Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 78: Weird mission


My name is Might Guy, and I'm a Konoha ninja. I thought I would fight for the village until I'm old like other ninjas, and then pass on my youth to the next generation, but everything changed since that day.

My world collapsed and became the most dangerous area. In order to contribute to the recovery of the world, I chose to join a magical place - the main god space!

"Youth means staying awake and working hard!" Hearing the alarm clock beside his ear, Kai turned over from the bed.

Woke up at 4am and done!

Kai got up and looked around and suddenly froze.

Where is this? Shouldn't I be resting in my room

Kai thought to himself as he looked at the unfamiliar decorations around him.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he seemed to be in a mission world.

But the problem is that Kai didn't remember that he had accepted a new mission in the main god space. According to the average time, there will be at least another week before a new mission comes.

Thinking about this, Kai's head hurt even more, and in a trance he found that it seemed like a week had passed, but he didn't remember that week very clearly.

Although he was a little confused about his current situation, Kai still calmed himself down and prepared to look through the task records in the main god space.

Not sure if there was something wrong with his eyes or his brain, but Kai felt something was not right when he looked at the records in the main god space. It seemed like the words were constantly changing.

More importantly, Kai felt as if he was suddenly illiterate.

What's wrong with me? Kai covered his head with one hand, his mind was in a mess.

No! I can't stay here, the space here is too small, if it explodes, I won't be able to run away!

Kai walked towards the door while fighting the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

The moment he went out, the yellow light on Kai's body flashed a few times and then faded away.

Where is this

Kai raised his head and tried to look at his surroundings. There was nothing around him, and the sunlight shining on his body did not bring warmth, but a false feeling.

There was no one on the street, only dead objects standing there, and the whole world seemed to be dead. The only moving things were the traffic lights on the road, but there was not a single car on the road.

Is this world also experiencing a biohazard

Kai was a little confused and at a loss. He couldn't see the mission clearly and there was no one outside. In this situation, what should he do? !

Just as Kai was looking around, he suddenly noticed something wrong.

Kai squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. There seemed to be a black line moving forward over there

The black line continued to move forward, swallowing up all the houses on the road.

Kai turned around and ran. If he didn't run in such a strange situation, he would not be honest but stupid.

Every few steps Kai would look back and see the black line getting closer and closer to him.

The Eight Gates of Ninjutsu open!

Chakra gushed out of Kai's body, and the blue chakra increased Kai's speed to the maximum extent.

However, even though Kai's speed increased, the distance between him and the black line was still steadily shortening.

After discovering this problem, Kai turned around in the air, stepped firmly on the ground, and stopped abruptly.

Kai wasn't sure if he could escape if he kept running like this, but he knew that his chakra wouldn't last long, and if an enemy really appeared, he would be powerless to resist.

So, instead of waiting to die helplessly, Kai decided to give it a try!

So Kai accelerated and rushed towards the black line, crashing into it.

In an instant, a feeling of weightlessness acted on Kai's body, and his whole body floated in the air, with nothing to touch.

A feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into Kai's heart.

No! I can change all this!

"Explode, my youth!"

Under Kai's control, the chakra formed a relatively condensed layer of gas around him, allowing him to stabilize his body.

Just then, Kai heard a voice. The voice had a nice timbre, but it revealed a sense of despair from the inside out.

"Your world was destroyed, and you were powerless to stop it. Your companions died, and you were powerless to stop it. Even now, you are powerless to leave here. You are just an ordinary, powerless person."

As the sound continued, the chakra around Kai's body dropped.

He searched around for the source of the sound. As long as he found the target, he would be able to get out.

The sound continues.

"The youth you love and believe in doesn't actually exist. It's just a reason you use to comfort yourself and an excuse for your inability to resist. In the final analysis, the reason for everything is that you are an ordinary person who is powerless to resist."

As the sound continued, Kai's chakra completely disappeared, and he seemed to have really turned into a villager without chakra.

"There is only one truth. Your death was caused by a car driving in the distance. This was a murder..."

The logic in the voice's words completely collapsed, and the man seemed to be talking nonsense.

But what he said became true.

In front of Kai, a one-way road suddenly appeared. On it was a large truck. The speed of the car reached the limit and it crashed towards Kai.

Kai wanted to dodge very much, but his heart kept telling him that he was just an ordinary person now and he couldn't dodge a truck traveling at that speed.

Because of this thought, Kai did not make any dodging moves from beginning to end.

The truck drove in front of Kai, and at this moment time suddenly stopped.

A strange wave enveloped Kai's whole body from the void, and time began to flow backwards.

However, as time went by, Kai's thoughts became more and more confused.

He could only hold on to his last bit of clarity and try to block out his chaotic thoughts.

Friends I have known for many years, partners I have worked hard with, and satisfied apprentices.

These figures emerged in Kai's mind little by little, and then were erased by those thoughts, but it was because of them that Kai was still able to know his identity.

In the main god space, Qi Yun felt a little uneasy, but he didn't understand what went wrong.

"Sir, sir?! What's wrong with you?" Qi Qi asked Qi Yun with concern.

Qi Yun recovered from his daze and shook his head, "Qi Qi, do you feel anything wrong?"

Qi Qi tilted her head, thought for a long time, and then shook her head, "No, everything is normal."

" can't be an illusion?" Qi Yun blinked.

Kai was in the room of the main god space, and the alarm clock rang again.

"Youth should be spent awake and working hard!" Kai turned over from the bed.

He paused, because he felt as if he had already said this today.

Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, Kai walked towards the living room, which he had converted into a training room. Only continuous training every day can keep people moving forward.