Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 115: food


"Silence! Silence!"

The judge banged the gavel to quiet everyone down. Unfortunately, the court was still in uproar. Just now, the directors of Osborne Group were found not guilty. They provided decisive evidence, Norman Osborne's medical records, his personal doctor, and the search report of the basement of Osborne Manor.

The directors spent a huge amount of manpower and finally found Norman Osborn's personal doctor, pried open his mouth, and made him testify in court.

According to his private doctor, Norman Osborn suffers from a serious family genetic disease that has long been incurable. According to the medical records cracked from the database, he was diagnosed with the genetic disease 20 years ago. He has been looking for a way to cure himself.

The cross-species gene transplantation project is his lifeline.

In the basement of Osborn Manor, the New York police also discovered an extremely advanced biochemical laboratory, and based on the experimental records, determined that the laboratory had just produced an unknown serum.

The evidence was so strong, and the lawyers hired by the Osborne Group had extensive defense experience, that the directors were acquitted. The Osborne Group also escaped, only having some insignificant businesses split off, and the laboratory for the cross-species gene transfer project was closed, and all the data was destroyed.

The audience in the courtroom could not accept this absurd ending at all and were very excited.

Because of the Lizardmen, New York City lost thirty-four police officers and more than two hundred ordinary citizens, and yet these senior executives of the Osborn Group were able to get away with it so easily and continue to live their dissolute upper-class life.

They didn't even bother to bow and apologize!

The directors celebrated.

"The celebration party is ready."

"I've been under too much pressure recently. I need to release some pressure."

"You should be more careful about your wife, Ben."


With a loud bang, a van suddenly crashed through the wall of the court, rolling the judge, who had not yet reacted, under the ground.

Everyone had no time to react, and just stared blankly at the van that suddenly appeared. What happened? Did the driver step on the wrong brake

The door of the van was suddenly kicked open, and a huge lizard man with black scales crawled out of the car.


He said to everyone in the court with a grin.

There was a commotion in the courthouse, and the screams of the ladies almost blew off the roof. A bailiff tried to pull out his pistol and shoot, but before he could pull the trigger, he was shot into a rag bag by Colonel Johnson.

"Silence! Silence!"

He raised a finger and pressed it against the lizard-like snout, and his incredibly long tongue came out.

"My target is not you, but them."

Colonel Johnson pointed his sharp claws at the directors of the Osborne Group.

One of the directors' legs went limp, and his pants were soaked with smelly urine. The other directors also turned pale and tried to escape from the court.

But how could they run faster than the Lizardmen

Colonel Johnson pounced forward like a giant lizard, pinned down two directors, and swung his long tail, knocking the other directors to the ground.

He deliberately used a lot of force, and the directors were knocked down like bowling balls, knocking over a row of tables and chairs, and breaking bones.

A director was screaming while holding his broken leg. The bone had pierced his skin. He looked at the scene in horror and burst into tears, with snot and tears flowing out together.

Colonel Johnson threw the two directors to the ground, causing them to scream in pain.

"Never mind, never mind, my friends, these are only minor injuries. I have a potion that will heal you instantly."

As he spoke, he turned around and took down an insulated box from the car, with neatly arranged medicines inside.

"Lizard...Lizard serum..."

The directors immediately recognized these as the lizard serum that had gotten the Osborne Group into such trouble.

“You…what are you going to do?!”

Colonel Johnson stuck out his tongue and licked his upper lip.

"Of course I want to heal you."

He emphasized the word cured, a word doctors at the New York City Veterans Hospital used when they injected them with lizard serum.

“Save…save us!”

A director turned his head in despair and looked at the other people in the courtroom. The onlookers avoided his gaze in silence.

"You untouchables, all of you will die miserably!"

He cursed hysterically and was picked up by Colonel Johnson in despair. The needle was inserted into his vein and pushed all the way in. After being injected with the drug, he felt dizzy and fainted on the ground.

"no no!"

When the other directors saw this scene, they were so scared that they pissed their pants and crawled on the ground, trying to get away from Colonel Johnson.

"Ha, it seems like you're already familiar with life after becoming a lizard man."

Colonel Johnson laughed as he captured them one by one and injected them with lizard serum. These pampered rich people were as weak as babies in his hands.

Not long after, the directors fell unconscious under the effect of the serum and lay on the ground.

"Sir, why are you using precious lizard serum on these rubbish?"

A Navy SEAL who has transformed into a lizard man is somewhat dissatisfied. In his opinion, these lizard serums can create more companions.

These directors have no potential, and even with the use of lizard serum, they do not have much fighting power.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Colonel Johnson's eyes turned cold, and the lizard man fell to his knees in fear.

These Navy SEAL veterans did not dare to resist Colonel Johnson before they turned into lizard people, and they were even more afraid after they turned into lizard people.

Colonel Johnson has a certain kind of leadership aura; he is the king of the Lizardmen.

There were shrill sirens outside the courtroom. The New York City police received the call and surrounded the entire courthouse.

"Winston! You have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and raise your hands in surrender!"

Colonel Johnson stared at the unconscious directors with his cold vertical pupils, not taking the police outside seriously at all.

"You go teach these policemen a lesson and let them know that the Lizardmen are unstoppable!"

At his command, the lizardmen fanatically filed out of the courtroom and pounced on the police outside.

Perhaps because of his weak constitution, he was more easily eroded by the lizard genes. An old director quickly grew brown-green scales, expanded in size, and turned into a lizard man.

He opened his eyes and looked timidly at Colonel Johnson.

"King... Please allow me to be your strength..."

Before he could finish his pledge of allegiance, Winston bit him on the neck.

The sharp teeth cut the aorta, and the smelly blood gushed into Winston's throat like a fountain.

"As you wish, become my strength!"