Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 300: Melee


Although the Hulk's physique is very strong, the demons are not ordinary people. They can have their current strength by slaughtering and absorbing the energy of at least hundreds of their own kind and tens of thousands of humans.

Although a considerable portion of their power was harvested by Veronica, their power still exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

The demon who was wielding the halberd was possessed by a ferocious demonic shadow and his strength increased greatly as his demonic energy surged.

He smashed the halberd on the back of Hulk's head. With a dull thud, the halberd shook violently under the force, and Hulk's body was slammed into the ground, sinking into the hard concrete like soft mud.

The violent shaking was felt even by the people in the car.

"Run, we have to run fast."

"No, we can't run. We can't escape anymore. Only by joining forces with Hulk can we hope to survive."

Having fought with demons before, Peter Parker knew how terrifying they were. The Hulk could not last long in their hands. If he chose to run, he would only be defeated by these demons one by one.

"Interesting, I didn't expect there were still rats alive in this city."

A demon with a knife noticed the two cars and slashed out with a knife.

The blade flashed like lightning, and in the blink of an eye it had already slashed in front of the car. Peter Parker had already sensed something was wrong when the demon started to attack, and blocked the way with his sword.


The blade energy was intercepted by the magic sword, and Peter Parker slashed with all his might, destroying the entire blade energy directly.

The knife-wielding demon was stunned. He didn't expect that the ants still had the strength to resist.



Wade's arm blasted out like a crossbow, flying towards the demon holding the halberd.

"It's just a trick."

The demon said contemptuously, raised the halberd in his hand, intercepted the flying arm, and wrapped it around the halberd.

"come on!"

As he pulled, the huge force pulled Wade at the other end of his arm flying over.

Peter Parker cut off Wade's arm with a sword and saved him.

"That sword... Revenge? This idiot actually died in your hands... His sword is quite good, and now it belongs to me."

The demon holding the meteor hammer stared at the magic sword in Peter Parker's hand with greed in his eyes.

This magic sword associated with hatred is very famous among the demons, because it is a magic weapon that can potentially become a demon soldier.

Although it is impossible to grow into a powerful magic soldier like Xingxiu Jie and Jiufeng, it is still very precious. In Sokovia, many demon robots had already set their sights on Qiu because they coveted the magic sword, and consciously restricted the growth of his strength, waiting for him to cultivate the magic soldier to maturity.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering New York City, Qiu disappeared mysteriously. The demons thought he had escaped, but they didn't expect that he was killed because he was too useless.

The meteor hammer whistled, and demonic energy surged on the hammer, transforming into the head of a demon dragon.

When facing Hulk, he did not use his full strength, but instead exploded all his demonic energy in order to seize the magic sword.


Peter Parker nimbly dodged the flying dragon head and thrust the magic sword in his hand horizontally, with the tip of the sword piercing the chain behind the dragon head. Sparks flew and the meteor hammer was nailed to the ground.

The demon grinned grimly, and the nailed dragon head suddenly turned its head, spurting out black electric light from its mouth.

Peter Parker raised his sword and tilted the dragon's mouth. The destructive lightning almost brushed past his head. He looked at the road surface that was eroded by the lightning and felt terrified. If he reacted a moment slower, he would be electrocuted to ashes.

When the demon saw that his hidden attack was dodged, he didn't get angry. Instead, he transformed the entire meteor hammer into a dragon, circling and biting.

Peter Parker jumped back and forth, dodging the roaring dragon, and the magic sword in his hand occasionally slashed at the dragon, causing sparks to fly.

The halberd-wielding demon shouted loudly and knocked the Hulk, who was trying to get up from the ground, back with his halberd. He glanced at Peter Parker who was fighting with the demon and knew that if he didn't get rid of them quickly, something unexpected might happen.

He was very fond of the accompanying halberd, but was not so covetous of the magic sword.

"You go kill the rest of the gang, I'll hold this beast back."

Hulk's power is so strong that even the demons cannot fight him alone. These demons temporarily united to hunt him down.

The other demons had already set their sights on the magic sword in Peter Parker's hand. When they heard that the demon holding the halberd was willing to hold the Hulk back, they immediately rushed towards Peter Parker and his group.

The remaining demon spun the halberd in his hand and hooked his hand at Hulk on the ground. He was more belligerent than the other demons. As a support called by the other demons, he had never fought Hulk alone.

Hulk wiped the back of his head, saw the green blood on his hands, roared, and pounced towards the demon.

The demon changed his shape, trying to avoid Hulk's terrifying pounce with his body movements.

In his opinion, although Hulk has thick skin and strong muscles, he is just a beast with low intelligence, and it is too easy to defeat him.

At this moment, the severed hand that fell on the ground suddenly came to life, coiled around his body, and blocked his attack.

Hulk's momentum was so fast that in just a moment, the demon was hit directly.


With a loud bang, the demon was like a flattened watermelon. Even the demonic energy in his body was squeezed out. He flew like a cannonball and crashed into a building on the roadside.

Hulk roared, rushed into the ruins, dragged the demon out, and swung him wildly on the ground, making a mess on the roadside.

The arm that was shattered by the impact of the collision squirmed and reorganized, grasping the halberd that fell to the ground, and flew back to Wade's shoulder.

"Haha! This weapon belongs to me!"

He had long coveted Peter Parker's magic sword, and now he finally had his own magic weapon.

The demons who were about to besiege Peter Parker and his companions were shocked. They never expected that their companions would be defeated so quickly.

Hulk had already hated these demons to death. After he killed the demon with a spear, he roared and rushed towards the other demons.

Several demons were surrounded instead.

As demons, there is no trust between them. They only united together because they were attracted by Hulk's terrifying blood. Now that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, they naturally want to flee when disaster strikes.

Hulk jumped into the crowd like a whale diving into a pond. With his huge and bulky body, he had no way to deal with these nimble demons. But with the assistance of Peter Parker and others, everything was different.


The demon wielding the meteor hammer was directly hugged by Wade, and both of them were hammered into the ground by Hulk.