Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 60: Emergency


Just as Coulson was thinking about how to write a report to monitor the tester, something extraordinary happened to this world again.

Not far outside New York City, in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top research base, helicopters were flying and the base was broadcasting the evacuation message loudly.

"Attention everyone, the retreat order has been confirmed. Please leave immediately at the designated station. I repeat, this is not a drill! Please evacuate immediately." The voice echoed throughout the night, waking up all the sleeping researchers and staff.

As the sound played, countless people in the research base rushed out of the room and headed for the evacuation point in a panic.

In this case, the helicopter also reached the target location and slowly landed.

Nick Fury, wearing a black cloak, stepped down from the helicopter and was immediately greeted by the head of the base.

Originally, Coulson was supposed to receive Nick, but Coulson is currently in the bureau writing reports and surveillance plans so he can't come for the time being.

“How bad is it?”

"The worst part is, sir, we don't know the situation!"

Nick Fury frowned, realizing something was wrong, and followed the person in charge toward the scene of the incident.

"Four hours ago, Dr. Silvig detected a burst of energy coming from the Rubik's Cube." The person in charge was explaining the cause and effect of the situation.

"The space agency didn't authorize the doctor to conduct the test!" said Nick.

"He didn't run the test, he wasn't even in the room! It was triggered automatically!"

"It just started on its own?" asked Agent Hill behind the two men.

"What's the energy level now?" Nick continued.

"Ascending! After confirming that the doctor could not shut it down, we issued a retreat order."

“How long will it take to evacuate everyone?”

"The area will be cleared in half an hour."

"Hold on tight."

"Yes!" The person in charge nodded and went on to take charge of the retreat. There were still many things that needed to be done to evacuate such a large base within half an hour.

"Sir, retreat may be useless," Hill continued on the stairs.

"If we don't retreat, are we going to let them go back to sleep?"

"But if we can't control the energy of the Cosmic Cube, I think it's useless to hide anywhere!"

"I need you to ensure that the second phase prototype can be transferred safely."

"Sir, now is not the time to prioritize these, right?"

"Unless the world ends, we still have to live our lives!" Nick turned and looked at Hill and said.

"Count the items immediately and load all the relevant equipment onto the truck for transport."

"Yes, sir." Hill replied helplessly.

"Also, send a message to Tony Stark, we may need his technical support!" Nick Fury continued.

"Understood, sir!"

Nick Fury didn't care about Hill's attitude, as long as she did her job. When Melinda took people to evacuate the equipment, Nick walked into the laboratory.

As soon as he entered, the small rapid testing machine on Nick's waist began to alarm, and the test results of the machine were transmitted directly to Nick's eyes.

The entire laboratory was filled with red, without a trace of any other color.

"Doc! What's the situation now?" Nick Fury asked Silver.

In front of the cosmic demon, Sylvig was using various probes to probe the situation, trying to figure out what was going on.

"The Cosmic Cube is a little bit fishy!" Sylvig walked down and said.

"Doc, I don't think this is the time to joke."

"I'm not kidding. The Cosmic Cube itself is an energy source. Even after we turned off the power, it continued to release energy, interference and radioactive substances." The doctor came to the control panel and said.

"Don't worry, the radioactive material is just some low-concentration gamma rays," the doctor added.

"That's not necessarily true." Nick said expressionlessly. If gamma rays were really completely harmless, the Hulk would not have appeared.

"Where is the agent I sent?" Nick asked.

Silver pointed upward and backward. "The little bird is sleeping in his nest."

"Agent Barton!"

After a shout, Hawkeye slid down from the height using the rope and hurried to Nick's side.

"I remember I gave you a task." Nick took him to the Cosmic Cube.

"You can only see far if you stand at a high place." Hawkeye said, "The doctor should be fine. He has never come into contact with the Cosmic Cube, and there has been no information transmitted."

"Did you see what activated it?"

"No, no one went in or out before activation, so if there is a problem, it may not be on our side." Hawkeye said, looking at the Cosmic Cube.

"Our side?"

"Yes, the Cosmic Cube is a door leading to the other side of the universe, right? This door should be able to open on both sides." Hawkeye said, and this time he hit the nail on the head.

Suddenly, the Cosmic Cube burst out with a burst of energy, which shook the entire base.

Similarly, this high-energy reaction also attracted the attention of others.

As the main manager of the divine space under Qi Yun, Qi Qi has been coordinating the issues of various worlds, including their hometown, Marvel.

The energy level of the Cosmic Cube has exceeded the range that Qi Qi can handle by herself, and Qi Yun is in seclusion because of the Destroyer. At the moment when nothing has happened, it is not appropriate to use emergency authority to call Qi Yun out.

With this in mind, Qi Qi came to the control panel and sent a message to all qualified people who were still in the Marvel World. At the same time, she also called up the mission information about the Marvel World that was automatically arranged by the main god space.

In the New York Temple, Ancient One's men also sensed this huge energy.

But Ancient One is currently negotiating with Dormammu of the dark world. Without the order of the main leader, the staff of the New York Temple dare not violate the rule of seclusion.

The energy of the Cosmic Cube affected the surrounding space. The mirror space that these people usually used to avoid observation was completely useless around the Cube at this time. After all, not everyone was the Ancient One Supreme Sorcerer.

The vibration of the Cosmic Cube continued, and a burst of energy shot out from the center. After a short wait, the energy formed a portal at the end of the laboratory.

The door suddenly exploded, and the evil god Loki officially appeared.

"Sir! Please put down your spear!" Nick said to Loki.

Loki looked at the spear in his hand, swung it gently, and a burst of energy spurted out from the tip of the spear.

Hawkeye suddenly pushed Nick away, and energy exploded behind the two of them, creating a big hole in the solid ground.

For a moment, the study room was in chaos, and Loki relied on the dangerous force of his spear to kill many people here.

The several agents Nick brought with him and some security personnel who were originally here were unable to resist the attack at all.