Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 314: Sneak into the magic city


The earth shook violently as the two giant beasts collided. The scales collided with steel, and the muffled sound was heart-stopping.

Their size is so huge that every move they make can cause fatal damage. Like a monster coming out of myth, the destroyer who ends the entire world.

Iron Godzilla suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out devastating high-energy rays.

The ray hit Godzilla's body, and the powerful impact pushed it back thousands of meters. The scales that hit were red-hot from the high temperature.

Godzilla let out an angry roar, and the roaring sound kicked up dust on the ground.


Its dorsal fin began to shine with a faint blue light. Destructive energy is gathering rapidly, and even the air begins to twist as if it is boiling.


The radioactive rays melted the world in its path and headed straight towards Iron Godzilla.

Steel Godzilla deflected with a dexterity that was not suited to his body shape, dodging this long-prepared blow. It launched fully towards Godzilla, and its heavy body stepped on the magma on the ground to create pieces of flames. flower.

Godzilla was thrown to the ground directly by it.

Its left claw deformed and transformed into a plasma cannon.


Hot plasma bombarded Godzilla's head.

Godzilla struggled, trying to get up.


The violent recoil made Steel Godzilla's body tremble, and another ball of hot plasma blasted him back to the ground.

With its powerful body, Steel Godzilla barely needs to cool down when firing his plasma cannon. Shot after shot of hot plasma bombarded Godzilla's body.

The scorching heat almost penetrates the earth's crust.


A low hum suddenly sounded, and in the hot magma, a group of crimson light flashed with frequency.


The blazing red shock wave pushed away all the hot magma, pouring it all over Iron Godzilla's body.

Amidst a heart-wrenching sizzling sound, choking white smoke rose into the air.

Amidst the long and long roar unique to Godzilla, Baya climbed out of the large pit in the ground. His body seemed to be burning, releasing billowing nuclear energy.


Another destructive shock wave blasted out, directly blowing away Steel Godzilla who was blocking it in front of him. He did some somersaults on the ground before stopping his retreat.

Amidst the harsh sound of mechanical bites, Iron Godzilla began to transform.

It had already collected data from Godzilla's previous battles, and Guren mode was no stranger to it.


Iron Godzilla transformed into the three-headed dragon Ghidorah before the next red lotus impact arrived.

He spread his wings and soared up into the sky.

Its huge wings stretch for more than two kilometers and almost drain the air from the surface. The steel body became red hot due to the intense friction.

Godzilla raised his head and roared, trying to fly into the air as well.


Steel Ghidorah swooped down from the sky, its heavy body like a meteor, bombarding it.

There was a terrifying snapping sound from deep in the ground. Half of the ground rose high, while the other half sank violently.

Iron Ghidorah suddenly grabbed Baya's heavy body and jumped into the air.

Baya released the red lotus impact directly in the sky.

The crimson light shines on the earth, and there seems to be an extra sun in the sky.

Because of the impact of the red lotus at close range, half of Iron Ghidorah's body melted with red heat. But he still flapped his damaged wings and threw Baya into a lake.


The water in the entire lake began to boil instantly, thick white gas rose up, and only the flickering red light could be vaguely seen.

Steel Ghidorah opened its three big mouths and breathed out extremely cold air in Baya's direction.

Extreme cold and extreme heat collide.

A large amount of water vapor was frozen and melted instantly, and even the celestial phenomena changed.

On the other side of the battlefield, four figures collided quickly and separated quickly. Gradually it flew away from the Demon City.

Suddenly, the Demon City actually became a little deserted.

Suddenly, golden sparks flickered, and a portal suddenly opened in a hidden corner of the magic city. Because the teleportation gate can only be opened in places that have been visited or seen, Gu Yi can only open the teleportation gate here. Instead of opening it directly in the magic palace.

Thor cautiously headed out of the portal. He looked at the battle that was still frightening even though it was dozens of kilometers away, with a trace of unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

Soon, Tony Stark also emerged from the portal wearing a steel suit, followed by several elite killers and Cybertron robots such as Eclipse.

"All Veronicas were lured away by Kakarot and No. 18."

Gu Yi finally got out.

A demon hiding in the demon city suddenly discovered them. Thor appeared behind him in a flash and broke his neck.

"Be careful, there are still a lot of demons and demon robots left in the demon city."

He dropped the head in his hand and said. The devil is a little better, being able to determine his location through his energy. Demon robots can only be discovered in advance through Cybertron robots and Tony Stark.

Optimus Prime directly pulled out a thermal axe.

"Do everything we can."

A group of people quietly moved towards the direction of the Demon Palace. The demons and demon robots along the way were quietly eliminated by them.

These Veronica's family members were frightened by the fierce battle just now and lost their due vigilance.

A demon guarding the Demon Palace suddenly felt that he was shrouded in darkness. Before he could shout a warning, a rough and powerful hand covered his mouth, and the other hand directly and cleanly Breaking his neck.

Optimus Prime directly killed another demon with a thermal axe.

The remaining demon robots were destroyed by Tony Stark using small missiles on his shoulders.

The group of people looked at the deep Demonic Palace, took a deep breath, gritted their teeth and entered it.

They must destroy Veronica's core as much as possible, or at least use the portal to steal the obsidian artifact.

There is no obsidian on the surface of the Demon City, so it may only be hidden underground, and the only entrance to the underground may be in the Demon Palace.

"Let's go."

Thor took a deep breath and walked into this magnificent magic palace.

The floor light in the corridor can be seen, and there are lamps on the wall that emit a faint light. Tony Stark directly released hundreds of bee-sized drones to quickly explore the structure of the entire Demonic Palace.

There are even X-ray capabilities on these drones.

Suddenly, Tony Stark froze.

"What? There's no way to the underground?"

Thor feared the worst.