Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 73: The Battle of New York (2)


Although he was surprised, Luo Yi didn't take the lizard man seriously. He thought that the other party had just caught him off guard.

Roar~ The lizardman roared loudly at Luo Yi, and then a dozen or twenty lizardmen who looked similar appeared in the surrounding alleys.

"Oh, this is a bit of a trouble." Luo Yi said as he loosened his grip on the clothesline. A sonic boom sounded and he disappeared into the air at an extremely fast speed.

With his natural dynamic vision, the lizardman was able to slightly capture Luo Yi's movements, but it was just a capture and he could forget about counterattacking.

Hum! Ha! As Luo Yi shouted, his afterimage appeared beside the lizardmen and knocked them away one by one.

After more than a dozen lizardmen lost consciousness, Luo Yi stopped, shook his hands, and blood dripped from his fists onto the ground.

The blood contained not only that of the Lizardmen, but also his own.

Luo Yi's unarmed combat ability and physical recovery ability are among the best among all people. His defense is also about the same, but it is at the bottom of the list. Perhaps this is the price of his extraordinary speed.

"That's all? You don't have enough strength, and you don't have enough numbers. Yell again, call for help, I'm going to fight fifty more!" Luo Yi picked up the unconscious Patton with his right hand, and said sarcastically as he looked at the fallen lizardmen on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom. There was a sound of running coming from the sewer.

Luo Yi jumped lightly onto the platform next to him, threw Patton into the balcony, and stared at the ground.

The sounds were getting closer and louder.


The manhole cover was knocked directly into the sky, and lizardmen crawled out of the sewer one by one.

A perverted smile appeared on Luo Yi's face, and he could fight to his heart's content.

But his smile became less and less bright as the number of lizardmen increased. After all the lizardmen crawled out, Luo Yi's face was completely expressionless.

"Call for support." Luo Yi pressed the microphone, "There are about two hundred lizardmen here. I may not be able to handle it..."

Hissing, hissing~ The sound of sticking out tongue kept ringing under Luo Yi, making people feel cold in the back.

"Two hundred Lizardmen?!" Tony was a little surprised when he heard the voice asking for support. The next moment, Jarvis projected the screen in front of Tony's eyes. It was a green patch, which made Tony's scalp tingle.

After confirming that the situation over there was critical, Tony's drone was split into two halves, with one half going to support Luo Yi.

Ziz~ A blue laser shot out from below. Tony flipped over to avoid the ray and looked down. It was Loki!

"Loki appears! It should be his real self. I will hold him back, and everyone else must get the Cosmic Cube before the portal opens!" Tony said quickly in the channel.

"No problem! I'll take care of it!" Rogers took Natasha and quickly headed for the destination. It was not known whether he underestimated them or what, but this team was the only one from SHIELD that did not encounter any obstacles.

After hearing Rogers' answer, Tony stopped in the air and looked at Loki.

He raised his right hand, the armor rotated, and an extremely hot flame shot out, directly colliding with the rays coming from behind, canceling each other out. This was designed specifically for Loki by Tony after he returned.

"Can't we try something new? It's always the same old trick." Tony said softly.

"You are very bold to speak to God like that." Loki looked at Tony coldly and said.

"God, a God that can only attack by surprise?"

As soon as Tony finished speaking, more than a dozen Lokis appeared on the ground, and it was impossible to tell whether they were real or fake.

"More than people? I guess you got the wrong person." Tony smiled.

More than twenty mechas flew out from around Tony and formed a circle in front of him. The armors looked various, and many of them were familiar. Upon closer inspection, they were the anti-series armors.

Jarvis's control was fully activated, and each armor launched an attack towards Loki under his precise control. The attacks were orderly and continuous.

Tony took the opportunity to put some distance between himself and Loki, choosing to watch the fight from a distance.

However, this kind of watching the battle did not last long. After only two or three minutes, the sound of clattering came from the other side of the battlefield.

All the armors were frozen in the ice in an instant, and Jarvis didn't even have time to react.

Loki looked at the pile of ice around him and silently put a box-like object back into his arms.

"Interesting, I knew he must have a backup plan." On the aircraft carrier, Zhao Jian said as he watched Loki's actions.

"There's nothing to command now. Just notify us through the channel if there's anything." Zhao Jian said as he took off the earphones and put on a small headset.

"You want to go over? I'll call a driver for you." Hill said on the side.

"No, I can go by myself."

After Zhao Jian finished speaking, he walked to the deck outside in the gazes of everyone, made a sword gesture with his hand, stepped on the long sword, and left the aircraft carrier like a long rainbow.

After losing his armor, the combat power that Tony could muster was a little stretched, and he could only rely on his own mobility and the harassment of drones to barely contain Loki. But strangely enough, Loki seemed to be cooperating with Tony and just wouldn't move.

As the gamma particles grew rapidly, there was a problem with the Osborn Group's power supply and the entire building began to flicker.

"What's going on?! What happened again?!" Norman walked out of the laboratory and shouted loudly.

He didn't accept the emergency task because he hoped to spend all his time on potion research and get Harry out of his suffering as soon as possible, but the current situation doesn't seem to allow him to do research in peace.

"I don't know, boss. The police just asked us to organize a retreat, saying that terrorists have entered our energy center." The assistant explained in panic.

"Energy center? Let us retreat? The energy center is more than ten kilometers away from here. What kind of terrorists would block such a large area?"

Norman took the phone and there was indeed police information on it. Just as he was wondering, the phone rang. It was Kingpin calling.

"Brother Norman, does your energy center have any special security facilities?" Jin Bing asked politely.

Norman was very confused because he was cooperating with Kingpin on some things, but their relationship didn't seem to be that good yet.

"Why are you asking this? Are you the terrorist?"

"What terrorists? I won't hide it from you. The target of the mission is now in your energy center. I asked around to confirm that you don't have any self-destruct system installed." Jin Bing said. He was not afraid that Norman would come and grab the credit. Anyway, according to the current progress, he would definitely be the first to arrive.

"Mission objective?!" Norman now understood what was going on.

"No, don't worry. I don't have the time to do that. By the way, have you found the things I asked you to collect?" Norman asked. He didn't want to get involved in this matter.

"We have collected a part of it. You can contact my men directly and they will give you the things." After saying that, Jin Bing hung up the phone.