Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 72: The Battle of New York (1)


Two days later, Nick finally gathered all the important figures in this battle together. Although the number of people is not large, these people and the forces behind them combined form a formidable force.

In addition, the development of the matter was exactly as Zhao Jian had expected. Jin Bing did not come in the end, but he also sent a message that if there was any information about Loki, he would be happy to help.

"Dr. Banner, what's the situation?" Zhao Jian asked Bruce Banner who walked out from behind him holding a computer.

"Not very ideal." Banner shook his head and said this while his hands did not stop, no one knew what he was doing.

Zhao Jian turned around. On the screen in front of him were images captured by the cameras carried by all the expatriates. Since Banner was unable to lock onto it quickly, everyone decided to try to find the needle in a haystack.

"It appeared!" a researcher suddenly shouted.

Zhao Jian and Banner immediately moved over, and the researcher tilted his chair to move the screen away.

It was the camera of Luo Yi's group. The key parts had been magnified many times by the researchers. The face was Loki.

Zhao Jian picked up the phone and made a call.

"Captain? What's wrong?" Luo Yi's voice was weak. The search was so boring.

"Attention, Loki appeared behind you on your right side thirteen seconds ago. He may be following you. Be careful." Zhao Jian said quickly.

"Okay, I understand."

After hearing that Loki had been spotted, Luo Yi stood up straight, searching around, ready to capture Loki at any time.

Lin Zhengying also heard Zhao Jian's words in the headset. His hands in his sleeves trembled slightly, and a yellow talisman slipped from his sleeves and fell between his fingers.

“Target found!”

Another researcher yelled, and Loki appeared in the middle of Tony's one-man team.

"We found our target here too!"

The same figure kept appearing under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s surveillance, and for a moment everyone began to guess which one was Loki's true identity.

"Don't be impatient!" Banner said loudly.

He stared at the screen in his hand, "There is no increase in the gamma particle concentration coefficient. It is very likely that it is just a diversion!" "Everyone stay still, be careful of your surroundings, turn on the full-channel communicator, and be ready to deal with sudden attacks at any time!" Zhao Jian quickly gave orders.

While everyone was busy, Nick sat aside, drinking tea very calmly.

"Chief, is it appropriate to give them all the command?" Hill asked in a low voice.

"What else? Leave it to you? Who can you command?" Nick took a sip of tea slowly and spoke.

If Nick insists on giving orders, the only one who will listen to him is Natasha the Black Widow. Tony and Rogers might ask for reference. Zhao Jian will listen if they agree. There is no need to mention Dr. Banner.

And most importantly, Nick's mission has been completed. It was his task to initially establish this team. What happens next depends on the team members.

Everyone remained tense and alert for more than ten minutes. During this time, Loki's figure continued to appear, attracting everyone's attention.

"It appeared!" Banner suddenly said.

"The gamma particles in the Osborne Group's total energy center have increased by 300 percent!" Banner's fingers quickly tapped on the computer keyboard. "This increase is still continuing. It is estimated that within three minutes, the energy value represented by the concentration of particles will reach the minimum level required to open the Cosmic Cube."

"Understood!" Tony put on his mask and flew towards Osborn. Countless drones in the sky also locked onto Osborn's position.

"Got it, Taoist priest, follow me!" Luo Yi replied, then pulled Lin Zhengying towards Osborne.

Lin Zhengying shook his hand lightly and broke free from Luo Yi. He looked around and felt something was not right.

"Luo Yi, you go first, I'll stay here for a while." Lin Zhengying said.

"But Director Nick said there should only be one door, and it's already in Osborn. What are you still doing here, Taoist Priest?" Luo Yi was a little confused about Lin Zhengying's choice.

"I just feel that everything is going too smoothly. You go ahead. If you are really there, one more or one less won't make much difference." Lin Zhengying was very sure that his intuition was correct.

"Okay, then you take it easy. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions." Luo Yi hesitated for a moment and ran towards the Osborne Group.

Also dispatched were Kingpin in New York City, Anna Anne in Tony's house, and Rambo and Ninja, who were left in the safe room waiting for their health bars to refill because their recovery time was too short.

Qi Yun was floating in the atmosphere, and he easily saw through Loki's plan. There were five devices emitting gamma particles in New York, but the one in Osborn was the most obvious.

Although he knew it, Qi Yun didn't intend to remind them now.

Because if we remind them now, some people will probably not come here to cause trouble.

Luo Yi, running at full speed, created gusts of wind in the street, which sometimes blew on the street, sometimes on the walls, and sometimes even passed over the crowd.


A rope suddenly became taut, but due to the busy street, Luo Yi did not notice the rope immediately.

Luo Yi's ears moved slightly, and he heard a sound that shouldn't appear in this place, but it was too late.

The next second, Luo Yi felt something breaking through the skin and flesh at his ankle and bouncing tightly on his bones.

Luo Yi lost his balance and started spinning in the air.


At this moment, Patton ran out from the surrounding alley, holding an automatic rifle in his hand, pointing the gun at Luo Yi.

Looking at the bullets shooting towards him, an excited expression appeared on Luo Yi's face. He exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and his whole body straightened up all of a sudden, and his right fist swung forward violently with the help of centrifugal force.

A whirlwind suddenly appeared out of nowhere and directly sucked the bullets into it, causing all the bullets to lose their accuracy.

The next moment, Luo Yi fell to the ground. The bloody wound on his ankle had almost healed in these few breaths.

Boom! A big pit appeared under Luo Yi's feet, and the whole person disappeared from Patton's sight. Luo Yi's burst speed had exceeded Patton's dynamic vision capture limit.

When the speed slowed down a bit, Patton finally saw Luo Yi's figure, but at this time Luo Yi was less than two meters away from Patton. The remaining time was not enough for Patton to make any reaction.

Luo Yi stretched out his left fist and hit the automatic rifle in Patton's hand. At this time, a green light appeared in the corner of Luo Yi's eyes.

The green color passed through the afterimage left by Luo Yi at an extremely fast speed. Luo Yi grabbed the clothesline on the second floor with his right hand and looked down with a little surprise. Is this a lizard man

Hiss~ Feeling Luo Yi's gaze, the lizardman stuck out his long tongue.

What just attacked Luo Yi was this guy's tail. The thick tail and the sharp shell on the top proved that his attack power was definitely not bad.