Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 59: Marvel World


Soon, Nie Lu found himself in a large house. He couldn't understand many things in the house, and for a moment he felt like he was lagging behind the times.

The world travel is complete and the mission has been issued.

Mission World: Marvel 199999-616

World Difficulty: lv5-lv99

Origin of the World: 0%

World Introduction: The evil god Loki failed in his conspiracy to seize the throne and left the Milky Way, but his conspiracy is not over. The defenders of the earth have experienced many changes and their strength has changed. The final result can only be reflected by time.

Main Mission: Protect New York City

Mission Description: New York City is a huge and bustling city, and it will soon become the largest battlefield...

Mission Tips: The New York City elimination mission failed.

Mission Reward: 3000 Lord Points, 1 Merit Point

Mission penalty: The difficulty of the next mission will be increased by 100%

Protecting New York City? Nie Lu thought as he walked to the window of the house and saw the endless stream of vehicles and the crowded pedestrians.

Identity issuance begins... World common sense is introduced...

Following the words of the main god space, Nie Lu felt that countless information suddenly appeared in his brain.

Character Template: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Name: Nie Lu

Profile: You are a field agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. You have just joined and do not have much experience in carrying out missions...

Additional status rewards: Primary firearms mastery (temporary), primary stealth (temporary)

Basic Firearms Mastery: You are able to master and use most fully automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles, pistols, etc.

Basic Stealth: Long-term training has given you a strong ability to sneak in and hide your body. Non-professionals can hardly find your deliberately hidden body.

Information flooded into his brain like a tide, and before Nie Lu could sort it out, he found that some subtle changes had occurred in his body. These changes were all related to the two temporary skills, such as calluses on specific parts of his hands.

Panting, Nie Lu carefully closed the curtains. From the common sense given by the main god space and the experience of an agent, Nie Lu knew one thing that must be avoided: the camera.

At the same time, Nie Lu also knew that his current mission was to monitor the situation of Kingpin, the underground emperor of New York City, and report any findings to his superiors. He was absolutely not allowed to attack at will.

Rubbing his temple, Nie Lu stood up. This mission of SHIELD was specially given to newcomers to familiarize themselves with the situation.

Because the house prepared by SHIELD had already been discovered by Kingpin, both Kingpin and SHIELD were very clear about this situation.

Nie Lu and other newly joined agents say they are conducting surveillance, but in fact they are just a messenger between Kingpin and S.H.I.E.L.D.

The behaviors that can be observed by agents like Nie Lu are all deliberately performed by Kingpin, and are also signals deliberately sent to S.H.I.E.L.D.

After drawing the curtains, Nie Lu pressed his temple and thought about his next move. There were no surveillance cameras in the room, so Nie Lu estimated that no one would notice his abnormal behavior.

Knock knock, just then there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Nie Lu asked.

"Delivery man, please open the door." A man's voice came from the door.

Nie Lu subconsciously reached for the automatic rifle at hand. As far as he could remember, he had never ordered takeout.

"You must have delivered it to the wrong place. I didn't order any takeout." After saying this, Nie Lu carefully stood in the safest place in the house.

This is a blind spot for shooting. If someone at the door breaks in, the first bullets they fire will not be able to hit Nie Lu unless the bullets can turn.

Moreover, the buildings at the corner have been specially reinforced, so it is not a big problem for them to withstand an ordinary grenade.

After waiting for a while, Nie Lu still didn't get a reply from the door.

After being vigilant for so long, Nie Lu breathed a sigh of relief, took out a mobile phone from his arms, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and the surveillance video of the door was displayed on the phone screen.

Judging from the video, there was no one at the door.

Pulling the progress bar, Nie Lu found that the delivery guy had left, leaving only a box of pizza on the ground.

The delivery man was dressed in black and his face was completely covered by a hat. From the surveillance video, his face could not be seen at all.

After careful observation, Nie Lu discovered that this person's body was also disguised. Such professional concealment is not something that ordinary people can do. So, this guy might also be an agent.

After thinking about this, Nie Lu reported the information to his superiors through the internal network.

The superior's reply came quickly. The delivery man was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the whole process was an exam, a basic exam for novice agents like Nie Lu.

After confirming his superior's reply again and again according to the procedures, Nie Lu carefully moved towards the door with the rifle.

The most important thing for an agent is vigilance, and he can never completely relax at any time.

After taking precautions, Nie Lu carefully opened the door and brought in the pizza box with his virgin-like hand speed.

When he opened the box, he found a device inside that Nie Lu couldn't quite understand.

Below the device is an instruction manual, which explains that this thing is a new type of detection equipment with technical support provided by Tony Stark.

After being turned on, the device can detect a certain range within one kilometer to detect whether there are strong people whose energy levels exceed the average human body.

Nie Lu stood at the window, turned on the instrument according to the instructions, and aimed it at Jin Bing's lair.

The one-minute testing time was soon up, and the test results of Jin Bing’s lair were displayed on the instrument screen.

In addition to the most common white dots, there are three yellow dots and one red dot in the nest.

After sending this data to the headquarters, Nie Lu's stage task was completed.

Inside the SHIELD headquarters, Coulson sat in his office, checking the test reports sent by various agents.

After Tony Stark created the instrument, SHIELD immediately conducted a large-scale search in New York.

So far, many yellow spots have been found. These spots represent that the person being tested has a physical fitness that exceeds that of ordinary people or has special energy in the body.

Black Widow and Hawkeye are among the yellow spots, as are some senior agents.

The meaning of the red light spot is more concise, that is, the target's energy level exceeds the upper limit of the instrument's detection and is a key focus. In most cases, such people are members of the main god space and are generally not new members.

"Are there already so many special personnel in New York..." Coulson muttered to himself, touching his forehead.

According to data analysis, there are a total of 23 people in New York City whose energy levels exceed their surface identities, and another seven people whose energy levels are red.