Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 310: Take up the fight (seeking recommendation votes)


The huge spaceship fell to the ground like a meteorite. The outer armor rubbed violently against the air, leaving a flame tail several kilometers long at the rear of the spaceship.

In outer space, the spacecraft was not detected due to Cybertron's advanced stealth technology. But now such a shocking movement has finally alarmed all the powerful countries in the world. After determining that the unknown flying object is targeting North America or is close to Washington, they all choose to watch the show.

The long-range phased array radar deployed in Turkey first locked onto the location of the unknown flying object, and the North American Aerospace Defense Command immediately mobilized ground-based and ship-based phased array radars deployed around the world for continued tracking.

The remaining destroyers of the US Navy, under the guidance of the long-range early warning system, launched Standard 3 air defense missiles for interception.

Above the sea level, vertical streams of white smoke rose straight into the sky.

With the radar continuously providing target data, the Standard Missile-3 launched into the air continuously adjusted its attitude.

Under saturation interception, most of the Standard 3 air defense missiles missed the target, but a few impact warheads still hit the target.

The warhead, which was powerful enough to destroy a nuclear warhead, shattered like a glass ball after hitting the spacecraft.

The spacecraft flew unstoppably towards Washington.

In Washington, Veronica's body transformed into a magic city, where demons gathered and demonic energy was flowing. Her body was refining blood and energy in the magic palace in the center of the magic city.

Some powerful demons have sensed the huge object falling from the sky at a high speed and are in panic.

"Don't panic, it's me who's coming."

Veronica's voice echoed in the magic city.

Soon, the spaceship arrived above the demon city. Its huge body instantly dropped from extreme speed to extreme stillness, and then transformed into the form of Steel Godzilla. The stream of fire behind it slanted down, and its entire huge body was bathed in the stream of fire, as if it was a demon born in flames.

It stepped on the ground with both feet, looking majestic.

"Continue to attack humans and harvest more lives. They will become the food for our race to become stronger."

Veronica's voice rang out. She shared the blood and energy that she had not yet digested with Steel Godzilla.

Steel Godzilla rolled on the ground and transformed into a towering giant tower. A pair of giant eyes made of energy appeared on the top of the tower.

The Storm Shadow was originally the jewel in the crown of Cybertron's technology. After devouring and integrating hundreds of Decepticon robots, it possessed technological capabilities far beyond those of Earth.

After it turned into a giant tower, Veronica could easily command all the demons and demon robots in the entire solar system. Under the coverage of the Cybertron command system, the intelligent demons could command the demon robots under their command without restrictions or delays.

On the contrary, the US military's command system seemed to be defenseless in front of him and was easily deciphered. The front-line deployment and the position of the commander were all in sight.

The American troops on the front suddenly felt that the demon robots on the opposite side had become more difficult to deal with. They no longer relied on simple pushes or the individual weakness of the demons, and their tactics became more diverse.

The original balance was broken in an instant, and the battle line that the US military had tried its best to maintain was riddled with holes and collapsed. A fast-moving demon army even advanced more than 100 kilometers in just a few hours, wiped out the US military headquarters, and surrounded more than 6 million civilians who had no time to evacuate.

The desperate US military launched another nuclear strike. The towering giant tower directly emitted high-energy rays, intercepting the nuclear bomb outside the atmosphere.

At this point, the US president really began to consider the possibility of temporarily moving to Canada.

... ...

... ...

New Wakanda, everyone has assembled.

"After opening the portal, I, No. 18, and Baya will go in first to lure Veronica away. She will probably think that we are just doing a normal raid like the previous times. After luring away all the Veronica instances, you will open the portal again and try to destroy Veronica's body and seize the obsidian."

"If the situation doesn't go well, leave through the portal."

Because both Ancient One and No. 18 are able to open portals, they have a huge advantage in mobility.


Kakarot began to gather his energy, and his violent temper was increased to the limit.

The next moment, No. 18 opened the portal.


The dazzling Qigong wave directly penetrated the portal and bombarded the Demon Palace in the center of the Demon City.

The tall tower standing on the edge of the magic city immediately shot out a dazzling high-energy ray to intercept the Kamehameha wave, but the hastily fired high-energy ray was quickly annihilated in front of the Kamehameha wave.

A Veronica appeared in front of the Kamehameha as if teleporting, crossed her arms, and prepared to block the full-power Kamehameha with herself.


A huge flash of light, as dazzling as if the sun had fallen on earth. The air was violently vibrating and burning, and the newly constructed buildings on the surface of the magic city were directly cut off by the shock wave, leaving only the magic city itself.

The light dimmed, and Veronica, who was at the center of the explosion, was left with only her lower body, falling powerlessly to the ground.

Baya began to speed up, and when its huge body rushed to the space gate, it had already accelerated to the limit. It fired its strong body like a cannonball and crashed into the magic city at an astonishing speed.

The towering tower quickly transformed into the form of Steel Godzilla, and stomped its feet hard into the ground, taking Baya's charge head-on.


The two beasts collided fiercely. The hard scales rubbed against the armor violently, and the violent kinetic energy was transmitted to the ground, which was shaken like the sea surface.

In the pure wrestling, Mechagodzilla was the better one. After being pushed by the impact force and sliding on the ground for several kilometers, it used its two powerful front claws to push Baya's huge body directly to the ground.


Kakarot and No. 18 shouted together, and in a flash, they appeared on the other side of the portal, above the Demon Palace.

The appearance of Iron Godzilla disrupted their plans, but the two of them decided to continue the attack and blasted out Qigong waves together.

Two Veronicas appeared. This time, because the Qigong waves were not fully charged, they were directly cut away by them and moved in front of the two at a high speed like teleportation.

They were somewhat gnashing their teeth.

"You are like rats hiding your heads and showing your tails. You have already shown yourself to me before I even found you. This time I will definitely tear your heads off completely!"