Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 110: Heading to North Dakota


"How did they find the missile silo and destroy the outermost silo cover?"

As a retired Marine Corps sergeant, Bob Eagle is familiar with the United States' triad nuclear strike system.

The Minuteman III is currently the only land-based intercontinental ballistic missile in the United States. The Peacekeeper intercontinental ballistic missile was retired in 2005. The existing missiles are stored in three air force bases, namely Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming, and Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.

Responsible for protecting these deadly nuclear warheads are the 90th Space Wing, the 91st Space Wing and the 341st Space Wing.

The ICBMs, which seem to be the most important weapons of the country, are not actually well guarded. For example, the 91st Security Force of the 91st Space Wing has only 700 people, and needs to guard 15 missile silos and 150 ICBMs distributed in 8,500 square miles.

Because personnel need to be rotated, there will be three days of rotation and one day of training after four days of security guard missions, and only ten staff members are arranged for each missile launcher. Six guards, a silo manager, a cook and a two-person launch team are responsible for the ten "Minuteman 3" land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles in the silo.

The guarding force seems to be very weak, but these missile silos have never had any problems. The recent major safety accidents were only a box of rifle grenades left behind by the 91st Space Wing when traveling between two launch silos, and a fire in a fake launch silo when it was unattended.

This is because the US military set up a large number of fake missile silos among the fifteen real missile silos. Some of the fake silos are even two or three kilometers away from residential areas and are included in Google Street View.

The attacking Lizardmen were able to find the real missile silo so easily, obviously they were not ordinary people.

The missile silo cover is 115.4 centimeters thick, with 90 centimeters of ordinary reinforced concrete and 25.4 centimeters of borate radiation-proof reinforced concrete. It weighs 105 tons and has a compressive capacity of 7 MPa. Even if terrorists discover the real missile silo, they cannot destroy such a solid silo cover.

"We will first go to Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. You will know after reading the information on the scene. The attackers took away the MK-21 carrier of the Minuteman 3. The W83 nuclear warhead inside has a power of 475,000 tons. We must find it as soon as possible!"

Due to the treaty between the United States and Russia on further reducing and limiting offensive strategic weapons, the Minuteman 3 converted the MK-12A vehicle into the MK-21 single-warhead model during the mid-term improvement. This reduced the difficulty of their search, otherwise it would be a nightmare to find several smaller sub-missile warheads without any clue.

If this warhead explodes over downtown New York City, the shock wave will even affect nearby Jersey City, and the entire downtown New York City will be reduced to a sea of fire and ruins.

Although the Pentagon does not believe that the attackers can unlock the keys and safety devices set on the nuclear warheads, SHIELD still has to do its best to ensure that the worst situation does not happen.

A huge Quinjet stopped on the lawn outside the hospital. Peter Parker and Bob Yeager walked into the cabin, looking at the various advanced equipment inside the fighter like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

The Quinjet activated stealth mode and disappeared directly into the air. The fuselage shook for a while and was suspended in the air under the powerful power of the two engines. The jet at the tail of the fighter jet sprayed bright flames, driving the fighter jet to accelerate and climb rapidly, flying towards North Dakota.

The nuclear warhead is very large and heavy, making it difficult to move. After receiving the news, SHIELD immediately blocked all major traffic arteries in North Dakota. The nuclear warhead must still be in the state.

Other SHIELD agents had already rushed to Minot Air Force Base in advance. Natasha came to New York specifically to take Bob Yeager and Peter Parker away.

Without their help, even the elite SHIELD agents might not be able to fight against the mysterious lizard man.

Bob Eagle looked at the ground passing by at high speed in surprise. Having been discharged from the army for less than a year, he was quite familiar with the weapons and equipment currently in service in the US military. Not to mention the air combat capability of this fighter, its optical stealth capability and vertical take-off and landing capability alone were at least 30 years ahead of the US military.

Natasha turned on the 3D projection in the cabin of the Quinjet and began playing the video captured by the camera inside the silo.

The Lizardmen destroyed most of the cameras, but a recently installed camera managed to survive and recorded this precious video.

The lizard man in the video was much thinner than an ordinary person, and did not have the exaggerated muscles like those lizard men in the New York City riots. His tail was also shorter, with a sharp and terrifying dorsal fin.

He stood on a personal aircraft that looked like a skateboard, laughing wildly as he attacked the armed men in the silo.

"Do you have any impression?"

Natasha asked.

"I have no impression. He is completely different from all other lizardmen. At least we don't have such exaggerated dorsal fins. Maybe it's because we are a different species of lizard."

Cade Eagle shook his head.

"Because of the differences in genes and body size of each creature, the parameters in the attenuation rate formula need to be adjusted when making the serum. The attenuation rate formula is only known by people in the cross-species gene transplantation project. If this lizard man used a different species of lizard, we can easily find clues about this lizard man through the project team."

Peter Parker said, his mind was very clear and he immediately provided a very crucial clue.

The cross-species gene transplantation project made a breakthrough only after he provided Professor Connors with the decay rate formula. There are only a few people who have the ability to produce animal serum.

"This clue is extremely important! I will report to the headquarters and ask them to investigate everyone in the project team. Do you have any suspects?"

Natasha was a little excited. The Osborne Group evaded the question by saying that all the experimental data had been stolen by a group of unknown armed men pretending to be security guards. Even a three-year-old child would not believe such a lame lie.

Because of this, they knew very little about this mysterious project and had no idea that making lizard serum was not as simple as they imagined.

"Dr. Rada, he is Professor Connors' assistant, but he represents the interests of the Osborne Group and has a bad relationship with everyone in the project team."

The first person Peter Parker thought of was Dr. Radha.

"I suspect he was the source of all that lizard serum that showed up at the VA hospital in New York City."