Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 307: War


Three Apache attack helicopters flew low at treetop height, like sharks swimming close to the seabed, ready to hunt.

Their mission today is to cover the ground troops and block the attack of the demon robots.

Thick smoke was rising from the sky, and all that could be seen along the way were ruins and the remains of weapons.

"This is exactly like Baghdad back then. If someone had told me this was Washington a month ago, I would have put a gun in his mouth."

The leader of the Apache team said.

"Now I just want to blast those bastards back into their mother's wombs."

They belonged to the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade of the U.S. Army and were originally stationed in Hawaii. They were urgently transferred back to the mainland to resist the attack of the demon robots.

The 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Division was on a position about 15 kilometers southwest of them. After the huge steel planet left, the battle lines between the US Army and the demon robots became stalemate, with teeth intertwined. Their mission today was to defend the position of the former 1st Infantry Division.

The diesel engine roared violently. As a Stryker brigade that had been refitted, the 1st Brigade Combat Team was equipped with various extended models of Stryker wheeled combat vehicles. After the armored forces in the mainland were destroyed in an organized manner, the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Division, as a rapid deployment force, was sent back to the mainland as soon as possible by transport aircraft.

As for the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division stationed in South Korea, because it is equipped with heavy M1A2 main battle tanks and tracked infantry fighting vehicles, it can only be withdrawn to the United States via roll-on/roll-off ships.

"The great capital is now in front of us. Two days ago, our friends from the First Infantry Division were annihilated here in order to resist these mechanical demons from continuing to destroy our beautiful land. Today, this glorious mission falls to us."

Major Thomas stood on the roof of an M-1130 forward command vehicle to make pre-battle mobilization.

"We will teach those mechanical freaks what it means to fight with honor!"

"They thought that the merciless massacre could make the American people surrender and become cowardly! They thought we would back down after suffering heavy casualties! But all they received was our angry iron fist!"

"We are not alone, our friends from the 2nd and 3rd Brigades and the 82nd Airborne Division are right beside us!"

"Fight, fight, my boys! Even if we fall here today, our comrades who have rushed back from South Korea and Europe will take over our flag and continue to fight!"

There was a cheer from the position.

"Everyone get in the car! Drive to the battlefield!"

The brigade's field artillery battalion behind them began firing, and the 105mm towed artillery fired one hot shell after another, bombarding the positions of the demon robots.

The exploding grenades created craters one after another in the city of Washington, and the wreckage of the demon robots was constantly blown into the sky.

The ground was shaking slightly, as if a giant was constantly hammering the earth.


There was a whistling sound in the sky, and two F-15s flew low over them and headed towards their rear.

The soldiers took off their helmets and waved them wildly to the sky. But Colonel Thomas was not as optimistic as his soldiers.

As the first force to join the battle, the Air Force suffered heavy losses. The remaining Air Force focused its main energy on fighting against those flying demons and demon robots, and should be unable to provide ground support.

Sure enough, after the two F-15s flew to the artillery position, they suddenly changed into demon forms, one holding a magic gun and the other holding a magic fan. The demon holding the magic fan blew hard, and a gust of extremely cold wind blew out. The cold wind directly blew away the artillery on the position, and almost instantly froze a large number of soldiers to death.

The Stryker Brigade had zero air defense units, and was not equipped with any air defense weapons except for the portable Stinger missiles that did not count. The only Stinger missile launcher that could be relied on was not deployed in time because it joined the battle too hastily.

The surviving soldiers could only fight back with their rifles and Stinger missiles.

The two demons simply ignored such a weak counterattack. The Stinger missiles bombarded them with white smoke. The warhead with too little explosive charge could not penetrate the demon scales at all.

It wasn't long before all the soldiers on the artillery position were slaughtered.

“Boom! Boom!”

There were two violent explosions, and the connecting rod warhead of the medium-range air-to-air missile cut through their magic scales like a saw chain, causing effective damage.

"It's those damn flies again!"

The two demons looked at each other, transformed into fighter jets in mid-air, accelerated, broke through the sound barrier, and flew towards the sky. They were ready to destroy the F-22 and F-35 fighter jets of the Air Force.

After evolving into demons, the performance of the fighter jets they transformed into also increased sharply, and shooting down third-generation fighter jets was as easy as drinking water. Only the fourth-generation fighter jets with stealth design could cause some trouble, but it was just trouble.

"Forward! Keep moving forward!"

The explosion from the rear shook the soldiers' morale a little, but Major Thomas immediately stopped their hesitation.

The marching combat brigade soon encountered the demon robots. The infantry dismounted and occupied the foxholes and trenches left by the former First Infantry Division.


The M-1128 self-propelled assault gun fired a round of cavalry fire, directly destroying the demon robots in the front row. The demon robots also raised their magic light cannons to fight back.

The two sides exchanged fierce gunfire. Chariots and demon robots exploded every moment. The sound of gunfire like popping beans never stopped.

The magic beams fired by the demon robots suddenly became very dense, covering a demon who crossed the battlefield at an astonishing speed. He was holding a magic gun and was more than three meters tall. He was the demon who had fought with Peter Parker in New York City.


The magic gun directly knocked away an armor-piercing shell that was fired at him, and he simply ignored the remaining bullets.

The sharp spear blade exhaled demonic breath and directly cut through a self-propelled assault gun. The demon swept the gun across, and the sharp gun light directly minced everyone in a trench into minced meat.

He rushed into the position like a tiger into a flock of sheep, and infantry fighting vehicles were cut open and sent flying. The demon robots rushed in directly from the gap he tore open.

Soon, the reserve troops in the rear arrived, but they were still unable to stop the demons from galloping across the battlefield.

A spot of light suddenly flew over from the distance and approached the battlefield in an instant.

The demon held his spear horizontally and intercepted the Hellfire anti-tank missile launched from the attack helicopter, but soon, several more anti-tank missiles followed.


The violent explosion engulfed everything.

After eliminating the most threatening demon, the three armed helicopters rushed directly into the battlefield and used machine guns and rockets to maintain the battle line that was on the verge of collapse.