Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 326: God


Thanos wore an apron and kept turning the skewer so that the fire could roast every part evenly.

He first beat the large piece of beef ribs lightly with his fist to break the fiber tissue inside the beef and release the gravy, then spread the secret sauce on it before grilling it on charcoal fire.

Ebony Maw stood nervously aside, controlling the charcoal fire with telekinesis, making sure it provided a steady supply of heat without letting ash fly onto the ribs.

After witnessing Broly's terrifying destructive power, Thanos and Ebony Maw immediately became much more obedient.

After all, Thanos is a hero who can become the master of a region in the vast universe, and he quickly made his way around New Wakanda.

Before long, the ribs were almost cooked. Thanos used a hook to lift them from the charcoal fire, picked up a kitchen knife and quickly dismembered the whole rib, then picked up a pinch of mineral salt and sprinkled it on all the barbecue in a seductive manner.

Ebony Maw used telekinesis to load the barbecue onto plates and brought them to the table.

Kakarot grabbed the barbecue in front of her, stuffed it into her mouth ravenously, and gave Thanos a thumbs up vaguely:

"Wow, it's delicious! Even better than what sister Tessa made!"

"It's my pleasure, Miss Kakarot."

Thanos said.

He could sense the destructive energy within Kakarot's petite body. If it exploded, it would easily destroy the entire earth.

The Saiyans are truly a gifted race.

It's a pity that he has traveled the universe for so many years and has never heard of this race.

Thanos was thinking about many things, but his face did not show any expression, and he continued to prepare the ingredients. With Ebony Maw, who could use telekinesis, as his assistant in the kitchen, he was very efficient, and a steady stream of meat was roasted and served on the table.

Broly poured a large bowl of borscht into his mouth. Excellent people can really make it in any field. Thanos learned the signature dishes of major cuisines around the world in a short period of time. The dishes he made are comparable to those of chefs who have been immersed in the art for decades.

Thanos personally brought a plate of braised pork elbow and placed it respectfully on the dining table in front of Broly.

With Broly's cultivation, he can already obtain energy directly from the sun, cosmic radiation and dark magic, and he doesn't need to eat at all. But he is still used to replenishing energy through food.

"How many people in the universe know about the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament right now?"

Broly asked.

"Most civilizations capable of interstellar travel already know this. This is Xandar, after all."

Thanos said with some intention of causing trouble.

"However, this is also likely to attract the attention of some mysterious beings."

He said after considering his tone.

As a tyrant who has dominated the universe for many years, Thanos knows many unknown secrets. In the distant past, they once created most of the life in the universe. In the history of the Eternal Titan, there are very vague records.

Broly immediately became interested:

"How does their strength compare to the original demon?"

Thanos shook his head:

"I only know of a famous god who destroyed a planet with a single blow."

"Interesting, I hope they can come to us sooner."

Broly smiled excitedly.

... ...

... ...

On Xandar, the airspace near the explosion has been completely blocked by the Nova Corps, and the authorities are also doing their best to eliminate the impact of the explosion and the video.

But those unrecognizable planets will not recover automatically, and the entire universe is surging with undercurrents. Even the Kree, who had already reached a peace agreement, began to stir.

Star-Lord was imprisoned in the space prison of Kern on Xandar. Even now, he still can't forget the flash in the sky that almost swallowed everything.

The dealer who agreed to buy the Cosmic Orb refused to trade with him after learning that Ronan and Thanos were also looking for the Cosmic Orb. He also had a conflict with a raccoon, a tree man, and a Zehouberi woman.

"You have no idea how serious the consequences of your actions are!"

Gamora said angrily.

"Now we are locked up in this damn place. Thanos can easily open this tin can, kill everyone and take the Cosmic Orb."


Star-Lord was curious.

"You have no idea how terrifying he is, not to mention that he has now joined forces with an even more terrifying demon. The entire universe will be completely destroyed!"

"The mission Thanos gave me is to get the Cosmic Orb, send it to Earth, and present it to Broly. There is a gem in the Cosmic Orb that can give people infinite power. After getting it, Broly will become even more terrifying."

Star-Lord raised his finger:

"Since the gems in the Cosmic Spirit Ball can give people infinite power, why doesn't he use them himself? Replace Broly and grab the Dragon Ball?"

"Thanos' evil wisdom is beyond our ability to guess. He must have some very evil plan."

Gamora said.

Thanos' brutal style left a deep shadow on her. Gamora also planned for a long time, and took advantage of Thanos's stay on Earth to muster up the courage to betray Thanos.

But she didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of the fool in front of her at the first step of her plan.

"We must escape from this prison as soon as possible and find a way to use this gem, otherwise we will all die."

Suddenly, the iron prison began to shake violently, as if it was a ping-pong ball being held in someone's hand.

Gamora began to tremble with fear.

"Thanos, Thanos is coming."

The drones in the prison flew out like a swarm, ready to meet the enemy, but they disappeared immediately after flying out of the prison.

"Quick! Take this opportunity to find the spaceship and get out of here!"

Rocket Raccoon said:

"I have a very bad feeling!"

Suddenly, the entire prison was torn open from the outside. A huge face like a rock occupied everyone's sight.

"What kind of monster is this!?"

Star-Lord exclaimed, the universe suddenly felt strange.

“Run! Run!”

The air in the prison is being lost in large quantities, and soon everyone will suffocate to death. The prison guards are now exhausted and have no energy to care about these prisoners.

The giant outside the prison stretched out his hand, and the Cosmic Spirit Ball flew out from the cabinet where the prisoners' personal belongings were stored and fell into the giant's hand.


The giant crushed the spirit ball directly and held the gem inside in his hand.

A powerful force surged out from the gem, causing the giant's energy to soar.

"What on earth is he going to do?"

Star-Lord put on his mask and looked at the giant outside the prison.


The giant's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot, leaving only a messy prison.