Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 329: Preheat Cangliang


On the planet Xandar, the fleet of the Nova Corps was gathering, and President Xandar slowly walked onto the flagship of the fleet.

She's going to Earth.

This originally unknown and remote planet has now become the center of stirring up the entire galaxy. Especially after the gods were killed without any resistance, the cosmic civilizations with a little historical record were shocked in their hearts.

Their history records the strength and irresistibility of the Celestials. These eternal gods are the source of most civilizations in the universe.

The president sat in the command cabin and glanced around at the people who had just been released from the detention room.

"I hope what you said is true. The fate of the entire Xandar planet and its affiliated planets depends on this visit."

It was already difficult for Xandar to resist Thanos' army, and it became even more dangerous after Thanos surrendered to Broly. The President often wakes up in his sleep, fearing that Xandar will be wiped off the earth by Broly.

The appearance of Star-Lord and his team gave her hope that if she could connect with Broly, Xandar would be able to ignore the threat of Thanos.

This world's best martial arts conference may be Xandar's best opportunity.

The huge fleet jumped into space and flew towards the earth.

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On Earth, Hulk is holding a giant magic halberd in his hand, and he is trying his best to stay calm.

All demonic martial arts except the Qijue Sword were implanted in his heart. After all, no one in the entire settlement has a stronger heart than him.

After consulting everyone's decision, Peter Parker prepared to pile all resources on Hulk and let him participate in the world's best martial arts conference.


Hulk suddenly let out a long roar.

A huge demonic shadow enveloped his body, transforming into a hideous demon scale armor. With the addition of armor, Hulk, who already possesses nearly infinite strength, once again surged in strength.

Every breath he took was like the gas turbine of a 10,000-ton battleship operating at full power, and even the ground was trembling slightly.


Hulk waved the magic halberd, directly breaking the sound barrier. He activated another demonic martial arts lodged in his heart. He breathed out the demonic energy, and the magic halberd in his hand directly turned into a ferocious swimming dragon.

The dragon suddenly came to life, slithering around and baring its teeth and claws. Suddenly, it hit the ground hard.

It seemed as if hundreds of tons of explosives had been detonated in the desert, exploding violently. The monstrous dust was blasted into the sky and turned into a sandstorm.

This is not the first time that the surrendered demon has seen such a scene. The demon's martial arts has exerted even greater power on Hulk.

Hulk's anger is the best fuel, enough to push these martial arts to a level that the devil has never reached.

"Without Broly, all we're doing is destroying the Earth."

Dr. Pym said with emotion as he watched Hulk wreak havoc in the desert. The martial arts of these demons allow Hulk to no longer only vent the infinite energy in his body through fists and roars.

If he hadn't seen the power of Veronica and Broly, he wouldn't have been able to stay calm at this time.

"This is the only thing we can do. Even if we make the wrong decision, it's better than doing nothing."

Peter Parker said.

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"You are crazy, you are completely crazy, Tony Stark! This is a coup!"

The mayor screamed like a rooster being strangled, and his office was broken into by Tony Stark. The previously trusted police and National Guard were disarmed by armed men from Stark Industries and knelt on the ground with their hands raised.

The support he used to think was indestructible was like an egg shell when facing Tony Stark. Tony Stark just gave him a slight hammer, and everything fell into place.

"You can't do this. I have a very good relationship with other entrepreneurs in Los Angeles. I am protecting their properties. You can't touch me!"

With trembling hands, the mayor dug out a stack of documents from his desk and showed them to Tony Stark one by one.

"This is Mr. Wayne's power of attorney, this is Morgan's, and this one belongs to the Arkansas family. You don't want to offend them. If you want to kill me, you are trying to shake Ami. Liken’s cornerstone!”

He carefully collected these documents and put them back into the document bag. This was his first step towards advancement.

"Are these people you are talking about the weaklings who fled to Europe immediately after the disaster?"

Tony Stark grabbed the documents and tore them into pieces.

"You are a piece of rubbish that deserves to be called the cornerstone of Amerikan. Neither you nor those cowards are just parasites living on this great country. Today, I want to make Amerikan great again." !”

Tony Stark said, grabbing the mayor by the collar and throwing him out of the window.

The citizens who surrounded the mayor's office cheered and surrounded him, beating the mayor. They were like roaring waves, rising and falling.

"Mr. Stark, I have blocked communications between Los Angeles and the outside world, but the news here cannot be isolated for too long."

Jarvis's voice sounded in the helmet.

"There is no need to hide it for too long. We need to gather the materials and strength of the entire east coast to continue to advance the plan. Other cities must be included in the alliance."

Tony Stark said firmly.

"Stark Industries owns the Ark Reactor Ring, which can easily supply inexhaustible energy, and the large-scale vertical farms being built can also continuously supply food. They cannot and cannot refuse this alliance."

He glanced at the mayor outside who was about to be beaten to death.

"Let the Pepper Organization collect signatures from the citizens of Los Angeles. I will legally remove that idiot and become the new mayor of Los Angeles."

The holographic screen inside Tony Stark's mask projected a design diagram, which was the information left over from the previous Titan project.

He wants to restart the Titan Project and build a more powerful mecha to participate in the world's best martial arts tournament held by Broly.

After being captured by the Yuanzu Demon, the Titans of the previous generation burst out with unparalleled terrifying power. Because of the backdoor left inside the machine, he accepted part of the data of the Original Demon Titan and Veronica Titan.

Relying on these data, Tony Stark is confident that he can restore part of their power.

It's just that according to the rules of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, he needs to modify the size of the second generation of Titan. The machine is too huge to fight on the martial arts field.