Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 318: A new future


New Wakanda, on the snowy mountain. Standing on the edge of the cliff, you can overlook the entire Wakanda.

Under the command of Optimus Prime, Wakanda was built into a large garden. In the microclimate regulated by the vibranium shield, green trees shade the pavilions and towers. The water is as clear as emerald green, and fish swim in it.

After the battle, No. 18 opened the portal and brought everyone back to New Wakanda.

Broly organized a banquet on the snowy mountain. In the dark dimension, because there was no seasoning, his mouth was almost bland. For Saiyans, there is nothing that cannot be solved by a big meal. If that doesn't work, then two meals will do.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and devoured the meal, holding a beef hind leg in one hand and a large steak in the other.

Kakarot sat next to him, also holding a piece of ribs as big as her head and gnawing on the grilled meat.

No. 18 sat on the other side with his legs crossed, drinking a glass of water, somewhat disgusted by the rough way Broly and Kakarot ate.

Baya's huge body lies on the snowy mountain. After swallowing a large amount of Broly's gas, it is slowly digesting it and enjoying this rare quiet time.

Slaughtered cows were delivered from the farm through the space gate one after another. Tessa Eagle directed the killers to roast the meat.

Number 18 opened a portal that allowed him to monitor Washington at any time.

The portal was right above their heads. As soon as they looked up, they could see a huge space crack that was expanding over time. Dark magic continuously poured out from the crack, infecting the earth's ecological environment.

The concentration of dark magic near Washington is almost approaching the dark dimension.

In this environment, ordinary humans would feel extremely uncomfortable, and animals are fleeing the area in droves.

Broly opened the air shield to expel the dark magic that poured in from the portal, preventing them from entering New Wakanda.

As soon as the sticky dark magic came into contact with the air shield, it exploded with a crackling sound.

No. 18 once tried to use the power of the space gem to close the space rift, but the rift was closed not long before it was broken open by the surging dark magic.

Ivan Vanko and Tony Stark tried to use the vibranium shield to confine the dark magic to a small area, but the magic that continuously flowed out from the cracks quickly broke the vibranium shield.

In order to seal the space crack, one needs to withstand the pressure of the entire dark dimension. This is an almost impossible task.

Ancient One said after observing the crack.

In the past, Dormammu's followers opened the passage to the dark dimension by quietly bypassing the dimensional membrane, but the cracks blasted by Broly directly pierced through the dimensional membrane.

Although it is somewhat unbelievable, the dimensional membrane that protects the universe was indeed directly pierced.

Fortunately, it is just a barrier connecting to the dark dimension. If it were any other location, there would be even more terrifying and indescribable horrors invading the earth.

Of course, because of the existence of Broly on Earth, it is hard to say who will invade whom.

"We can only wait until all the dark magic from the dark dimension flows into Earth, and the two dimensions merge directly into one."

Ancient One said.

This is actually equivalent to this dimension swallowing up the dark dimension. At the current speed, the dark dimension is expected to disappear completely in a few hundred years.

... ...

... ...

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, located in the northeast corner of Westchester County, New York, luckily survived the impact of the demon robots. The school is almost intact, which is a miracle in New York, which has now been completely reduced to ruins.

But the school that survived the demon robot crisis is now facing another threat.

Extremely cold air suddenly broke out in the school, and almost instantly the temperature in the entire area dropped to more than 20 degrees below zero.

The trees were crushed by the icicles on their branches, the pool froze instantly, and soon the entire school was frozen in a huge piece of icicle.

Professor X sat in a wheelchair, looking at the school that looked like an insect in amber. Fortunately, before his ability got out of control, Iceman managed to buy time for others to evacuate, so there were no casualties.

"The energy in the air is increasing. The mutants in the school have become stronger. Robert has always had a hard time controlling his natural superpowers, and he lost control under the stimulation."

Professor X said:

"Is this the reason you used to convince Magneto?"

Ancient One appeared quietly behind him.

"Indeed, this is the best possible outcome. The dark dimension that has devoured countless planets and destroyed countless lives will completely disappear after 367 years. All races in the universe will finally no longer have to live under Dormammu's shadow."

"But what about Earth? How many people are going to die on Earth?"

Dr. X said.

With such a drastic increase in dark magic power, a large number of humans will surely die because they cannot adapt.

"Even if I don't do this, in seven hundred and thirty-nine years, the Earth will be swallowed by the dark dimension, and humans will still be extinct."

Ancient One said that through the Time Stone, she saw countless futures, all of which ended with the Earth being swallowed after 739 years. Only after Broly appeared did she see other possibilities.

"The three holy temples cannot protect the Earth forever, my friend."

Dr. X was silent. He could not blame the decision made by Ancient One, even though she sacrificed an entire generation. As a person who could observe the future, the pressure that Ancient One carried was definitely far beyond his imagination.

"Did you stop me from controlling the Green Goblin because you saw this future?"

The current Green Goblin's strength is far beyond his imagination, and Dr. X naturally cannot control his mind. But when the tragedy happened in Mexico, he mistook Broly for a mutant and tried to take him to the X Academy. But the Ancient One suddenly appeared and stopped him.

"No, when you choose to try to use the Mind Cage to control Broly, he will go completely crazy and break free from your control."

Gu Yi made an explosion gesture.

"BOOM, then the whole earth will be blown up by him."

Professor X was silent. He finally understood why Ancient One asked him to join forces with Magneto to control all mutants and not allow them to contact Broly.

There are too many mutants who can influence or read minds. If you are not careful, you may detonate Broly, this extremely unstable bomb.

"Live well, Charles. What you can experience in the rest of your life will far exceed what you experienced in the first half of your life."