Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 94: The final disk


At night, after Ayumi Enta and others went home, Conan, Haibara Ai and Professor Agasa were the only ones left in the room.

"Doctor, can you tell me now?" Conan asked while sitting on the sofa.

Huihara Ai reached out to stop Dr. Agasa who wanted to explain, then looked at Conan and slowly spoke, "The matter is also very simple. The organization killed my sister, so I took the same medicine as you and escaped from it."

"Haha." Conan sneered twice, "It's quite simple."

After saying that, he jumped off the sofa and prepared to call the police station.

"Conan. What are you doing?!" Dr. Agasa stood up and stopped him.

"Doctor, let him fight. After being exposed, he should be able to withstand the organization's pursuit anyway." Huibara Ai didn't even move. She sat on the sofa reading a fashion magazine.

"What do you mean?" Conan turned around and looked at Haibara Ai and said.

"The organization will not let go of anyone who might expose them, so there should be people out there hunting us down right now." Huihara Ai turned a page and continued, "Originally I set your record as death, but now that I've defected, the record may be reviewed."

"No matter what, I will never let a murderer go unpunished!" Conan said very righteously.

"Really? What about Gin?" Haibara Ai put down the magazine in her hand and looked at Conan coldly.


"The murderer who killed my sister, the organization has recorded the process of that mission. You are so capable, why don't you catch him?" Huiyuan Ai became more and more excited as she spoke, "If you could have caught him earlier, my sister wouldn't have died!"

Conan then realized that the sister of the person in front of him was Hirota Masami who died in front of him. Conan didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, Haibara Ai's logic is invalid. Conan is neither a policeman nor a soldier, and it is not his obligation to save people. Miyano Akemi's death has nothing to do with him directly. However, as a detective, Conan still doesn't know how to answer this question.

"Then you are not wrong?!" Conan shook his head, then pointed at Huihara Ai and said loudly, "You are the executioner who invented poison!"

“APTX4869 is not a poison.”


"That's the number of the medicine you're taking. It was invented to prolong human life, but it was used for murder before it was even invented." Haibara Ai said as she poured herself a cup of tea.

She was indeed a little bit dizzy just now, but she was able to remain calm most of the time, except for things related to Miyano Akemi.

"Do you think this can wash away your sins?" Conan was still not ready to accept Haibara Ai.

"I'm just stating the facts. A mistake is always a mistake and nothing can change it. If you want to call the police, go ahead." Huibara Ai said as she walked into the basement alone, her figure lonely and indifferent.

Conan watched her slowly disappearing figure and came to the phone.

Dr. Agasa has been persuading him, "Shinichi, Huiyuan Ai is different from us. She has no right to choose at all. We can choose to be good people, but she can't. Do you understand?"

"I know, I will tell you everything in court." Conan said but did not pick up the phone.

"You have to arrest all the members of that organization in court, and then you can change back!" Dr. Agasa said immediately, "Even if you are not afraid, what about the others? That is an organization that kills without blinking an eye, don't be impulsive!"

Conan did not respond. He seemed to be struggling with the detective's sense of justice in his heart.

What should I do? Should I call the police

Conan was hesitant, and Dr. Agasa was looking at Conan nervously.


"You're not going to call the police?!"

"No, I haven't thought about it yet. Please call Uncle Maori... Ugh, call Maori Kogoro. I won't go there today." Conan said and walked towards the basement, "I want to talk to her."

"No problem, just talk nicely and don't quarrel." Dr. Agasa followed.

Haibara Ai sat in front of the computer in the basement, looking helpless. The performance of this broken computer was too low. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Conan opened the door of the basement and walked in.

"Great Detective, have you made a decision? When will the police arrive?" Haibara Ai said with her back to Conan.

"I didn't call the police." Conan said as he sat down on the stairs going down. "I don't have enough evidence, and what you said makes sense, but I will keep an eye on you until everything is over!"

"How does it feel to find excuses for yourself?" Huiyuan Ai said, turning around and looking at Conan who was sitting there, "I have been doing this for many years."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you really want to atone your sins, give me the antidote. I will contact professionals to protect everyone. You can also be a witness." Conan said.

"Antidote, there is no antidote." Huibara Ai shook her head.

"What do you mean? Aren't you the one who made this thing?"

"I am right, but in the organization, I have never researched an antidote because they don't need it. Besides, do you think you can make medicine just by thinking about it? How can I do it without equipment and previous data?" Haibara Ai said.

Conan was stunned for a moment, "There must be one where you used to work, tell me where it is!"

"Don't think about it. Aren't all the people in the organization fools? The pharmaceutical factory was burned down a long time ago. It was said that the fire was caused by a short circuit in the wires." Haibara Ai continued.

"This... Does it mean I can only develop it from scratch?" Conan was very distressed. He now hated his shrunken self very much, and he hated his identity Conan even more.

"It won't take too long." Huibara Ai turned around and said. After all, she had already joined the main god space. Relying on the advanced equipment there, recovering APTX4869 would be very fast, and it would not take too much time to make a targeted antidote.

"Wait, there seems to be a place with drug information. I mixed it in with the floppy disk my sister sent me. It's interesting, those were originally just photos of her travel, and I sent it to the wrong place, which led to the drug information leaking out. I never thought that one day they might be useful." Huibara Ai said, dragging her chin.

"Then we can go to your sister's house to look for her. Where does she live?" Conan asked.

"It's useless. When my sister died, the apartment she lived in had already been vacated by the organization, and the things inside had long since been disposed of. But she said that the travel photos were saved on a floppy disk by a professor at her university, so maybe they can be found there." Huibara Ai recalled.

"What's the professor's name?"

"A professor at Nanyang University, Hirota Masayoshi, but I don't know where he lives."

"You can find out by just making a phone call." Conan said and turned and walked out of the basement, followed closely by Haibara Ai.