Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 2: Shame of the Saiyans


Broly casually threw a few punches and a kick with the Satan-style fighting technique, and easily made a loud bang in the air. With his powerful strength, he finally didn't have to use his fists anymore.

After a while, he finally realized why it was so quiet all of a sudden. He reached over his head and grabbed Kakarot off her neck. Her face was red, she was sweating a lot, and her skin was burning.

Although she was a Saiyan, she was still just a child after all, and her physique was weak. She continued to be under the scorching sun in the desert without a trace of shade and suffered from heatstroke.

In such a hot desert, her mild heatstroke could easily develop into heat stroke, and then acute renal failure and liver failure, which was very dangerous. Broly dug a large sand pit in the leeward area with his hands. The sand under the ground was still very cool, with a temperature of only 25 or 26 degrees.

After placing Kakarot in the cool sand pit, Broly took off his elastic combat sleeves and wore only a combat vest. The technology of Frieza's army was very advanced, and the thin combat sleeves were very elastic and breathable, and would not burst even if he transformed into a giant ape. Broly fixed the combat sleeves with wooden stakes and stretched them into a large piece, covering the sand pit to prevent the sun from shining directly on Kakarot below.

If she were exposed to the sun again, she would probably become the first Saiyan to be sunburned to death.

"Little guy, I'm going to find someone to rescue you right now, so don't die."

As he spoke, he took a step and ran towards the southwest. When he ran at full speed, his speed was almost the same as a galloping horse, and he could take a step of three to four meters.

Sweat flowed freely on the strong muscles, and was dried by the scorching sun in an instant, forming layer upon layer of salt flowers.

After running for more than thirty minutes, he finally ran out of the desert and saw a green area. It was a farm with corn fields, a large green area. After crossing dozens of acres of corn fields, he found a wooden country house. There were two activity sources inside, one with combat power two and one with combat power one.

Broly rang the doorbell, and the two men's fighting power changed instantly, one increased to five, the other increased to four, and they took the guns in their hands.

"What is it, boy!"

A middle-aged white man, holding a double-barreled shotgun, looked alert. His daughter was standing behind him, holding a shotgun of the same model. The man was a little surprised to see that the person knocking on the door was an Asian. First, there were very few Asians here, and second, it was hard to believe that there would be such a muscular Asian.

Moreover, this Asian man's outfit was also very strange. He wore strange one-sided glasses, a weird vest, a furry belt, and tight pants that made his nipples bulge out severely. It was really an eye-catching thing.

This is Texas. A few dozen kilometers further south is the US-Mexico border. Mexican illegal immigrants are digging holes on the border like groundhogs. Mexican gangs are mules that transport drugs for the gangs. This vast and sparsely populated land is out of police control.

"My companion is sick, and I need to borrow your car to take her to the hospital."

Broly said in somewhat clumsy English.

"You can go to White Farm, three kilometers away, and ask. I believe they will be kind enough to lend you the car."

The middle-aged man said something perfunctory and was about to lock the door, but found that the door did not move at all.

"I'm not asking for your opinion, just give me the car!"

Broly became furious, his pupils shrank to a point, and a terrifying aura emanated from him.

The middle-aged man was so scared that he took a few steps back. Just as he was about to raise the rifle in his hand, he found that the barrel was held by the Asian man in front of him. An irresistible force came from his hand, and the gun was easily snatched away.

"Don't be impulsive... Don't be impulsive... We will give the car to you right now..."

The middle-aged man's daughter took the car keys out of her father's trouser pocket and threw them to Broly. This was a hot girl with a hot body. Because she was at home, she only wore a T-shirt and a pair of hot pants, and her legs were dazzlingly white.

"You guys come with me, bring ice, salt water, and don't play tricks on me."

After Broly finished speaking, he gripped the double-barreled shotgun tightly and bent it hard, directly bending the shotgun into a U shape.


A look of fear appeared on the middle-aged man's face and he immediately gave up resisting, while the girl looked curious.

The car on the farm was a somewhat shabby Ford pickup truck. Broly sat in the passenger seat, watching the middle-aged man drive. The girl sat in the back seat with a medical kit.

"Are you crazy? Leaving a patient in the desert, thirty-five kilometers away, she should be dead by now!"

When the girl heard that the target was thirty-five kilometers away, she immediately became angry.

"It only took me half an hour to get here. Given her physical condition, nothing will happen to her."

After Broly finished speaking, the girl covered her mouth in surprise. She thought Broly had walked for a day and a night to reach the farm.

The old pickup truck roared, raising a cloud of dust in the desert. The middle-aged man pushed the pickup truck's speed to its limit just to get rid of this plague god as soon as possible.

Twenty minutes later, the pickup truck stopped where Broly had dug the pit.

Broly got out of the car with a frown on his face. The combat suit he had used to cover the sand pit was gone. The edge of the sand pit was covered with messy footprints, and Kakarot had disappeared.

"Who would be active in this area?"

He grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar and lifted him up.

"Cough, cough, cough, let go... let go... I can't breathe."

The middle-aged man found that Broly's grip was even stronger than a bear's, and he was about to break his neck.

"Reyes... Reyes Cartel's mule. They smuggle hallucinogens around here. Goods from Mexico and Colombia are shipped to the United States through them... You... Aren't you a member of the Reyes Cartel?"

He said with difficulty.

The reason why he immediately calmed down before was because he suspected Broly was a member of the Reyes Group. There are many mutant members in the Reyes Group, who are cruel and ruthless, and do all kinds of evil. Anyone who offends them will have their family destroyed. If they want to survive, they can only flee Texas.

The FBI had planned several operations against the Reyes Group, but all of them ended in failure.

The middle-aged man was just an ordinary farmer and did not dare to provoke these vicious criminals.

"They are dead."

Broly pressed the combat power detection glasses on his head. The glasses had already recorded Kakarot's combat power characteristics, and could easily locate her no matter where she was on the earth.

Saiyan Shame: Ding! As a fighting nation, Saiyans were kidnapped. This is the shame of Saiyans! Please rescue the missing Kakarot. The mission rewards 20 revival points.