Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 316: Broly escapes from trouble (seeking recommendation votes)


A huge spider web-like crack appeared in the sky. It was as if a dam had been breached. Deep dark magic was like a raging flood behind the dam, gushing out from the crack and quickly dissipating into the air.


There was another deafening bang, and the spider-web-like cracks were directly expanded into a hole.

The flow of dark magic suddenly increased, pouring towards the earth like a waterfall, and transformed into a black rainbow light that flashed with strange brilliance.

A double-edged, three-pointed knife stabbed out from the crack, and with a fierce pry, the gap was made bigger.

The space was shattered like glass, and the dark magic pouring out from the dark dimension became more and more violent, gradually dyeing half of the sky black.

Kakarot looked at the sky with surprise and joy. From the other side of the space crack, she felt an extremely familiar aura.

"this... "

No. 18 looked at the sky in astonishment. She couldn't sense any air and thought some kind of horrible natural disaster had occurred.

Veronica was only terrified. As a being who inherited some of the knowledge of the original demon, she certainly knew what happened in the sky.

The space was directly torn apart.

Unlike teleportation and moving doors, which use tricks to change the spatial dimension to achieve the purpose of utilizing space, now the space is being torn apart directly and violently by some existence.

The ever-widening cracks in the sky are the best proof of this.

Sensing the familiar dark magic, Veronica suddenly shuddered and trembled.

She thought of the monster trapped in the dark dimension.

Now, monsters are crawling back from the Dark Dimension.

Thinking of Broly's terror, Veronica gave up the idea of fighting him. Even the original demon was beaten to pieces by Broly, not to mention that she was not as strong as the original demon now.

The two Veronica clones directly withdrew from the battle, and with a flash, they appeared above Steel Godzilla.

"Run, just run!"

After she finished speaking, she ignored the other demons and flew directly back to the Demon City, completely ignoring the demons and demon robots that were attacking humans.

She was ready to escape directly into the universe.

"Oh no! Veronica is back!"

Thor sensed Veronica's unusual movements at the first moment and quickly sounded the alarm.

Ancient One immediately opened the portal and sent everyone out of the Demon Palace. After everyone entered the portal, Veronica just happened to fly back to the Demon Palace and watched them leave.

Veronica and Steve looked at each other with complicated eyes, then resolutely turned their eyes away from each other.

The entire demon city shrank violently, turned back into a spaceship, and floated in the air. After absorbing a large amount of flesh, blood, and metal, the size of the spaceship became much larger.

The demons, demon robots and American soldiers who were facing each other on the front line all looked at the abnormal situation in the sky in horror. Especially after the demon city was transformed into a spaceship, it caused an uproar among the demons.


The spacecraft directly broke through the atmosphere and flew into space.

Steel Godzilla also broke free from Baya's entanglement, turned into a spaceship, followed Veronica, and flew into space.

The intelligent demons on the ground were stunned.

The space channel above the sky suddenly expanded. The double-edged three-pointed knife was retracted, and then two hands stretched out from it, grasped the crack in the air, and tore it violently.

The crack that was originally expanding under the impact of dark magic quickly expanded and turned into a huge crack that was about a meter wide and more than thirty meters long.

The turbid and heavy dark magic power hit the air, making a hissing sound.

A person flew out from the crack.

Broly looked down at the ground. After the Demon Palace flew away, there was only a wasteland of gravel and boulders on the ground. He was a little confused about what happened here after he left the earth.

A figure rushed towards him like a cannonball and hit him hard.

Kakarot used her hands and feet like a little monkey, hugging Broly tightly and smearing her snot and saliva all over his body.

Although his appearance had changed a little due to his transformation into a Super Saiyan, Kakarot still recognized him immediately.

"Woohoo! Broly you're finally back!"

Broly grabbed Kakarot's head and tore her off his body.

He looked behind him with some confusion. The passage he opened did not heal automatically like the Time House. Instead, it began to expand continuously.

The influx of dark magic caused the energy level in the surrounding area to continue to rise.


The terrifying aura gathered around him, causing the entire earth to begin to tremble slightly.


A Kamehameha powerful enough to completely wipe out the Earth blasted into the crack.

A violent explosion occurred on the other side of the crack, causing the dark magic power pouring out of the crack to stagnate. However, the impact of the explosion made the crack even bigger.

"Close the passage, or I'll tear down the entire dimension!"

Broly said to the crack.

The original demon had been completely destroyed by him, and he was communicating with the consciousness of the entire dark dimension.

An obscure message came from the other side of the dark dimension.

Because the agent, the original demon, was completely wiped out, now even the dark dimension itself cannot close the crack that was forcibly opened.

Broly crossed his arms and looked at Kakarot and No. 18.

"What happened after I left, what were you fighting?"

Seeing that Kakarot had been talking for a long time but still couldn't explain herself clearly, he simply put his hand on her head and understood everything that had happened in the past.

"I didn't expect Loki to fail even in this situation. Veronica?"

A terrifying aura surged out from his body.

After a long time, Veronica and Steel Godzilla, who had escaped from the earth and were about to fly to the orbit of Mars, were directly captured by him using the Demonic God-Slaying Technique.

Because of the violent fluctuations in space, they were unable to enter the jump state and were caught by Broly.

Steel Godzilla changed from the spaceship state back to the Godzilla state, struggling violently in the huge palm of energy.

With a thought, Broly crushed the giant steel monster into a ball of scrap metal.

Veronica disintegrated directly, breaking into pieces, and her huge body turned into tens of thousands of Veronica clones. Some fled in all directions, some burrowed into the ground, and some flew into space.

In almost the blink of an eye, all of Veronica's clones had fled away.

She wanted to escape from Broly's control this way.

Broly just raised one hand. The next moment, countless Qigong bullets blasted out from his palm, like fireworks.

These Qigong bullets chased after Veronica's clone.