Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 7: Task preparation


SHIELD's efficiency is pretty good most of the time, and Tony and Ethan didn't have to hide for long before reinforcements arrived.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, I'm Coulson. I'm sorry I only found you now." Coulson said to Tony, extending his hand.

"Yeah." Tony nodded absentmindedly. There were only two days left for the mission to start. He had to make the equipment quickly and had no time to talk to Coulson.

After they boarded the plane, Tony nodded his chin and said, "Coulson, right?"

"Yes." Coulson nodded in reply.

"Where is our destination now?"

"The nearest military base has a specialized doctor who will provide the most complete examination for you two."

"No thanks!" Tony stood up.

If he went there, he would have to do his mission naked, which was the biggest humiliation for a mechanic.

"Change the destination. I need to go back to Stark Industries first!"

Coulson was stunned for a moment, "But your body?"

"I can't solve it, and the doctor you found can't solve it either. That's all, listen to me!" Tony stopped Coulson from persuading him and spoke very domineeringly.

At Tony's strong request, the plane changed its route and headed towards Stark Industries.

On the plane, Tony called Pepper and asked her to arrange for the pick-up.

This time he didn't want to let those reporters waste his time to escape danger. After all, he was still in a life-and-death race.

"Ethan, when we get there, you should have a good rest first. Tell Pepper if you have any problems. I have some important things to deal with and will contact you later." Tony put down the phone and turned to look at Ethan.

"I know." Ethan nodded.

During the escape process, he could guess that there must be another force involved, and Tony must deal with this matter first.

After getting off the plane, Tony didn't waste a second and walked quickly to Pepper's side.

"Pepper, help me prepare some materials. The list has been sent to you." Tony said the first time he saw Pepper.

Pepper frowned. What was this guy going to do now that he had just escaped from trouble

"You have just escaped from the predicament. Besides resting, the most important thing you should do is to hold a press conference to stabilize the morale of the troops."

Listening to Pepper's voice, Tony could hear unhappiness in it. After experiencing life and death, he felt himself more sensitive.

Thinking about the past, Tony suddenly felt that he owed Pepper a lot.

Turning around, Tony gave Pepper a big hug in front of everyone.

Pepper froze when she was suddenly hugged, and her resentment towards Tony disappeared in an instant.

"Pepper, I'm sorry for bothering you before. Please help me again this time. This is really important." Tony whispered in Pepper's ear.

"Hmm..." Pepper's voice was as loud as a mosquito.

After Tony had walked a few steps, the attendant stepped forward and said, "Ms. Pepper, where is the press conference?"

"Cancel." Pepper waved her hand.

Tony waved at Pepper from a distance, and Pepper hurried forward to catch up with Tony.

After returning to his workshop, Tony looked at the equipment around him and a smile appeared on his face. He finally had the right tools.

Behind him, there were all kinds of materials piled up. Pepper was afraid that there wouldn't be enough, so she bought twice as much as was delivered.

Tony closed the door of the workshop and entered seclusion mode.

The lights in the workshop were on for two days, and after working all night for a long time, Tony finally figured out the equipment.

This type of armor is actually a scaled-down version, but due to the short time, many ideas were not implemented properly.

After completing the initial manufacturing, Tony rubbed his eyes and glanced at the mission countdown. There were only a few hours left, so he could take a rest first.

During this process, Qi Yun's eyes were always on Tony.

After circling the mecha twice, Qi Yun nodded. If all newcomers could be equipped with this armor, the success rate of the mission would definitely increase significantly.

However, it is not cost-effective to use the ability to copy this mecha. It seems that I have to find a way to let Tony make more, and then Qi Yun can find a way to buy it at a low price.

In the blink of an eye, several hours disappeared invisibly.

A few minutes before the mission started, Tony was woken up by Jarvis.

Tony rubbed his aching head, stood up, and stretched out his hands, "JARVIS, put on armor!"

Under Jarvis' control, the armor was separated piece by piece and then assembled on Tony's body under the control of the mechanical arm.

"Jarvis, turn on the room's scanning system and encrypt and store the scenes from now on," Tony continued to order.

After giving the order, Tony opened the score of the armor on his body and the files he had tested using his own methods, and analyzed the scoring rules of the main god space by comparison.

Mark I single-person mecha (reduced version)

Introduction: 2.1m high, 0.8m wide, 0.6m long, equipped with double-barreled Vulcan cannons, laser launchers, micro-missile launchers, jet flight systems, intelligent auxiliary systems, energy is provided by enhanced micro-reactors, and the shell is an enhanced special alloy

Attack method: laser jet, Vulcan cannon, micro missile

Attack power: 0-500

Defense: 100

Evaluation: Excellent single-person combat mecha, with medium endurance, bloated weapon system, and highly intelligent assistance.

"It looks like a nice handicraft. It should be good to use as a figurine." -Han Xiao

Rating: Blue Rank 33 points (Note: Blue Rank items are rated from 10-40)

Looking at the armor's score and his own design drawings and test reports, Tony had a certain grasp of the scoring rules for mechas.

Judging from the comparison between the two Warframes, the scores are not linear, which means that a 40-point blue item may crush a 39-point item in terms of effect.

According to Tony's estimation, the main god space should be scored based on a battle armor as the benchmark, and the scores should be added based on the gap between various indicators and the benchmark items.

Tony estimated that his Mark Armor should be able to get full marks for blue-level items in terms of intelligence, and it might even be a bonus point. The rest might be deduction points. After all, the weapon system is still not perfect and the energy system also has big problems.

While Tony was thinking, the mission countdown ended.

After some of the energy in Qi Yun's body was reduced, Tony and his own armor disappeared in the Marvel world.

After a brief time travel, Tony arrived in another world.

The destination set by Qi Yun is Raccoon City in the Resident Evil world, which is the very beginning of the entire Resident Evil plot and the part that Tony can now participate in.

According to the rules, the difficulty of this part should be just right for Tony now. Of course, the premise is that Tony doesn't do anything stupid. If he does, the difficulty may rise sharply.