Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 308: Before the Storm (seeking recommendation votes)


The 70mm caliber rockets whizzed out from the rocket nest, turned into points of light, and whizzed towards the demon robots on the ground.

The intensive explosions immediately curbed the offensive of the demon robots.

The remaining two Apache attack helicopters used the Hellfire anti-tank missiles they carried to knock down the demon robots that looked extremely threatening one by one.

The 1st Brigade Combat Team, which was on the verge of collapse, was reorganized by Major Thomas.

Amid the fierce gunfire, the demon robots that had entered the position were pushed back again. Even though some powerful demon robots tried to turn the tide, they still failed to reverse the situation and were driven back.

Even so, the First Combat Brigade still suffered heavy losses. Almost half of the tanks were destroyed, and some of the survivors in the vehicles were infected by evil spirits and could only die in endless pain. Existing medical means were completely unable to cure them.

Major Thomas climbed out of the command vehicle and directed the soldiers to reorganize their positions and treat the wounded.

Just when everyone thought they had won, a ruin suddenly exploded, and the demon who was hit by several Hellfire anti-tank missiles jumped up directly from the ruins. The magic spear shook, as if the dragon and snake dormant in the ground had revived after hearing the spring thunder.

Major Thomas had no time to react before he was killed by the surging magic spear, and the battlefield behind him was also pierced through by the spear.

"caught you."

The demon smiled grimly. As demons, those demon robots were cannon fodder that could be sacrificed and abandoned at will. Only demons who had awakened their wisdom could truly have human rights.

After sweeping across the east coast and flattening many large cities, Veronica had more and more demons under her command, numbering over a thousand. Although he had awakened early and obtained a position as a lieutenant among the demons, commanding more than 4,000 demons, he would not be able to stand out among the demons and be noticed by Veronica unless he made some achievements.

The soldiers around stared at this scene in amazement, and had no time to react. By the time they came to their senses, Major Thomas had turned into minced meat on the ground.

The demon stood among the human soldiers, stepped on the wreckage of Stryker's command vehicle, pointed his gun to the sky, and let out a long, shrill howl.

The demon robots that had retreated earlier suddenly surged up again like a tide.

Three Apache helicopter gunships, which were running out of ammunition, were originally planning to return to the forward base to resupply their ammunition. However, upon seeing the situation on the ground, they had to turn around again and use their onboard machine guns to provide fire support for the chaotic battlefield below.

The demon sneered, stepped on the void, and soared into the air with the spear in his hand. He leaped a hundred meters and headed towards the armed helicopter in the sky.

The armed helicopters were constantly maneuvering to avoid the magic light cannons fired from the ground. Caught off guard, they had no time to dodge.

The demon crashed into the fuselage of an armed helicopter like a cannonball, directly damaging the armor of the fuselage. He then threw the magic gun in his hand fiercely, piercing the engine compartment of another helicopter.

The two helicopters lost control and fell to the ground.

The remaining armed helicopter had to increase its altitude and leave the battlefield.

Below, although the remaining officers and soldiers tried to stop the resistance, they were still unable to stop the retreat. Some impatient demon robots rushed directly into the position and feasted.


An F-15 fighter jet flew over the battlefield and transformed in mid-air, turning into a tall demon.

"Shebineng, well done, you actually wiped out this group of humans. Continue to attack eastwards. Luangchi over there is in trouble, and he lost one third of the demon robots he led."

"We must collect enough energy for the Emperor before the war begins!"

After Veronica harvested enough lives with the help of her demons and robots, she entered a semi-dormant state, ready to deal with the possible attack of No. 18 and Kakarot. She ordered her demons to continue to lead the robots to attack and break through the human defense line.

... ...

... ...

In New Wakanda, No. 18 was sitting cross-legged in mid-air. After being implanted with the Cosmic Cube, her strength had greatly improved, and she had undergone a complete transformation.

The spatial ability of the Cosmic Cube gives her some very magical abilities.

She stood up and jumped into the void in front of her like diving. In an instant, she disappeared from the spot and appeared hundreds of meters later.

With a wave of his hand, a circular gray cloud appeared in front of him. On the other side of the cloud was Washington who was trapped in the battlefield.

After erasing the portal she had created, she looked up and appeared on the moon, holding up a protective shield and overlooking the dark blue earth.

No. 18 has determined that as long as the specific location is known, it can be transmitted instantly. For a single transmission, the energy consumed for different distances is almost the same.

Moreover, after possessing the Space Stone, she has an abnormal sensitivity to space. Although the position and distance between the earth and the moon are constantly changing, she can still easily locate and determine the position of New Wakanda in the universe.

After testing his new abilities, No. 18 returned to Earth.

"How about it, No. 18, can you open the door to the dark dimension?"

Tony Stark asked impatiently. If possible, he would like Broly to come out of the dark dimension and crush Veronica to death.

No. 18 shook her head hesitantly. With the help of Ancient One, she was able to sense and communicate with the dark dimension. But the dark dimension seemed to have undergone some changes. It was no longer showing its existence to the real world as unscrupulously as before, but was shrinking and moving away from the real world.

Although the power of the Cosmic Cube can fold space, it cannot cross dimensions. Of course, this may also be due to the fact that No. 18 has not yet fully mastered the power of this gem.

"Perhaps we can try to find the magicians who helped Loki open the door to the dark dimension. The Cosmic Cube may be able to replace the giant stone artifact and open the door again."

Eclipse made a suggestion.

"Miss No. 18 has the ability to teleport faster than space magic. She should be able to catch them."

Ancient One shook his head.

"Not long ago, I received news from other mages. Those corrupted mages who had surrendered to Dormammu all died suddenly. It should be that Dormammu, in his rage, executed them.

They didn't know that Dormammu had been completely killed. After Dormammu's death, his fanatics also died suddenly.

"It seems that the only way to open the forced dark dimension again is to fight and take back the obsidian."