Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 84: Genetic enhancement drugs


Looking at the prompts in the main god space, Shiho pondered his choice.

Judging from the capabilities demonstrated in this place for the time being, Shiho believes that the organization's structure can be posted here for reference.

Although the winery in Conan's world is a sieve in terms of personnel, with other people's undercovers everywhere, its organizational structure is still good.

Everything that is necessary is there, and it can be mainly divided into two parts. One part is killers like Gin who are responsible for missions and protecting the organization, and the other part is people like Miyano Shiho who are responsible for research and logistics.

As someone who has studied medicine for so many years, Miyano Shiho knows very well that she is not good at fighting at all and has not learned any knowledge about fighting. So if she wants to gain enough strength to move to the winery, she still has to start with what she is good at.

Thinking of this, Miyano Shiho raised her head and said, "I accept the task."

In a flash, Miyano Shiho was teleported to the world of Resident Evil, inside the Umbrella Corporation.

The world travel is completed and the designated tasks have been issued.

Mission World: Resident Evil

World Difficulty: lv0-lv5

World Introduction: The Umbrella Corporation has been committed to developing new biological weapons that are powerful enough. The T virus developed by Dr. Charles for his daughter is in line with their ideas. The Umbrella Corporation decided to conduct biological weapon research based on the T virus.

Assigned task: Gene enhancement potion

Mission Description: As a junior researcher, you have been assigned by the Umbrella Corporation to the genetic enhancement drug research group.

Task Tips: Please do not behave beyond your status.

Mission Reward: Undetermined (distributed according to the success rate of drug development and development participation)

Mission penalty: Loss of logistics personnel qualification

Below the world introduction and mission introduction is the identity assigned to Miyano Shiho this time.

Character Template: Junior Researcher

Name: Miyano Shiho

Identity introduction: As a multidisciplinary genius girl, after completing your studies with funding from the Umbrella Corporation, you began your first research. Your work was valued by the Umbrella Corporation, and while you were being monitored by the Umbrella Corporation, you were also protected by it.

After reading the introduction of all the tasks, the words gradually faded away, and Miyano Shiho began to hear voices from the outside world.

"Dear researchers, please pay attention. The company is very dissatisfied with our current progress and has ordered us to produce suitable samples before the next quarter, otherwise everyone may end up in a bad situation."

Miyano Shiho looked towards the podium, where stood a bald, greasy middle-aged man with a name floating next to him: Taro Ite.

From the memories given by her identity, Miyano Shiho found this person, who was the leader of their research group.

Sitting in her seat, quietly listening to the research task arrangement of her team leader, Miyano Shiho did not intend to say a word. She had just arrived in this world, and the more she spoke, the easier it would be to expose herself.

Maybe it was because Miyano Shiho was very capable, or maybe it was because the company had high expectations of her, but in any case, Miyano Shiho was finally assigned to the key gene fusion group.

This group is responsible for trying to integrate the high-quality genes screened by the previous group into the T virus, and then trying to see if the external symbols of the high-quality genes can be expressed in the host through the T virus.

Following team member Miyano Shiho, they arrived at their own laboratory.

Looking at the gorgeous sci-fi equipment around her, Shiho reached out and tucked her short hair behind her ears. It seemed that research was not her first task. Her first task should be the various machines and equipment here.

Compared to here, the winery's research laboratory is just a shabby workshop.

"Shiho, what are you looking at?" said Watanabe Shumi to the dazed Miyano Shiho.

Most of their group members are Japanese, and they are a research team directly under the Japanese branch.

"No, I'm just a little nervous." Shiho said casually after coming to her senses.

"Why are you so nervous?" Shumei went to the coffee machine and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"The company attaches great importance to your training. Even if this research fails, you will not be punished. Unlike us, we will be in big trouble if we fail to complete it."

Miyano Shiho responded with a smile and said nothing.

From what Wakayama Shumei said, Miyano Shiho slightly realized the weight of her current identity. This was a miniature golden medal of immunity from death.

"V-chan, open the experimental file and prepare to record the next experiment." Shumei said after drinking her coffee.

V-chan? Miyano Shiho looked around and saw no one else, and it was said in the meeting that other people would start research tomorrow.

"Oh, V-chan is in the mainframe in front. He is a weak artificial intelligence and doesn't even have a projection program. After all, we are not taken seriously here. It may be different from the laboratory you used to stay in."

Shumei said as she looked at Miyano Shiho who hadn't gotten into the working state.

Miyano Shiho forced a smile. Weak artificial intelligence is still not taken seriously? And the same laboratory as before

She didn't even want to complain about the winery's research equipment. It was not a small workshop, it was even worse than a small workshop.

"Senior, what should I do now?"

Miyano Shiho put herself in a very low position. The technological levels of the two worlds were too far apart, and without anyone to guide her, she had no idea how to start.

"Simple. Here, do you see it there?"

Miyano Shiho looked over and saw a group of artificially raised ants.

“That’s our mission now.”

He Zhong Shumei is obviously a chatterbox.

"I don't know which genius said that ant genes are very suitable for experiments. They actually want to use ant genes to change the host's muscle structure and body structure, so as to improve strength and stress resistance. I don't know what they are thinking."

"I guess our group is doomed in the early stages. I hope other groups are making good progress."

"Ant genes?" Miyano Shiho muttered to herself.

"Yeah, you think it's ridiculous too, right?"

Miyano Shiho doesn't care about the level of nonsense. She has even developed a drug called APTX4869. Is there anything more ridiculous

She also has special skills.

He picked up the research design on the side and set the indicators of the ant gene enhancement potion as the skill standard.

A time period was popped up for Miyano Shiho's skill, and the initial estimate was one year.


Sighing inwardly, Shiho lowered all the indicators by half, shortening the time to nine months.

This time is still too long, they only have three months now.

The stability and security of the indicators were then reduced, and after many adjustments, the estimated time was finally reduced to less than three months.

The standard at this time has been reduced by more than 80% compared to the original standard. Time is tight and there is no time to care about so much. Miyano Shiho activated the skill according to this standard.