Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 91: Investigate prices


After coming out of the Pioneer Alliance, Miyano Shiho began to stroll along the trading square, analyzing the prices here.

There were many qualified people setting up stalls to sell equipment in the square. Most of the equipment on sale were white and green. She had never seen any blue-level equipment.

Among these equipments, firearms are the most numerous. The bullets are consumables, and some bullets must be customized from the main god space. Therefore, if there are substitutes, qualified people will generally put this type of equipment out for sale.

Overall, most white items are within 1,000 points. The only one that exceeds 1,000 points is a heavy machine gun, which has the additional attributes of increased stability and 1 point of strength, and the side effect of reducing agility by 1 point and a certain movement speed.

This equipment is absolutely useful in defense, especially when defending a stronghold in the Resident Evil world, so there are a lot of people gathered around, but the price is indeed a bit high, so there has been a stalemate.

"Aren't there any items that can increase attributes? How am I supposed to set the price?" Miyano Shiho muttered.

Hearing her words, the person next to her brightened up his eyes and came over.

"Friend, I have some equipment with added attributes, can you take it out and see it?" The man looked a bit like a second-hand dealer.

Miyano Shiho looked this person up and down and felt that he was not a senior qualified candidate. "What is your budget?"

"Who asks for the budget directly? Friend, show me your equipment and I'll take a look and give you a quote." The man said with a licking face.

Miyano Shiho hesitated for a moment, then sent him the information about Ant Type II.

The man's expression changed instantly, and his face was full of flattery.

"Master, your potion is really effective. I am willing to pay 3,000 points plus one merit point. I know this may be a little low, but I can help you set a price that is easy to sell and suitable." The man patted his chest and said, "I am also a bit famous in this square, and I will definitely not set the wrong price."

Miyano Shiho thought about it and decided that it was not a good idea to drag it on like this. It would take a long time for her to check them one by one, and it would not be comprehensive. It would be best to have someone reliable.

"Well, we can sign a contract. As long as you can help me set a suitable price, I agree to sell you one at the previous price." Miyano Shiho said.

"No problem, follow me." The man said with a smile.

"My name is Ma Huayun. Before I joined the Lord God Space, I was a businessman. I was doing middleman business, so I am more sensitive to prices." Ma Huayun brought Miyano Shiho to his lounge, and then took out a large stack of papers. "Here are the prices of various items that I collected. They will be helpful for this pricing."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll cut off your business after I find out?" asked Miyano Shiho.

"You won't. No logistics staff would look down on such a small business." Ma Huayun smiled as if he saw through everything. "Besides, I have cooperated with various adventure groups to provide them with the latest price information. If you want to know, you don't have to come to me to pirate it."

Miyano Shiho nodded, "Then tell me about it."

"Okay, currently there are very few channels to directly increase attributes in the main god space. Apart from the blank attribute points obtained from tasks, there is basically nothing else. According to the data I collected, the price of a blank attribute point that increases one point below ten points is more than ten thousand points. However, since there is no way to buy and sell, the price will only be higher.

As a potion, since it adds one or two specified attributes, the price will be much lower than a blank attribute point. Taking into account the possibility of multiple growth, the most likely price of a bottle of potion should be around 10,000 Lord God Points. "

Ma Huayun said very confidently that as a person who was preparing to make a fortune from this, he believed that the absolute difference in his estimate would not be too great.

"Is that all you say? Is there no data to support it?" Miyano Shiho asked. She didn't quite trust this person.

"Of course." Ma Huayun said as he placed several documents in front of Miyano Shiho.

"This contract increases intelligence by three points, speed by two points, and physique by one point. The upper limit is 13. The side effect is that you have to accept an additional task from the devil for the next three tasks. If you fail to complete it, your soul will be gone. So the final price is 30,000 Lord God Points plus two points of merit."

"The one on top is the one that increases the most attribute points known so far. The one on the bottom is mid-range. It's a blue-quality arm guard that increases two attribute points. It comes with a skill that grants an extra point of strength and a point of physique when the health is below 50%. The side effect is that it reduces agility and makes you more susceptible to anger."

"The final price is 10,000 Lord God points plus two points of merit. I just set the price for you based mainly on this." Ma Huayun's mouth was like a machine gun, never stopping.

"Based on this, how did you come up with a price of 10,000?" Miyano Shiho couldn't find the logic in his words.

"It's like this. As a potion specifically for mortals, your base price should be higher than equipment that adds the same value attribute. However, the limit on the attribute increase of the potion limits the upper limit of the price. Considering the basic income of most qualified people in the current main god space, the price is set at 10,000. When everyone's income increases, there is still room for the price of the potion to rise."

"In addition, if someone is willing to pay for merit points, I suggest that the price can be relaxed a bit. The current exchange rate of merit points for main god points in the market is 3500:1, but merit points are not in demand." Ma Huayun analyzed.

Listening to Ma Huayun's words, Miyano Shiho started to think, this logistics staff member's identity is really powerful, two thousand main god points can be exchanged for five portions of raw materials, taking into account the success rate, she can make at least three potions from the five portions of materials, minus the two portions given to the main god space, Miyano Shiho still makes a lot of money.

"I think you are quite professional, but can you explain to me what the mortal level means?" Miyano Shiho asked, lifting her hair.

"Oh, that's right. I don't know where the news came from, but those with a maximum attribute below 10 points are considered mortals, and those with a maximum attribute below 21 points are considered to be in the extraordinary stage. Of course, this is just the result of the constant attribute." Ma Huayun said, "The function of your potion is basically to lay the foundation. This level of attribute can still be increased as long as you work hard, which is why the price can't be raised."

"What you said makes sense. If I had the path of training, I might not have spent such a high price to buy the medicine." Miyano Shiho felt that what Ma Huayun said made some sense.

"You don't have to worry too much. Exercise is not that easy. It takes a long time and the effect is uncertain. Especially for the 9 or 10 point attributes, it is difficult to get them by exercise alone. So the market is still huge." Ma Huayun started talking nonsense again, making Miyano Shiho dizzy, but what this person said seemed to be very right.