Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 67: Inquiry


Loki and Hawkeye, who left in a panic, are now staying in a safe house. This action to establish their authority has been a complete failure. The combat effectiveness of the Earth is much higher than Loki imagined.

It seems that the original plan needs to be changed...

"Silvig, can the power of the Cosmic Cube open a few more portals?" Loki suddenly asked.

Sylvig listened to Loki's words and fell into deep thought. When he was in S.H.I.E.L.D., opening a door was already the ultimate goal of their research team. However, with Loki's help, the difference in difficulty between opening multiple doors and opening just one did not seem to be that big.

"Sir, theoretically, there should be no problem, but it will take a long time for me to do it alone, and more instruments will be needed." Sylvig said after deep thought.

"It's fine as long as you can do it. List the things you need and I will be responsible for preparing them." Loki nodded and gave the order.

"Barton, from today on, you will make every effort to observe the situation nearby. If you find any possibility of being exposed, report to me immediately."

"Yes, sir."

While Loki was modifying his plan, Nick was also being questioned by the Security Council. The war that had just taken place was not as simple as destroying some public facilities, and its impact was much greater.

"Nick Fury, how is your Avengers plan going?" asked the Chinese person in charge. The inquiry was almost over.

"The plan has been suspended. Based on the current improvement in New York City's combat power, I think we will soon be able to rise from a completely disadvantaged position to a position with a certain degree of dialogue power." Nick stood there and spoke to the five images. "I will write a report on the specific follow-up matters and send it to you before the end of tomorrow."

"Yes." The Chinese person in charge nodded, "Our support will arrive at SHIELD within today. I hope you can arrange for them reasonably."

"I will. I've already started designing the arrangements for Master Lin and others." Nick nodded.

Nick has seen the basic information of the three people from China. From the information, each of them is a top master comparable to Tony, and their abilities are very comprehensive, which can have a great impact on subsequent battles.

While the Chinese leader was discussing the issue of support with Nick, the other members of the Security Council remained silent. It was not that they did not want to send support, but that they were not allowed to do so.

Due to different national conditions, their countries have not yet thoroughly checked the number of qualified people who have joined the main god space, including the United States.

As for the few that were found, a few arrogant guys had originally planned to come over to help, but after watching the video footage of the Hulk, Thor and others and the battle video just now, they basically gave up the idea.

After discussing the details for a while, the inquiry was completely over. However, Nick could feel the disappointment with SHIELD from the Security Council members. There was no way around it. The loss of the Cosmic Cube, no matter what the reason, could not cover up SHIELD's management mistakes.

After he emerged from the room, Agent Hill approached him.

"Chief, Agent 9527 is already in the office," Hill said.

"I see. Have you checked his information? I don't quite remember any Chinese joining us from New York." Nick asked.

"I have checked and found no problems so far. The specific information has been sent to your computer."

Inside the office, Nie Lu sat on a chair, feeling a little nervous. He was about to meet the head of the secret service, and he didn't know if he would be able to figure out anything.

Although he was nervous, Nie Lu was quite satisfied with his first mission, although he was unable to get involved in the subsequent battles due to strength issues.

However, he still played a very important role in the discovery of the target person in the early stage and the tracking of the target person in the mid-term.

Just as Nie Lu was thinking about what he would say later, the office door opened and Nick walked in from outside, walked to his seat and sat down.

While looking at Nie Lu, Nick took out a small black box from the drawer, placed it on the table, and pressed the switch.

The jammer was turned on, leaving Pierce, who was observing from behind, at a loss. Looking at the dark surveillance screen, Pierce didn't know what to say for a moment. He couldn't just run and ask Nick to turn off the jammer.

"Agent Nie Lu!" Nick suddenly spoke.

Nie Lu was startled and stood up from the chair, "Yes."

Seeing Nie Lu's abnormal look, Nick's expression softened a lot. "Don't be nervous. I just have a small question to ask you."

"You ask."

"You... are not from this world." Nick stared into Nie Lu's eyes and said slowly.

"How could that be? Director, you must be kidding." Nie Lu's reply was very fluent and his expression was relatively normal.

However, this fluency actually revealed a lot of information. It can only be said that Nie Lu is not qualified enough in front of Nick, the old fox.

"Yeah, just a joke. Sit down, why are you standing?" Nick leaned back in his chair and said softly. In just a few seconds, he already knew most of what he wanted to know.

"Your contribution this time is significant. Is there anything you need?" Nick said.

At the same time, Nie Lu also received a prompt from the main god space.

You have opened the faction store. The current faction favorability is 900/1000 (cold)

Nie Lu didn't know what he wanted for a moment, because he wanted too many things, from guns to food, and even if conditions permitted, Nie Lu wanted a nuclear power plant.

"Don't be anxious, think it over first." Nick said.

If there were other agents present, they would have noticed something was wrong at the first moment. Nick's attitude towards Nie Lu was completely different from his attitude towards ordinary agents.

"Well... how about you give me some cash reward?" Nie Lu said after thinking for a long time. He still wasn't sure what to ask for, but most things could be bought with money. After all, there was no doomsday crisis in this world.

"This is not an extra reward. Your bonus will be sent to your personal account soon." Nick stood up. "If you haven't made up your mind yet, you can look around during this period to see what you want. If you need anything, just tell me directly. Everything can be discussed."

"Okay, thank you, Director." Nie Lu's face suddenly broke into a smile.

Thanks to the promise of the faction leader, you can ask SHIELD for an item with a level lower than level 5 (SHIELD's confidentiality level), or reduce the exchange requirements of all subsequent level 3 and below items by three tenths.

The prompt from the main god space was the reason for Nie Lu’s current expression. Although he didn’t know what happened, Nick’s attitude and the prompt from the main god space explained everything. Nie Lu felt that he should be able to get away with it safely this time.