nothing. Just as Nie Lu was wondering where he was, the prompt sound of the main god space rang in his ears.

Welcome to join the Lord God Space, the first selection of benefits has been expanded...

An invitation post has been detected. The number of free inquiries has been increased to three. Please ask questions...

While listening to the sound, Nie Lu watched the calligraphy in his hand fly into the air, and then slowly fade away from the air. He fell into a daze.

What was happening now was completely beyond Nie Lu's imagination.

Tip: The initial stay time is thirty minutes, please pay attention to the time...

"Oh." Nie Lu came back to his senses. Although he didn't know what the situation was now, it seemed that he had come to some extraordinary place and had been given three opportunities to ask questions.

After thinking for a while, Nie Lu looked up and asked his first question.

"Excuse me, why did my world suddenly cool down so madly?"

The Ice World failed to upgrade, the speed of absorbing energy was greatly reduced, the core of the world was damaged, the temperature inside the world dropped significantly, and the life span of the world was affected. The estimated remaining life span is 125 years...

Hearing the answer, Nie Lu opened his mouth wide. The world only has 125 years left? This time is long for humans, but it is too short for the world.

Now they don’t have to worry about all the coal mines on Earth being mined out, because the world will end before the coal resources are exhausted.

Listening to the answer given by the main god space, Nie Lu had a lot of questions to ask for a while, but now was not the time, there were only three questions, and he couldn't ask randomly.

With this thought in mind, Nie Lu spent longer and longer thinking. Fortunately, he still remembered that there was a time limit.

"My second question is, how do I save my world?!"

According to analysis, there are two methods with the highest success rate for qualified people. One is to input energy to help the world successfully transition until the world's functions are restored. The other is to use special means to increase the speed at which the world absorbs energy...

The more Nie Lu listened, the more confused he became. He was just an ordinary captain of the Winter House, originally managing only a few survivors, but now he wanted to help the world at every turn?! This span was a bit too big, and he felt a bit fooled.

After a while, Nie Lu calmed down and asked the third question, "So what should I do to achieve the above two possibilities?"

Try your best to complete the task, improve the task rating, obtain the main god points and merit points, and exchange them for special world items...

The number of inquiries has been exhausted, and the benefits are available. Please make a selection...

Nie Lu closed his mouth as he was about to ask questions. He had always wanted to ask about the magician and magic, but there were too few questions he could ask.

After asking the questions, Nie Lu looked at the welfare options listed in the main god space.

Welfare 1, Ice Blood Awakening

Awaken the ice blood dormant in your body, gain a large amount of ice resistance, a small amount of bloodline spells, and a chance to gain spellcasting ability

Welfare 2, Weapon Master Trial

If you have been using irregular weapons for a long time, you may have a chance to become a weapon master.

Benefit 3: Physical Enhancement

Recover a certain degree of physical injuries, strengthen the current physique, improve the ability to resist blows, recovery ability, etc.

Welfare 4, Retrograde (Invitation Letter Option)

Obtain the title of Retrograde, and be evaluated at the end of each subsequent mission world. Rewards will be issued according to the evaluation and Retrograde standards, with the lowest reward being nothing.

Looking at these four benefits, Nie Lu started to think and first ruled out benefit 3. This option looked good, but it was still a little bit inferior to the others.

It is a bit like the prerequisites for some professions, suitable for those who have already determined their future path and are only choosing it to lay the foundation for qualified people.

Option 1 was the second option that Nie Lu eliminated. The ice bloodline was very good, but as the home of winter, the icy world needed warmth the most. Choosing this option would ensure that Nie Lu would be able to survive, but the living environment for others would not be improved much.

Continuing to think along this line, Nie Lu also chose option 2, Weapon Master. It sounds very powerful, but he knows his own business. He is also not very good at using weapons. The reason why he uses irregular weapons is because there are no regular weapons to use.

The last option is actually the one that should be excluded the most. The comments next to the options made Nie Lu subconsciously add weight to it when making the choice.

According to the description, this title may not be able to improve immediate combat effectiveness, but it will definitely be of great help to future development.

Considering the source of the invitation, Nie Lu thought it would be better for him to trust the magician, so he chose the fourth option.

The welfare selection is completed and the semi-digital auxiliary combat system is turned on.

Warning: This system is for auxiliary purposes only. If vital organs such as the heart and brain are damaged, the qualified person will still die.

"Semi-digital auxiliary combat system?" Nie Lu thought in his mind, and then his personal panel popped up directly.

Name: Nie Lu

Occupation: None

Level: None

Vitality: 77%

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 4

Stamina: 6

Charisma: 5

Luck: 7

Blessing of the God of Luck (initial talent): All your actions will gain a slight amount of luck offset. In battle, based on the difference in luck between the two sides, your enemy will gain an additional amount of misfortune, and you will gain an additional amount of luck. This item lasts up to ten minutes.

Unyielding Will: The long-lasting suffering has given you an indestructible willpower, and you will gain additional value when making all mental strength and willpower judgments.

After looking at his panel, Nie Lu was suddenly glad for his choice. His intelligence was only four points, and if he chose the first item with this intelligence, the chance of gaining the ability to cast spells would definitely be very low.

The initial stay time has expired, please choose to return to the initial world/enter the mission world in advance.

Tip: After choosing to return, qualified persons will enter the mission world after 24 hours. If they choose to enter in advance, qualified persons can obtain an additional level of identity disguise.

Under the prompt of the main god space, Nie Lu decisively chose to enter early.

There is no point in going back, as Winter House cannot provide more things to Nie Lu, and staying there for a day will consume more resources. It is better to save these resources for other people, not to mention that there are rewards for entering early.

After making the choice, Nie Lu felt a black screen in front of his eyes. The time consumed for this shuttle was very short. According to Nie Lu, it took less than five seconds.