Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 315: Drastic change


Steve Rogers went missing after the attack on S.H.I.E.L.D. Base 31, and most people thought he was dead.

Almost no one can survive being attacked by a demon, even if he is the famous Captain America.

"Has he completely turned into a demon?"

Thor said that he had seen Rogers. At that time, Rogers had lost his mind because of the magic skills he had practiced by mistake. After being kidnapped by the demon, it was not unpredictable that he would completely transform into a demon.

"No, he's in a terrible condition now. He's locked in a big iron cage."

Tony Stark hesitated for a moment. Previously at the SHIELD headquarters, the two of them had gotten along very well. When fighting Loki, Steve Rogers also saved him.

"Our main goal is to find the artifact first. As long as we defeat Veronica, Rogers can be rescued. But if we don't find the artifact, the entire earth will be under Veronica's reign of terror."

Eclipse said that as a native Mexican, he did not have complicated feelings towards Captain America like others. Now he only wanted to rescue Broly from the dark dimension as soon as possible.

"No... My drone didn't find a path to the underground. He has been imprisoned here. Maybe he can help us find the passage."

Tony Stark said.

Eclipse hesitated for a moment and nodded with difficulty.

"I hope you know that every move we make may lead to a completely different fate for this planet."

Tony Stark gritted his teeth and nodded. After experiencing numerous blows and hardships, he had been reborn and was no longer the playboy he used to be.

Under the guidance of the drone swarm, they quickly arrived at the place where Rogers was imprisoned.

Rogers was locked in a steel cage covered with magic patterns. He was not in good condition, covered with wounds, wrapped in only a piece of bloodstained linen, with a haggard face, lying on the floor of the iron cage.

"Rogers! What happened to you?"

Tony Stark prepares to open the cage.

Rogers sat up huddled together and wrapped himself in sackcloth.

"Don't touch the iron cage. Veronica will sense it immediately. You should leave quickly. There is no hope for this planet. Tony, if possible, put all your efforts into developing a spaceship and take the survivors away from the earth."

Tony Stark frowned, somewhat furious.

"What did Veronica do to you? Did she cut off your balls? You are no longer worthy of the name Captain America."

Ancient One directly opened a portal leading to the iron cage.

Tony Stark immediately rushed in impatiently and pulled Rogers up.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because of the big movement, the linen cloth draped over Steve Rogers was lifted a little, revealing his body.

His body was covered with surgical wounds, some of which had not yet fully healed. The suture marks were extremely hideous, like a centipede.

"Veronica implanted a demon's metal skeleton into my body. She said that the reason I still sympathized with humans was because I had not completely abandoned my human identity. So, she kidnapped the doctor and other demons to transform me into this half-human, half-ghost appearance."

Steve Rogers said dully. The experience a while ago was like a nightmare to him.

Tony Stark's hands were shaking slightly.

"The medical bay in Wakanda should be able to heal him, but we have to find the artifact first."

Eclipse once again emphasizes the artifact.

"No, even if you can cure me, I will be caught by Veronica again in the end."

A glimmer of hope flashed in Steve's eyes, but it quickly died out.

Eclipse picked him up.

"I don't have time to be sad with you now, tell me how to get to the underground!"

Tony Stark wanted to stop Eclipse's violent behavior, and Steve Rogers' surgical wound opened again.

Optimus Prime held out his hand to stop him.

"Remember our mission."

Steve Rogers coughed violently.

"There is no passage leading underground. Have you forgotten whose body this is? If Veronica wants to go down, she can just manipulate her body to transform. She can even change the entire Demon Palace at will. There is no need for a passage."

Eclipse let go of Steve and took a few steps back in despair. Was their plan unfeasible from the beginning

"What about Veronica's core?"

“Also underground.”


Thor floated into the air and directly exploded with his divine power.

"Turtle! School! Qi! Gong!"

“Damn it!”

Optimus Prime directly protected several people behind him. The others also looked for cover instantly.

A bolt of lightning that was forcibly restrained into a Qigong wave directly struck the ground of the Demon Palace. The dazzling lightning was almost blinding.

The Qigong wave bombarded the ground, and the originally dark ground suddenly turned into a crystal clear scale-like structure. The entire Qigong wave, with a terrifying momentum, caused almost no damage to the ground.

Thor let out an unwilling roar!

"Now is not the time to give up. We will definitely find a way."

Optimus said.

Thor is the strongest among them. If he can't do anything, then the others will be even more helpless.

But everyone still tried high temperature burning, thermal axe chopping, plasma cutting and other methods. After all their efforts, they could not even leave a trace on the ground.

"Who are you?"

A human with a horse face and a white robe looked at everyone curiously. He was Stephen Strange, the doctor who was captured by the demon to perform the operation.

The doctor was followed by a woman, Christine Palmer, Stephen's colleague.

As a survivor of the New York incident, he fled to the capital Washington almost immediately, thinking that Washington would be safer, but he did not expect that Washington would be attacked again before he had time to settle down.

"Can you get us out? I have a lot of cash in my car. You can take as much as you want."

"Humanity is about to perish, what's the point of having these pieces of waste paper?"

A killer said in a bad tone.

"No, we still have Miss Kakarot here. She will definitely be able to defeat Veronica."

The solar eclipse boosted low morale.

At this moment, there was a loud noise like the collapse of heaven and earth suddenly coming from the outside world. Even in the Demon Palace, everyone present still felt a violent shaking.

Thor, who had keen hearing, even heard the sound of the demon city collapsing.

"What's happening out there?!"