Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 312: immortal


Veronica let out a scream loud enough to pierce the eardrums. She was unwilling to accept her own failure. Her speed of becoming stronger was not even as fast as that of such a young girl.

Another clone of Veronica flew out from the Demon Palace, broke apart in mid-air and merged into her body.

The wounds she suffered from Kakarot's attack were completely healed, and the demonic energy in her body surged again.

This time, the two finally fought evenly. Veronica transformed a magic shield to resist the indestructible shock of Kakarot's iron rod, and in her other hand she held a magic knife, attacking Kakarot's vital points like a venomous snake.

The two men started fighting.

On the other side of the battlefield, No. 18 also had the upper hand. Her teleportation gave her the upper hand in the battle. She kept teleporting to Veronica's side, pressing the Qigong bullet on Veronica's body, and then leaving before the Qigong bullet exploded.


A series of dense explosions surrounded Veronica 360 degrees.

No. 18 flashed and appeared a kilometer away from Veronica.

The flash of the explosion faded, revealing a disheveled Veronica. Although the fusion of her clones greatly increased her power of the Demonic Golden Body, she was still blown to pieces by No. 18's attack and was covered in blood.

"You're not dead?"

No. 18 raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly appeared behind Veronica in a flash, and hit her back of the head with his knee.

With a dull thud that made one's teeth ache, Veronica's head sank forward suddenly.

She was so angry that she turned around and slashed with the magic sword in her hand. However, the sharp sword energy only hit the air. No. 18 had already left through teleportation.

She sent out sword energy towards the place where No. 18 appeared.

The sharp sword energy shot out, but was swallowed up by a portal, and the next moment, it was returned to Veronica.

Veronica's face was livid, and she dodged the sword energy she had emitted. Fighting with No. 18, she felt like she had all her strength but couldn't use it. A warrior like No. 18, who already had great power, had the ability to teleport and use the space gate, and the difficulty level suddenly changed.

Veronica suddenly let out a strange cry, and two more clones flew out from the Demon Palace and merged into its body.

Her shoulders squirmed violently, and suddenly she grew a whole new body, turning into a being with three heads and six arms.

Her eyes turned red, her pupils moved violently, and her six pairs of eyes monitored the changes in her surroundings 360 degrees. She possessed both mechanical and flesh-and-blood life characteristics, so it was much easier for her to achieve the magical power of three heads and six arms than an ordinary demon.

The terrifying demonic energy turned into a terrifying pressure, spreading in all directions with her as the center.

No. 18 felt a tightness in his heart, but on the surface he still looked very relaxed.

"Do you think that you can become my opponent just by turning into a monster?"

She chose to continue to provoke Veronica, anger her, and make her lose her composure so that she could send out all the clones guarding the Demon Palace.

There was a tearing sound in the air, and Veronica disappeared almost instantly and appeared in front of No. 18.

No. 18 quickly moved instantly and disappeared on the spot.

Veronica's six eyes turned and instantly locked onto her position. She released a wave of air in the air, chasing after her, and slashed at her with an arm holding a magic sword.

No. 18 directly opened a portal, blocked it in front of him, and then activated the instant teleportation again.

Veronica went from top speed to stillness in a manner that almost violated the law of inertia, and then with a bang, she broke through to top speed again and caught up with No. 18.

"Aren't you very arrogant, bitch? This time I'm going to tear your body into pieces bit by bit!"

She faced No. 18 and said through gritted teeth.

No. 18 teleported directly behind her, condensed a qigong bullet, and blasted it out.

Veronica held the magic mace in one arm and hit the Qigong bullet like a baseball. With the other hand, she held the magic rope and shook it, strangling No. 18 like a magic dragon.

No. 18 kept flashing, dodging the magic rope that occupied almost all the space around Veronica.

She suddenly flashed and appeared behind the Veronica clone that was fighting with Kakarot. She launched a sneak attack with a knife and pierced through Veronica's head, grabbing the brain tissue and electronic components inside.

“Do you feel surprised?”

No. 18 simply crushed the bloody ball in his hand.

“It’s really a pleasant surprise.”

Veronica, who was caught out of her mind, replied, and her arms suddenly hugged No. 18 against human anatomy. She hugged so tightly that it almost cut into her flesh.

"Did you think I would not have expected your little trick?"

Veronica said with a grin. She had been on guard against Veronica's sneak attack using teleportation.

Kakarot was shocked and hit Veronica with a stick, which directly shattered her golden body of the devil and caused scales to fly, but she was unable to free Veronica from the restraints.

"After adjustments, the head is no longer my weakness."

She had fully absorbed the experience of fighting in New York and transformed her body structure. Her head and heart were no longer vital points. Even if she was cut off, she could still maintain her movements.

"You can't run away now."

In the sky, Veronica's six arms merged into one, mechanically reorganizing and deforming to form a ring. A powerful and deadly demonic energy emanated from behind the middle ring.

"Destroy the magic light!"

A destructive black ray of light blasted out from the bracelet. Even before it hit, one could feel its terrifying destructive power.


In this emergency, Kakarot could only use Kamehameha with all her strength to resist.


Kamehameha and the Destruction Magic Light collided in mid-air, and in the fierce conflict, Kamehameha was suppressed almost immediately. But this also gave Kakarot a chance to save people.

At the critical moment, she dodged and kicked Veronica's clone and No. 18 away.

The ground that was hit by the magic light of destruction was easily eroded like foam. After a long time, the magic light slowly disappeared, leaving only a bottomless pit on the ground.

Seeing that the attack that had been prepared for a long time had failed, even Veronica felt that her magic energy was somewhat empty. No. 18 took the opportunity to break free from the restraints, a trace of cold sweat ran down her face, and she felt a little scared. If she was hit by the attack just now, even if she used the power of the space gem to open the protective shield, she would still be killed directly.

"If we want to kill her clone now, I'm afraid we can only use the Qigong bullet to destroy most of the body."

Kakarot said, recalling the clones that were destroyed before.

"That's really troublesome. After the fusion of several clones, their strength and defense have become much stronger. It will be difficult to destroy them to that extent again."

No. 18 was breathing slightly. It seemed that not only they had made progress during this period, but Veronica as well.

The clone that was broken free and badly injured slowly flew up, and the tissues and parts that had been knocked off returned to her body like swallows returning to their nests, repairing the damage.

"Fighting with you is indeed much more useful than simply absorbing the experience of those demons. Be prepared to face the deepest fear."

The only two clones left on the battlefield said in unison.