Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 100: Revenge on Humanity


After being injected with lizard serum, the strength of individual lizardmen varies greatly. The more compatible they are with the lizard genes, the stronger their wills are, and the stronger their physique is before the injection, the stronger their strength will be after they are transformed into lizardmen.

Dr. Connors is the first Lizard Man and almost the weakest Lizard Man. He was just a scholar with no combat experience before being injected with Lizard Serum.

The disabled soldiers on the battlefield are usually the ones fighting on the front lines, with the strongest will and the most experience. After being injected with the lizard serum, almost everyone of them can easily kill the lizard-like Connors.

Abandoned by his comrades, Winston Johnson spent six months in a Taliban dungeon. When he was rescued, there was not a single piece of good flesh left on his body.

Burns, whip marks and knife wounds, the Taliban used every possible means to torture this tough fighter. When the soldiers who came to rescue found Winston Johnson, they didn't believe he was still alive.

He survived thanks to his extremely strong desire to live, even though he could only lie on the hospital bed like a corpse, relying on various life-sustaining devices to keep himself alive.

Colonel Johnson longed for revenge, and he wanted to inflict the pain he had experienced on all of humanity. After being injected with lizard serum, he did not resist the evil thoughts that arose in his body, but instead actively merged with the evil thoughts.

This made him the undisputed strongest of all the Lizardmen.

When Peter Parker faced Colonel Johnson, his spider sense immediately warned him that the lizard man in front of him was far more ferocious and powerful than the one on the Brooklyn Bridge.

The next moment, his body tilted sharply.

There was a sound of metallic friction that seemed to pierce the eardrums, and a bloody wind blew over the ground. Half of the police car behind Peter Parker was torn apart by the hook claw.

Although the New York City Police Department prepared an old-fashioned Crown Victoria, it was modified when it was deployed, with armor plates added to some important parts to allow the police to gain the upper hand in a firefight with criminals.

The strongest part was the car door, but Colonel Johnson tore it to pieces like a piece of paper.

"So fast... This speed... It's simply too fast!"

Peter Parker wiped the blood from his cheek. His hood was torn. Even with superhuman dynamic vision, he could only see a blurry shadow.

Before he could even breathe a sigh of relief, he supported himself with one hand and did a clean backflip, avoiding the whistling tail.

Colonel Johnson's powerful tail directly created an explosion in the air. The powerful blow directly cracked the concrete road surface.

If an ordinary person was picked, he would be shattered to pieces.

Colonel Johnson gave a sinister grin and launched another attack. His huge body was unexpectedly agile, and his claws were aimed at Peter's vital points.

Peter Parker clenched his fists, and before he could say anything, he was speechless because of the sharp claws that came towards him. He dodged back and forth between the claws in a thrilling manner. The sharp claws scratched the air, making a sharp whistle, and almost every time they brushed against his body.


Peter was caught off guard and was hit in the face by Colonel Johnson's tail. He flew more than ten meters away and hit the wall of a building on the street.

The violent impact directly shattered the granite tiles on the wall, and Peter was stuck on the wall.

"Poor guy, his skull must be broken."

Colonel Johnson walked up to Peter Parker, his long tail wagging.

"He's still alive. He looks like a promising talent, qualified to be my companion."

Peter Parker suddenly jumped up from the wall, jumped behind Colonel Johnson, punched him in the back of the head, then grabbed his head and slammed it to the ground.


He shouted, grabbed one of Colonel Johnson's hands, swung it twice and threw it out hard like a hammer.


Colonel Johnson crashed right through the outer wall and fell into the rubble.

Peter gasped, his hands trembling slightly. Blood soaked his hood, and half of his face was almost beaten to pieces. He jumped into the room and stomped on Colonel Johnson's head.

He knew very well that these lizardmen had very strong recovery abilities, and the only way to kill them was to smash their heads.

A sharp claw grabbed Peter's foot and an angry expression appeared on Colonel Johnson's face. Although he was almost uninjured, it was the first time he was beaten so badly after turning into a lizard man.


He swung Peter Parker to the ground, and after several swings, he punched through the floor. Peter's tights were torn to pieces, and his body was covered with bruises.

Colonel Johnson grabbed his head and squeezed it hard, causing Peter Parker to scream. He carried Peter's body and walked to the street.

"I'm giving you a chance to join us, boy. Go kill that policeman and you'll be one of our new humans."

He pointed at George Stacy and loosened his grip, setting Peter Parker free.

"You are still very young. If you kill him, you won't have to die."

George Stacy looked at this scene, suddenly threw away the shotgun in his hand, and looked directly at Peter Parker. The mask on Peter's face was already in tatters, revealing half of his face.

He found that this Spider-Man was indeed just a half-grown child. The Lizard Man was too powerful, and everyone on the scene would die. If he could exchange his life for this child, it might be a good choice.

"Kids, I'm old, and you are the future of mankind."

Peter lowered his head and remained silent. Suddenly, he turned around and kicked Colonel Johnson.

He did not have the abnormal recovery ability of the Lizard Man. Most of his bones were broken, and he kicked out completely by willpower.

"I worked hard to train, not to be with monsters like you!"


Colonel Johnson roared angrily, swung his long tail, and slapped Peter to the ground like a fly. He wrapped his tail around Peter's neck and lifted him up in the air.

"I gave you a chance! But you wasted it! Who do you think turned us into this? Humans are the most evil and cruel creatures on this earth. They oppress and exploit their own kind, and even torture them for fun. They even develop technology just to kill their own kind more efficiently, making this planet a mess. We, the new humans, are the future!"

Peter Parker struggled desperately, trying to break free from the long tail that was tightening like a steel cable. His neck was almost broken.

"No... these are not representative of all human beings..."

"Then tell me who can truly represent humanity. Is it you, a small character wearing a mask who dares not show your true face, or Norman Osborn, the chairman of the Osborn Group and one of the top ten richest people in the world, who can better represent humanity? Boy, you are too naive and have too little experience. You have never really seen the dark side of humanity."

Colonel Johnson grinned, an expression of hatred on his face.

"If I take you to see the horrific scenes in the secret laboratories of the Osborn Group, I wonder if you can still say such naive words. We have only killed a few people so far, which is nothing compared to Norman Osborn."


Colonel Johnson's chest was suddenly pierced. He looked down at the hideous wound in disbelief.