Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 62: Agent call-out


While supporting S.H.I.E.L.D. around the world, Nie Lu was eating his first dinner since coming to this world.

The dinner was not sumptuous, because as agents had to stay secret, various military compressed foods were usually stored in the safe house.

But even these things, Nie Lu felt they were extremely delicious. After all, in Winter Home, most people's food was broth mixed with sawdust. This kind of food was not only unpalatable, but also made it particularly easy to get sick. It was not that the chief did not want to supply better food, but the hunters' hunting gains were not fixed every day. If the food supply was not fixed, riots and dissatisfaction would easily occur due to lack of food.

Sitting by the window, eating quickly heated meals and taking a sip of hot tea from time to time, Nie Lu's face was full of happiness. If there were not someone from another world urging him to move forward from behind, he would have wished that such days would continue forever.

Just when he was enjoying it, Nie Lu suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the movements of his surveillance target, and the number of people entering and leaving the building was much more than usual.

He quickly put down the lunch box in his hand, picked up the telescope, and looked from afar. Nie Lu found that many people wearing bulletproof vests and various weapons on their waists emerged from various streets and then gathered at the door of the building.

The movements of this group of people also made ordinary pedestrians very alert. After seeing these people gathering, many pedestrians and cars chose to take a detour.

Seeing that more and more people were gathering, Nie Lu took out his cell phone and prepared to report to his superiors, but there was an order pinned to the top of the screen, which was to gather all field staff who were not participating in the rescue operation of the research base, and Nie Lu was one of them.

After writing down the surveillance situation in a paragraph and sending it to his superior, Nie Lu picked up the lunch box, opened his mouth wide, and ate the remaining food in a few bites. Then he took all the weapons he could carry, locked the door of the safe house from the inside, and left the room through the secret passage.

When Nie Lu was taking action, Jin Bing was standing on the roof of the opposite building looking down at the safe house. Although Nie Lu did not immediately change any lights in the room that would expose himself, Jin Bing still judged based on his experience that the person who was monitoring him had left.

"Boss, all the brothers are gathered. Now, where are we going?" the younger brother asked in a low voice behind Jin Bing.

Jin Bing pointed at a car across from the lair and said, "Tell the brothers to spread out to the nearby streets and follow that car closely. But no one is allowed to make any attacking moves before I speak."

I looked through the window and just saw Nie Lu running out from the building next door at a very fast speed and got into the car. After confirming the target, I quickly arranged the action according to Jin Bing's words.

After Nie Lu got into the car, a screen in the middle of the car lit up immediately. It was the driving navigation. The navigation was divided into two parts. One part was the current movement trajectory of Loki's gang, and the other part was his current location.

Before coming to this world, Nie Lu had only driven very old classic cars. To be honest, he didn't really know how to drive the car he was in. After all, even if he had some of the agent's memories, no one could say for sure without having used it in person.

Feeling a little nervous, Nie Lu started the car and stepped on the accelerator. The car whooshed out of the parking space and almost hit a black jeep in front.

"Brother, the guy the boss asked us to follow seems to be right behind us. He almost hit us." A guy with a pointed chin and monkey face said after taking a look at Nie Lu's license plate.

"Damn it, I saw it, you don't need me to tell you." The man in the co-pilot seat cursed, "How dare this guy provoke me, doesn't he know whose territory this is?!"

"Hey, brother, calm down. The boss said you are not allowed to do anything if there is a life-threatening situation!" The younger brother who was driving quickly stopped his older brother.

"I know. Without my orders, he would have turned into a sieve. You'd better follow that guy closely and don't lose him." The eldest brother sat back in his seat. He didn't dare to make a fuss because of Jin Bing's orders.

Nie Lu wiped the sweat from his head. Fortunately, the car's brakes did not fail. He readjusted the steering wheel and reduced the pressure on the accelerator. Nie Lu set off again. When he passed by a car that he almost hit, he deliberately stuck his head out and said sorry.

"Brother, that kid apologized to us."

"What are you apologizing for! That's a provocation! Hurry up and follow him!" The eldest brother slapped the younger brother on the back of the head and pointed at Nie Lu's car.

After driving for a while, Nie Lu's proficiency has improved. To be honest, driving is not difficult, but it is difficult to avoid breaking traffic rules. Fortunately, as an agent, he does not have to worry about breaking traffic rules when on a mission.

But after driving for a while, Nie Lu discovered that the location of the other vehicle on the screen had not been updated for a long time.

"Everyone, pay attention! The other party has removed the positioning device. Everyone, start a large-scale search at the original location. Report any suspicious vehicles immediately!" The superior's instructions came through the headset.

Nick had guessed this situation a long time ago. After all, who is Hawkeye? He is the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. If he can't even solve the positioning device, he is too incompetent as an agent.

Fortunately, the road from the research base to downtown New York is relatively cool, and Loki and his team would not have many opportunities to change cars, so SHIELD's field personnel began to patrol outside downtown New York according to the assigned route.

The search lasted for half an hour, but nothing was found. It was as if Loki's vehicle had suddenly evacuated and disappeared. Nie Lu could only circle around there with Jin Bing's men.

That's right, Nie Lu has discovered that there is a large group of people following him. After all, no one is a fool. It would be fine if one or two cars were following him, but it is nonsense for a convoy to be following him. What's more, there are not many people and cars on the outskirts of New York.

"Boss, it seems he has discovered us and is leading us around in circles." The younger brother said while standing behind Jin Bing and looking at the electronic map.

"I know." Jin Bing thought for a moment, "Send someone to stop him. I want to know what orders he received!"

"No problem!" The younger brother replied cheerfully. They are quite good at interrogating people, much better than tracking them.

"Don't do it." Jin Bing said again.

"Huh?" I was stunned. They were agents. How could they get the information without taking action? Nie Lu was not interested in any of them.

Jin Bing turned around and looked at his younger brother coldly, "Do as I say, don't delay my work!"

"Yes." The younger brother answered very distressedly. How can we get the information without moving the gloves