Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 17: Wolf Fang Wind Fist!


The department store near the safe house was high enough to command the entire street nearby, with an excellent view. Wade sat on a recliner, flipping through a copy of Playboy out of boredom. Alejandro held a pair of binoculars, observing the movements on the street.

He had received professional training from the CIA and discovered the cameras and bugs in the safe house at the first opportunity.

Isabella Reyes was transferred to another safe place, but Alejandro was not sure whether the person who installed the camera was the Mata Group, the Reyes Group or the CIA, so he chose a secret location that only he knew.

Broly volunteered to stay as bait, trying to figure out who the watcher was. Otherwise, if someone was always watching from behind, his actions would be like a thorn in his back, and he would have to be on guard against a knife stabbing from behind.

"A convoy has appeared. It's very suspicious. Hurry up! In the deep area of C area, three black SUVs are approaching from afar."

Alejandro suddenly became alert.

Wade threw the Playboy in his hand away, picked up the M40A3 sniper rifle, and placed it on the parapet on the roof of the department store.

The two had a competition of shooting skills. Although Alejandro was very reluctant to admit it, Wade's sniping skills were indeed better than his. So Alejandro was the observer and Wade was the sniper.

Wade observed the convoy coming down the street through the scope.

"Ha, Cadre, you don't look like a good person at first glance."

(Full-size SUVs such as the Cadillac are usually used as vehicles for villains in movies.)

“Be more vigilant.”

Alejandro said to Wade, looking at the range card.

Sniping is a comprehensive skill that needs to consider factors such as distance, bullet type, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and target type. Even the sniper's blood pressure and heart rate can affect whether the bullet can hit the target.

A range card is a way to record various factors and use them.

It has been used since World War II, and modern sniper teams have a standard pre-printed chart divided into a drawing area, a target information area, and an auxiliary instruction area.

The drawing area is a 180° semicircle, with different distances marked at equal intervals and divided into several sectors by dotted lines. The topographic features and conspicuous objects in the sniping area are then drawn with contour lines and numbered with numbers.

The target information area records the basic information of reference target points such as ground objects, such as position, distance, pitch angle and positioning description.

The auxiliary description area is mainly used to record the basic information of the auxiliary design, such as the observation location, north direction, correction amount when shooting at different distances, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity and air pressure.

"Did you notice the woman in the passenger seat of the second SUV?"

Alejandro said in a serious tone.

"Wow, with this figure, I feel like she can break my neck with one arm." Wade kept muttering, and he didn't stop his hands and feet. He put the Dust Angel into the scope: "Do you want to shoot?"

Alejandro said with some self-blame:

"Wait, I recognize this person. Bullets may not work on her. It seems that the people who are targeting us are from the mutant factory. Damn it, the mutant we captured must have a signal transmitter on him. I was careless!"

He knew Francis, the man in the mutant factory. He was very mysterious, and even the CIA database did not have any information about him. He not only ran the factory, but also had an underground boxing market where mutant boxers fought. He had considerable power in Mexico.

Matt once tried to mobilize CIA resources to investigate Francis' information, but was stopped by the higher-ups not long after.

"Let's wait. Since this woman is here, Francis should be here too. There may be a large number of mutants in the convoy. If we take action first, it will only alert them and make them more vigilant."

Alejandro was very calm, he knew that their main fighting force was still Broly.

"Our mission is mainly to observe the battlefield and provide Broly with battlefield information."

Three Cadillacs stopped at the entrance of the safe house. After the doors opened, fully armed soldiers filed out.

Francis took a look at the surveillance video on the PDA and saw that the target was still boxing as usual.

"The target has not found any abnormalities yet. Put on your gas masks. The third team will surround the building, and the others will rush in."

They have extensive experience in capturing mutants. Some mutants are strong and the anesthetic needles fired by tranquilizer guns cannot penetrate their tough skin. Therefore, they use anesthetic smoke canisters. This powerful anesthetic specifically for mutants, the dosage of a smoke canister is enough to anesthetize more than 2,000 people. Even for an elephant, it only takes three seconds from inhalation to fainting.

After saying that, the first, second and fourth groups instantly blew open the door of the safe house and rushed in.

"Broly! Watch out! They're going to use poison gas! Strike first and move the battlefield to the street. The wind will disperse the poison gas."

When Alejandro noticed that the soldiers started wearing gas masks, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and warned Broly.

"Aim at the guy with the PDA, he's Francis!" He glanced at the anemometer and reported the data: "Distance is 352 meters, wind direction is three-quarters to the right, corrected to two points to the left. Wait until Broly makes a move before shooting!"

Wade put Francis into the scope and began to adjust his breathing.

"Leave it to me, I promise to smash his head."

The soldiers who broke into the safe house were advancing vigilantly and quickly. The first person pulled the pin of the smoke canister, and the canister emitting green smoke rolled deeper into the corridor.

There was no light in the corridor, and the curtains were drawn, making it dark and difficult to see what was going on inside. The air was a little quiet, and the only sounds I could hear were my own heartbeat, the sound of chaotic footsteps, and the sound of cigarette cans rolling.

Target! Where is their target

The next moment, they heard the whistling of the wind.

"Wolf Fang Wind Fist!"

The high-speed swinging fists moved the air, making a sound like the howling of wolves. Before the soldiers could even see the enemy, they were hit by the fists and claws and torn into pieces.

The pupils of one of the soldiers shrank, and dense diamond-shaped scales immediately proliferated under his skin, bursting through his combat uniform. This was a superpower he was proud of.

The next moment, a palm pierced through his chest, destroying the internal organs in the cavity, and then pulled out in an instant.

The person hit by the fist didn't even have the chance to scream before being killed. In the dim corridor, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart by fists. The anesthetic that they regarded as their trump card was blown away by the wind of the fist and could not get close to Broly at all.