Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 317: On the way


Two cars were speeding along a desolate state highway.

Peter Parker was sitting on the roof of the car. Although the road was very bumpy, he seemed to be sucked to the roof and did not move at all.

He was in charge of watching over the demons who were bound by chains.

In the car, if the demon suddenly attacked, he might take hostages. But on the roof, it was different. If the demon wanted to move, Peter could kill or subdue him immediately.

The experiences they had along the way were enough to make a classic road movie. What they saw and heard along the way made Peter Parker feel very heavy and depressed.

The ugly side of humanity did not make him question humanity as a whole or become disgusted with the world. Instead, it made him determined to guide this chaotic world back on track and bring justice to those who committed crimes.

Unfortunately, this goal is still a long way from being achieved. The spaceship that suddenly appeared is too powerful, and he has to use all his strength to defeat his demons.

I hope that the crystals dug out from the demon's hearts can be used to find a way to become stronger.

A few minutes ago, the ground suddenly shook slightly like an earthquake. I hope nothing major happens.

"We're almost at the lab."

Dr. Bonner said, a little nervously. He hadn't been here since he was accidentally exposed to gamma rays.

If the laboratory has been abandoned, he doubts whether humans have the ability to build a laboratory of the same level in the current chaotic environment.

Suddenly, Peter Parker stood up from the car and looked at the sky behind him in doubt. His spider sense gave him a bad feeling that something terrifying was approaching them at a high speed.

After the training, his spider sense became much sharper than before.

"Hide quickly and drive to the side of the road!"

He quickly leaned over and knocked on the car window to warn others.

George Stacy, who was driving, immediately turned the steering wheel and drove the car into the bushes beside the road. The car behind him didn't know what was happening, but still followed behind.

"Get out of the car, get out of the car quickly."

Under tremendous pressure, Peter Parker looked up at the sky from time to time. He drew his sword and cut off a branch to clean the ruts left by the wheels in the sand.

"What happened?"

Professor Pym said as he shrunk the two cars to the size of lunch boxes.

After everyone was hidden in the bushes, Peter Parker nervously explained.

"Something is coming, far more powerful than the demon."

"Impossible, you're scared, you coward."

The demon sneered. Although he was tied up tightly, his mouth was not sealed. Peter Parker tried to get some useful information from him all the way.

Peter Parker sealed his mouth directly.

Not long after, a loud noise was heard in the sky, as if it were the sound of a fighter jet flying at supersonic speed, only much louder.

Among the people on the ground, only Peter Parker, who had excellent dynamic vision, could vaguely see a figure passing by in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky.

Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the figure was not targeting them.

The demon beside him suddenly struggled violently.

Peter Parker pulled off the chain that was wrapped around his mouth.

"It's Unicron! The Lord is flying to the West Coast. He must be going to conquer the humans on the West Coast. Haha, you rats are about to disappear from this planet completely!"

He looked at Peter Parker with a gloating look.

Just as Peter Parker tried to refute, a loud noise even louder than before came from the sky. Something flew over at a much faster speed than Veronica just now.


A few seconds later, a dazzling light appeared in the distance, as if a sun had lit up in the sky, and then everyone present heard a deafening roar. Then, the ground began to shake violently.

Peter Parker had a strange expression on his face and said to the demon.

"Just now, your Unicron was blown to death."

The disaster-causing look on the demon's face froze.

"No... This is impossible. No one can defeat Unicron, even a clone..."

Although he witnessed the battle in New York City and acknowledged the power of Kakarot and No. 18, he was unwilling to believe that Veronica would just flee, but was still attacked and killed.

"Was that spaceship defeated?!"

Gwen Stacy asked excitedly. She wanted to confirm this from Peter Parker.

"It's very likely." Peter Parker said after hesitating for a while.

He had not expected that Veronica, who was as irresistible as the big boss behind the scenes, would be eliminated so dramatically. He had not even had time to face her.

"Don't be too happy, it's just a clone of the Holy Lord."

The demon retorted, but even he felt that Veronica might be in trouble right now.

Gwen Stacy ignored the demon's stubbornness.

“Can we go back to New York now?”

The others were also in a daze. The time after escaping from New York was the darkest time in their lives. Until now, they still couldn't believe that everything might end like this.

"No, let's catch up!"

Peter Parker said. There might be some remains of Veronica where the explosion occurred.

"Even if that Unicron is really dead, these demons have not been completely eliminated. It's far from a time of true peace. Besides, we don't know what defeated Veronica."

Unknowingly, Peter Parker has become the leader of this small group.

Although Veronica only flew above them for a few seconds when the explosion occurred, it still took the group more than an hour to reach the explosion site.

The explosion should have occurred in the sky, but the powerful force still left a large crater on the ground. The ground within a radius of more than ten kilometers was scraped.

The group stared at the scene in amazement.

"What on earth was that attack? It was like a nuclear bomb was directly detonated."

Banner had been a military researcher and had some knowledge of the power of various weapons. As far as he knew, only nuclear weapons had such horrific destructive power.

"Spread out and search to see if you can find any remains nearby. The explosion must have attracted a lot of people, and some people will be here soon."

Not long after, Wade excitedly raised a mechanical leg.

"Look what I found, a thigh. Hmm, it feels pretty good."