Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 86: Team building in the main god space


While Shiho Miyano was conducting research and development in the Resident Evil world in an attempt to accumulate strength to overthrow the brewery, the first collective meeting of the Marvel world was taking place in the main god space.

"Okay, everyone is here. I declare the meeting officially open." Coulson stood on the stage and spoke to the people below.

He is the host of this meeting. With him being a good guy, everyone below feels more at ease.

Those who attended the meeting included the underground emperor Kingpin, Norman, president of Osborn Bio Group, Tony Stark, president of Stark Industries, SHIELD agents Coulson, Barton, Natasha, the famous scientist/warrior Dr. Banner, the immortal legendary warrior Rogers, Asgard prince Thor, Chinese representative Zhao Jian, Russian representative Rambo, Taoist representative Lin Zhengying and so on.

It can be said that if something happens to all the people below, the combat power of the mid-level and above in the main god space will be reduced by more than half.

However, Qi Yun would never allow such a thing to happen. You have to know that these are the best laborers who bring their own dry food. They are the highest quality leeks among all leeks, so how could something go wrong

"Yesterday, the main god space issued a notice allowing the establishment of an adventure group. The minimum number of members is ten, and there is no upper limit. In addition, the first ten who submit applications do not need to submit group establishment badges. This time we have gathered everyone here to hold a meeting on this matter and discuss the precautions for establishing a group." Coulson introduced the main content of the meeting.

"The requirements for establishing an adventure group are that the members of the group must have completed five missions on average, and the leader who initiated the formation of the group must have completed three or more missions with an S rating. After the above conditions are met, a hundred thousand Lord God Points and one hundred Merit Points are paid, and the adventure group is considered to be initially established."

As Coulson read out the request, the crowd was very quiet.

Everyone has already studied this important notification from the main god space. Those who can sit down are not newcomers and are well aware of the importance of the information.

After a preliminary understanding, you will know that the threshold for establishing an adventure group is definitely not low.

Even though the main god space has appeared for some time, the number of executable tasks per person is only about three on average.

The five-time entry threshold means that at least most of the members of any adventure group must be veterans at the moment.

Marvel also called in Thor, who had just joined the team, because Tony and his team had to carry out more missions, when they formed the adventure team.

"According to statistics, the average number of missions for everyone present has exceeded five. Therefore, we have already reached the first restriction of the adventure group. The main purpose of this meeting is to select the leader of this group."

"The four people who meet the requirements are Mr. Tony Stark, the president of Stark Industries, Mr. Zhao Jian, the representative of China, Mr. Lin Zhengying, the representative of Taoist priests, and Mr. Rambo, the representative of Russia. This selection will be conducted by voting. Everyone will vote anonymously. Each person will have one vote. The one with the highest number of votes will be elected."

This kind of voting system can only be used at this time. If the Lord God Space grows a little bit, the one-person-one-vote voting system will definitely have to be changed. Otherwise, the top qualified people will suffer a lot. After working so hard for so many times, in the end, the voting rights are the same as those of a newcomer. Who can accept this

In addition, as the first world chosen by Qi Yun, the Marvel world has a relatively deep foundation. Not to mention other things, just looking at the candidates for the team leader is enough. There are four candidates, which makes those who want to establish an adventure team but can't find a leader very jealous.

While the team leader selection began here, the qualified people from other worlds were not idle either. It is true that the Marvel world is temporarily number one, but they are not the only ones in the first tier.

The Resident Evil world and the Naruto world are also the backbone sources of the main God Space. One thing that is better than Coulson's side is that they have candidates for the leader, and these candidates are not the only ones.

The only one that joined the main god space in the early stage but whose development was not very ideal was the Ice World. There was nothing that could be done about it. After all, this world had too great an inherent disadvantage. Not only was there no extraordinary power in the world, but the world itself had just recovered.

In the control room, Qi Qi was sitting next to Qi Yun and was a little worried. "Sir, once this adventure group is formed, it will be much easier for them to conduct a census of qualified people. Wouldn't Ajie's identity as a senior person be exposed?"

"So what?" Qi Yun asked back.

"Ah?" Qi Qi didn't quite understand what Qi Yun meant.

"Qi Qi, you have to know that we are not at the beginning anymore. There are some things that we don't need to hide anymore. After all, even if they find out, so what? A collective strike? I believe that many people will rush to help us solve it and thus build relationships." Qi Yun explained.

"But then Ajie and I won't be able to go out and play as we please, and it will cause a lot of trouble." Qi Qi sighed. Her favorite thing is shopping.

During this peaceful time, Qi Qi specially went to Marvel and strolled around various shopping centers. The happiness she felt was something that not everyone could understand.

"Why are you so stubborn? Your usual intelligence is gone?" Qi Yun complained. Women always have lower IQs when they are shopping.

"There is facial protection in the main god space. As long as you don't want to expose yourself, no one can know your identity. And even if you really don't want to hide it, you can just find a reason to fill the hole. It's not a big deal."

"Oh~" Qi Qi looked as if she had suddenly realized something, "Yes, yes."

Qi Yun shook his head, a little speechless, not only to Qi Qi, but also to those who were planning to establish an adventure group based on the world. It had been such a long time, and there had not been a single application. Were they all in the advanced stage of procrastination

Just as the idea came to mind, the application came in. The application of Alice and the others came in. The team composition in the Resident Evil world was a rather strange one, with two artificial intelligences and a tyrant who had regained his sanity. It was really an unusual combination.

In the following period of time, applications from the other two worlds were gradually sent in. Within one day, the main god space had three more large teams.

The adventure group in the Marvel world is called Trailblazers, and the leader is Tony Stark. The adventure group in the Resident Evil world is called True Umbrella, and the leader is Alice. The adventure group in the Naruto world is called Heritage of Flame, and the leader is the Sannin Jiraiya.

The number of teams created today is still relatively low in Qi Yun's opinion. After all, the minimum requirement for an adventure group is only ten people. Isn't there anyone else who wants to create a smaller one? The badge of exemption from creating a group for the first ten is not a small discount.