Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 90: Trailblazer Alliance


In the Pioneer Alliance office lobby, Shiho Miyano was sipping tea, waiting for the arrival of relevant personnel.

This is a two-story building covering an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. Tony rented it at a huge price against all odds. The effect it brought to them was indeed very good. Many qualified people chose to join after seeing this place.

To be honest, Tony also thought about buying it directly, but Qi Yun was deeply troubled by housing prices in his previous life, so this time he planned to bring this trouble to other people.

The price of purchasing this place is very high, and a large amount of merit points are required to purchase it. It is not something a newly established adventure group can afford. Even if all the members sell their homes and fortunes, they may not be able to raise enough funds to purchase one floor.

Miyano Shiho didn't have to wait long before Dr. Bruce Banner came over. The other leaders of the Pioneer Alliance were not in the main god space, so he was the only one suitable to receive them.

Every logistics staff member is a hot commodity. All teams are fighting overtly and covertly, just like a business melee. A large part of the credit for what the Trail Blazers Alliance has today can be attributed to Tony Stark, a logistics staff member who is not a logistics staff member.

"Hello, is this Ms. Miyano Shiho? I'm Bruce Banner, the head of the research team here."

"Hello, Mr. Banner." Miyano Shiho stood up and extended her hand to the man with a scholarly temperament.

After a gentle handshake, Banner sat opposite Miyano Shiho.

"I heard you were going to buy some professional equipment, is that right?"

"Yes, I came here just to ask if you have any business in this area?"

"Yes, we have the most complete industrial system among all the qualified people. We can manufacture most of the equipment, and the price is not high. However, I can provide you with a better choice."

"A better choice?"

"Yes, you should be a logistics staff. We now have special treatment for logistics staff. As long as you join us, we will be responsible for preparing all the equipment, and we only take one out of five for the potions or equipment produced. This is much more favorable than the main god space."

"One out of five?" Miyano Shiho was puzzled.

"Yes, you probably haven't started research and development yet. It's like this. If you use the special funds provided by the Lord God Space, the Lord God Space will give you a 2 out of 5 chance of success in manufacturing items. If the failure rate of the item is relatively high, you may even only gain some manufacturing experience."

Listening to Banner's words, Miyano Shiho carefully read the introduction of the special funds and found that it was exactly the same as he said. As expected, there is no free lunch in this world.

After thinking for a while, Miyano Shiho still decided not to join. It was not that she thought this place was not good, but she had just joined the main god space not long ago and was not familiar with all aspects. Joining rashly was not in line with her personality.

"If I don't join, will I still be able to order equipment from you?"

"Of course, it seems that Ms. Miyano Shiho is very confident in her skills. As long as you make clear requirements, we will provide you with a more favorable price.

Also, if you are interested in selling manufactured products or mission publishing rights, I assure you that the prices we offer are absolutely the highest currently available.”

"You guys really do accept everything..."

Miyano Shiho complained.

Dr. Banner smiled and didn't explain. The mission issuing authority was a good thing. He could now coexist peacefully with the Hulk in his body, thanks to a mission issued some time ago. Although it caused him to bleed heavily once, it was enough to solve the problem.

"I still need to think about other things, let's talk about the equipment first." Miyano Shiho continued.

"No problem." Banner said, taking out a stack of papers. "You can write your requirements on the paper. Since each world has different names for equipment, we will try our best to provide the equipment you specify."

Miyano Shiho nodded. So far, she had a good impression of this place and they were very considerate in their work.

After writing down the requirements, Banner picked up the list and frowned. They really couldn't handle some of the equipment on it.

For now, only Umbrella can produce the key parts of that equipment.

Through this, Banner also guessed that the world that Miyano Shiho had just experienced should be the world of Resident Evil.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Miyano Shiho asked.

"To be honest, there is a part we really can't do anything about." Banner said truthfully, "That part of the equipment should only be available at Umbrella."

"Umbrella?!" Miyano Shiho cried out in surprise. Could it be that Umbrella's power has become so great that it can travel across the world

But thinking about the few months she spent at Umbrella Corporation, Miyano Shiho was also quite confused. No matter from which perspective, Umbrella Corporation did not seem like such a strong company.

"Don't get me wrong. This umbrella group is an adventure group established by some qualified people from the Resident Evil." Banner explained, "They are the most professional when it comes to virus-related equipment."

"Where is their office location? Can you tell me? Of course it's okay if it's inconvenient." Miyano Shiho asked. She was used to using the umbrella and she didn't plan to change for the time being.

"They don't have an office building yet, they only have a residence. The rent for an office building is too expensive. We rented this place because our products are selling well." Banner said.

"But don't worry, our leader has a pretty good relationship with their leader, and we can get all the equipment you need, but it may take a little longer."

Miyano Shiho nodded to show her understanding. "Well, wouldn't it be more expensive to go through you?"

"Don't worry, that won't happen. Our products are clearly marked with prices. Unless you join them, the prices are the same," Banner continued.

This rule was not set by the Main God Space, but was made by Tony after consultation with several team leaders who also own monopoly products, in order to avoid vicious competition.

"I understand. Thank you for your help." Miyano Shiho said.

This time's equipment customization would probably cost her most of her fortune, but even so, she had no intention of joining the adventure group.

After talking with Banner for so long, Miyano Shiho had a magical idea, which was whether she could create an adventure team related to her world.

Of course, before implementing this idea, Miyano Shiho still needs to understand the expenses and income of establishing an adventure team, the necessary conditions for ultimately achieving profits, the minimum liquidity that needs to be maintained, and so on.

In the ordinary world, opening a milk tea shop is not an easy task, let alone creating an adventure team in the main god space.

If they are not well prepared, the hastily formed adventure group can easily end up like most milk tea shops, opening with great fanfare but closing in silence.

Things like starting a business and managing a team are not something that ordinary people can handle.