Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 21: Clouds moving


Sanfeishi Island, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. The magnificent building is the center of the international organization S.H.I.E.L.D., and the shiny bald head sitting in the office is the brain of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury was holding his chin with both hands, staring at the chaotic scene on TV. The extremely destructive figure on the screen reminded him of the past more than ten years ago, when he had only been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for a few years. That woman was also like this, able to emit such destructive energy.

Suddenly, he pressed the pause button, and Broly's figure on the TV became relatively clear.

"That may not be the belt..."

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he knew a lot about mutants. Broly's abilities were too diverse to be a mutant. He thought for a moment and dialed a number on the phone.

"Phil, come into my office."

Not long after, an agent with a dangerous hairline appeared in the office.

"Investigate this person. I want to know his past experiences, his identity, his mental state, who his accomplices are, and the causes and consequences of the riots in Mexico." Nick Fury glanced at the burning wreckage of the infantry fighting vehicle on the TV screen and said, "Be careful with your approach and don't get into direct conflict with them."

No matter how well-trained the SHIELD agents are, they are no match for this saboteur.

Nick Fury pinched his brows with a headache. The Earth is far more dangerous than ordinary people imagine. SHIELD spends a lot of money every year, but is very powerless when facing these monsters. If this attacker appears in New York, their reaction will not be much better than Mexico.

The police, SWAT, and even the National Guard had no experience in dealing with this kind of situation.

This reminded him of his fantastic plan when he was young. Perhaps only monsters can fight monsters.

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... ...

An anti-tank team set up a firing position on the roof of the restaurant. Their target was the mutant who was frantically destroying the Mexican Army on the street.

The first company to arrive had already been defeated and completely lost its combat effectiveness. They were the third batch of troops to arrive.

The "Falcon" anti-tank missile is divided into two parts, the sight and the launch tube.

The power supply module and cooling module on the launch tube are responsible for powering the missile's electronic components and cooling the infrared guidance head after activation and before launch.

The Falcon anti-tank missile seeker uses a 320x320 mercury cadmium telluride staring infrared focal plane array imaging. The high resolution of the seeker is extremely dependent on the low temperature environment, and it will directly lose the ability to lock the target at room temperature.

Although Stark Industries has strong technology, the small cooling module can only work for four minutes at most. After activating the missile, if it is not launched within four minutes, this expensive missile worth a luxury car will be scrapped directly.

But Broly's movements were so fast that he often left the sight's field of view in an instant and could not be locked.

They have already scrapped two sets of expensive missiles for this reason.

"Calm down, calm down. Activate the missile and aim the moment he stops."

The leader of the anti-tank team wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although he said so, who could really remain calm in front of such a monster that could dismantle an infantry fighting vehicle as if it were a toy

In fact, several other anti-tank teams had already fled from the battlefield, and only they were still holding their positions.


A green light bomb exploded directly on two infantry fighting vehicles, and the shock wave overturned the two vehicles.

Broly jumped onto the chariot, allowing the survivors inside to flee in panic.

“The air is rising.”

The surging energy was almost reaching a limit. Because he had been in the angry state for too long, his reason had been completely swallowed up by the desire to fight. He kept fighting and would never stop as long as there was an enemy standing in front of him.


The team leader quickly activated the missile and locked onto Broly using the lock box in the sight. The system automatically transmitted the target information to the missile.

"Hurry up! Baby!"

The cooling of the guidance head is not instantaneous. Even for the advanced "Falcon" anti-tank missile, it takes at least fifteen seconds.


The buzzing sound of successful locking sounded like heavenly music to the ears of the anti-tank team.


The missile's launch engine worked quickly, ejecting the missile from the launch tube and quickly stopped working. After the missile flew several meters, the flight engine began to respond, and a bright tail flame was ejected, pushing the missile to accelerate rapidly.

Following the attack path planned by the onboard computer, the missile body climbed upward at an elevation angle of 18 degrees. After reaching the commanding heights, the guidance head began to work. The guidance part used an algorithm to compare and identify each frame of the image formed by the guidance head with the pre-stored target image, and distinguished Broly's position from a large number of heat sources. The wings of the missile swung, constantly correcting the flight attitude and direction of the missile, and it dived down like a meteor.


The diving missile was suddenly caught in Broly's hand. Its designer, Tony Stark, probably had not considered the possibility of a missile being caught in flight. The fuse was not triggered, and the powerful tandem warhead was not detonated. It was so quiet that it was despairing.


Broly shouted and threw the missile back like a javelin. The missile flew away even faster than when it came.


The violent explosion directly destroyed the entire launch site.

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... ...

Alejandro looked at the devastated streets caused by the crazy destruction. Broly had already pushed the battle line three streets away, and only the sound of explosions could be vaguely heard here.

So this is Broly's true strength, he sighed in his heart.

The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He came to his senses, took out his phone, looked at the number, and pressed the call button.

"Alex, where did you find this person? According to our internal intelligence, one-fifth of the mobile forces in the Mexican capital area have been destroyed, and their president is almost going crazy."

Matt's voice came from the other end of the phone. After watching the live broadcast on TV, he immediately thought of Alejandro, and obtained a lot of intelligence from the Mexican upper echelons through the CIA:

"Tony Stark is going to make a lot of money. The poor performance of the army this time has finally made the Mexican president and the bigwigs in the Regeneration Movement determined to allocate funds to upgrade weapons and equipment. The people at Stark Industries are already preparing a quotation."

Alejandro unconsciously slammed his hand against his thigh.

"How are you going to leave Mexico? They've gone crazy. Even if they block the border and dig deep into the ground, they won't let you leave." Matt said calmly, "Just 20 minutes ago, the Mexican government formally asked the US government for help. A mechanized infantry brigade and an attack helicopter battalion of the 1st Big Red Division have begun to assemble. Although your friends are strong, I'm not optimistic about your outcome."

Alejandro finally spoke on the phone.

"You can take him away, but I will not leave Mexico until I have exacted my revenge."

Wade, who was standing next to him, suddenly became anxious and pinched Alejandro's neck and said.

"Friend, don't forget me! I want to leave this damn place too!"

Broly has made such a big fuss that even he, who is usually fearless, is now at a loss.