Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 322: Insects (seeking recommendation votes)


After a great battle, the entire farm was completely razed to the ground. The ground was covered with long scars of swords and knives, showing how fierce the battle was.

After transforming from a demon robot to a demon, the demon's strength will leap forward, but it will not stagnate. Their strength can still be improved by constantly fighting and hunting strong enemies to gain strength.

Since becoming a demon, Shamituo has never stopped fighting. He is well-known among demons for his skill in fighting.

But even other demons don't know how strong he is.

Now, Vaishta finally knew. He dropped the magic knife in his hand and knelt on the ground. The other demons who came with him had been killed by the magic spears, and there was still disbelief in their eyes.

Shamituo was not unscathed. The demonic scales on his body were scratched with many wounds, and in some of the wounds, one could even see the skeleton gleaming with a metallic luster.

"Don't kill me, Shamituo! I can help you collect the fire source. As long as you collect all the fire source fragments, you will be another Unicron!"

Vaishata held a fragment of the fire source in his hand.

These fragments of the All-Spark were found in the wreckage of Veronica's clones. When Veronica faced Broly, she knew that she had no chance of winning, so she divided the demonized All-Spark in her body into countless fragments and hid them in the fleeing clones of Veronica.

But she didn't expect that all of Veronica's clones were solved by Broly in one move.

Shamituo suddenly left Washington and his whereabouts were unknown. Vaisheta suspected that he had obtained the fragments of the fire source, so he gathered several demons to hunt him down, but he didn't expect that he would be killed.

Holding the fire source tightly, Shamituo did not expect that although the Emperor of the Universe was dead, there were still fragments of the fire source left.

Vaishata had a flattering expression on his face, hoping that Shamituo would let him go. But Shamituo simply scratched through Vaishata's chest with one claw and pulled out his heart.

"How can I revive the demon race if I'm with a bug like you?"

Shamituo opened his mouth wide and swallowed the heart, then dug out the hearts of several other demons and swallowed them one by one.

When Veronica was still alive, she prohibited demons from eating each other's hearts. After her death, no one could restrain Shamituo anymore.

Sensing the power that was beginning to surge within his body, Shamituo tore open his chest and placed the piece of fire source fragment inside.

A sinister smile appeared on his face.

After Veronica's death, Shamituo lost his goal for a while, but now he finally knows what he should do.

... ...

... ...

In New Wakanda, Broly stood on a giant Vibranium rock, sitting cross-legged and instructing his subordinates on the cultivation of Chi. Even Optimus Prime and other Cybertron robots were listening.

Ivan Vanko borrowed Tony Stark's design and created artificial meridians using Uru metal, allowing robots without flesh and blood to cultivate the power of Qi.

The Asgardians provided enough Uru metal to exchange for Vibranium.

Because of the powerful energy amplification and storage capacity of Uru metal, the Cybertron robots' practice of Qi has made great progress and progressed rapidly.

No. 18 also underwent the same transformation. Her strength is no longer determined solely by her energy source, but she can also practice on her own.

Tony Stark's invention plays a huge role in New Wakanda.

Others from the farm were there, even Tessa Eagle was practicing. She had had enough of her own powerlessness during the previous battle.

Thanos' tall body was hidden among the killers, completely covering the short Ebony Maw next to him.

He appeared calm on the surface, but was ecstatic in his heart. He was planning how to seize Broly's power, but he didn't expect Broly to impart it casually as if it was a sale, without setting any conditions or thresholds at all.

As the Eternal Titan, Thanos had conquered many places in the universe and had extremely rich combat experience. It didn't take him long to learn how to stimulate his own Qi.

How to practice as a beginner? A purple air burst out from his body uncontrollably, blowing Ebony Maw and the killers around him away.

He stood up in shock, looking at his hands in disbelief. Strength was constantly flowing out of his body.

"This... this power, how powerful is it..."

Even Thanos did not expect that he would have such powerful potential.

The rapidly rising power made his self-confidence and ambition swell, and Thanos even felt that he was invincible.

This swelling feeling was instantly extinguished as if a bucket of cold water was poured over it.

Broly flew in front of him and was looking at him curiously.

After mastering Chi, Thanos could also vaguely sense the strength of other people's Chi.

Facing Broly is like facing the sun.

"Not bad, Thanos, it seems that you still have a lot of potential to develop. You can ask Thor for advice when you have time and learn how to use Qi."

Broly patted Thanos' shoulder vigorously and said.

"Thor, teach him Kamehameha."

After he finished speaking, he returned to the gravity room on top of the tower to continue his training.

After becoming a Super Saiyan, Broly's strength increased even faster. Now he is trying to get Kakarot to master the Super Saiyan transformation technique as well.

After experiencing a series of battles and constantly falling into a near-death state and being resurrected, Kakarot's power has approached the threshold of becoming a Super Saiyan.

Thor followed Broly's order and patted Thanos' shoulder hard.

"Haha, finally I have a partner to train with. Kakarot has become too strong. I don't even dare to challenge her to a fight."

Thanos was unable to suppress his own Qi because he had just mastered the cultivation method of Qi. Thor could sense that Thanos' power was much weaker than his own.

"Then I'll leave it to Brother Thor from now on."

After all, Thanos is a hero. Although he appears to be warm and friendly to his brothers on the surface, he is actually thinking about how to promote Asgard after he becomes powerful.

We have to find a way to figure out the secret of Broly's training. Thor, this simple-minded fool, must know a lot about it.

He thought to himself. After learning how to use his energy, he realized that it was almost impossible to reach Broly's level just by practicing.

Broly must be hiding something.

It seems that I still need to study cooking seriously.

Thanos has been quietly collecting a lot of information about Broly during this period. He knows that Broly loves to eat very much. If he masters good cooking skills, he will definitely be able to please him.