Marvel Rise of Lord God

Chapter 98: Bagua mirror


"Brother, that man seems to be following us." Vodka saw through the rearview mirror that Luo Yi was jumping around on the tall building behind them, and he looked like a ghost.

Gin peeked out, then put his head back in, "Vodka, get rid of him."

"No problem, boss!" Vodka used his hands and feet, stepped on the accelerator and started to speed. "I used to be a well-known figure in the drag racing gang. If I hadn't lost to a guy who used an AE86 to transport tofu that year and left his own car logo, I would not have joined the organization!"

As Vodka finished speaking, the car started turning left and right frantically on the road, causing many people to stop and curse. At this moment, countless road rage sufferers appeared in the world again.

Gin looked at Vodka's increasingly perverted smile and wondered whether he should change his partner after returning to the organization. This partner seemed a little unreliable. He heard that there was a person in the organization with the code name Rye Whiskey who seemed very powerful. He could consider it.

Just when Gin was considering whether to partner with Shuichi Akai, Luo Yi found that the target vehicle was getting farther and farther away, and the nearby buildings were uneven. In this case, if he wanted to catch up with it, unless he could be given a spider silk launcher that allowed him to swing around in the tall buildings, it would be better not to dream about it.

After chasing for a while, Luo Yi stopped reluctantly. At this time, he couldn't even see Vodka's taillights.

"Uncle Jiu, it's over, I lost him." Luo Yi said helplessly.

"Lost them? Don't worry, I'll be there soon. Keep imagining what those two people look like in your mind, and don't forget, I have a way to catch up." Lin Zhengying replied in a hurried voice, and from the sound of it he seemed to be running.

Soon, the two met on the rooftop, and Lin Zhengying bought an empty wine jar on the way there.

"You haven't forgotten it, have you?" Lin Zhengying asked as soon as he came up.

"No." Luo Yi shook his head. He closed his eyes, and the images of vodka and gin kept rising and falling in his mind.

"Open your eyes!"

Following Lin Zhengying's shout, Luo Yi opened his eyes, and right in front of his eyes was the mouth of the jar.

Lin Zhengying held the jar in his right hand, and grabbed the air in front of Luo Yi with his left hand, as if he had caught Luo Yi's sight in his hand, and then threw it into the jar.

A green light flashed on the surface of the jar.

After doing this, Lin Zhengying took out the Bagua mirror from his arms, pointed the middle mirror at the bright moon, chanted a spell, pointed the middle finger of his right hand at the moon, and the moonlight slowly gathered to his fingertips along the air.

Afterwards, Lin Zhengying touched the Bagua mirror with his finger, and the moonlight poured into the Bagua mirror. Then he placed the Bagua mirror on the mouth of the jar.

The cold moonlight emanated from the Bagua mirror, and at this moment the Bagua mirror and the jar became one.

"Is this all right?" Luo Yi asked while squatting on the side.

"Just a little bit more." Lin Zhengying said as he tapped the back of the Bagua mirror. The Bagua mirror began to spin wildly, absorbing all the scenes extracted from Luo Yi's eyes.

"Done." Lin Zhengying picked up the Bagua mirror, and the jar broke into pieces.

"How do I use this thing?" Luo Yi asked curiously.

"It's very simple." Lin Zhengying's palm passed over the Bagua mirror, and something like a pointer shot out from the mirror, pointing in a direction.

"They are at that location now." Lin Zhengying pointed in the direction of the pointer and said.

"Then I'll go chase him now!" Luo Yi said as he was about to set off.

"Don't be anxious, there is still something to do!" Lin Zhengying stopped Luo Yi.

"What else?"

"Please pick up the garbage on the ground. Littering is very unethical." Lin Zhengying said, raising his head towards the broken pieces of the jar.


... ...

Almost ten minutes had passed by the time Luo Yi threw the garbage into the trash can. There are too few trash cans in Japan and they are too hard to find.

"Uncle Jiu, it's been so long, can we still catch up?" Luo Yi asked a little depressed.

"Yes." Lin Zhengying placed the Bagua mirror in front of Luo Yi's eyes. "Those two people are now circling. They haven't run far. Let's take a taxi to chase them. It's too obvious if they run away."

"Okay." Luo Yi nodded, then paused, "I have to pay again?"

"Yes, I only have ghost money. Why don't you go and ask Japanese drivers if they accept this stuff?" Lin Zhengying took out ghost money from his pocket and handed it to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi rolled his eyes and took out his wallet from his pocket. "No wonder you didn't exchange the universal currency points. It turns out you were planning to keep using my money. Besides, the exchange rate for universal currency points in the main god space is too low. I'm losing money."

On the other side, Vodka and Gin were galloping on their horses.

"Brother, not only have we shaken off the pursuer, but we haven't even seen a single traffic policeman." Vodka said, "Should we continue to go around in circles?"

"Keep going, we haven't gotten rid of it yet." Gin said with his eyes closed. Ten minutes ago, he suddenly had a feeling that he was being targeted. As a killer, he trusted his intuition very much. It had saved him more than once.

"It's not a good idea to drive like this. The car doesn't have enough gas." Vodka reminded.

"You didn't fill up the gas tank when you came out?"

"No, the organization is too slow in reissuing the oil, and the oil is used up too quickly." Vodka muttered. As Gin's foundation, he was a younger brother of a younger brother. The money he got for completing a mission was already little, and on top of that, a large sum of money was deducted from him when Miyano Shiho defected from the organization.

"Then stop the car. I suspect there is a tracker in the car," said Gin.

"You should have said it earlier," Vodka muttered, "We've been running for so long, we need to refuel soon."

After stopping the car, Gin and Vodka checked it inside and out many times, but they didn't see any tracker, not even any animal hair.

But Gin's premonition became stronger and stronger, as if the pursuers were getting closer and closer to them.

"Vodka, go to the old place." Gin ordered.

"Oh, okay." Vodka got in the car, turned the front of the car and started driving in another direction.


"Uncle Jiu, the pointer moved again." Luo Yi said.

"Are you going to change direction again? Can't you tell me what your destination is?" asked the taxi driver.

"Why do you care so much? You are using the meter, and the fare won't be reduced by a penny." Luo Yi retorted. When he mentioned the fare, he felt his wallet crying again. The fare in Japan was so expensive that he almost wanted to drive a taxi here.

"That's right, then you can give them whatever you want." The driver immediately realized that the longer these two people stayed in the car, the more money he would earn, so there was nothing to be afraid of.