Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 331: The third hundred and forty-first chapter of the Jiaqi of Jige Village is the New Los Angeles


In Los Angeles, three months have passed since the catastrophe that changed the earth. The environment of the earth, especially North America, was completely changed.

The dark magic in the air has reached the point where it can induce mutations in humans. This actually improves their tolerance to dark magic.

Under the auspices of Stark Industries, order has been restored to the city of Los Angeles. The vibranium shield imported from New Wakanda isolated the all-pervasive dark magic from the city. The original reinforced concrete jungle was demolished and transformed into a three-dimensional farm.

These towering farms have hundreds of floors, are neatly planned, and are filled with plants grown without water.

The abundant energy of the Ark reaction ring continuously supplies electricity, providing the light source required for photosynthesis for crops on the farm.

Due to lack of food and energy, the large cities on the west coast joined the Stark Industries alliance with little resistance. There are even established armies joining this alliance. The strength of the entire alliance expanded rapidly.

The fugitive government in Europe has been completely forgotten by the American people. Ms. Pepper is now one of the most powerful people in America.

At the entrance of the vibranium shield, several heavily armed Stark Industries security guards wearing powered exoskeletons were checking civilians entering the city.

Some people who are too deeply eroded by the magic of darkness will become extreme in nature, become cruel and murderous, and degenerate into darkness. There have been dozens of serial killings of mutated humans in Los Angeles. Although it was quickly suppressed by Tony Stark's Iron Legion, it still filled the civilians with panic.

Now, anyone with obvious mutated tissue will be banned from entering Los Angeles.

"Sorry, you're not allowed in Los Angeles."

A security guard stopped the deserter in front of him, with half of his face covered in strange scales.

"Why! I traveled more than two hundred kilometers to get here. My wife and my son were all eaten by mutated creatures on the way, and now you don't let me in!"

The deserter said hysterically.

Although he had arrived in the legendary Los Angeles, but could not enter, he was completely crushed.

"Stark Industries has set up a mine outside the city. You can go there to work. We will provide sufficient food and drinking water. Mr. Tony Stark is already researching a potion to cure the mutation. As long as it is successful, everyone will can all return to normal.”

The security guard explained.

"No, get out of your way, I'm going in! It's full of fresh flesh and blood, haha!"

Then the body of the deserter trembled violently, an exaggerated and weird smile appeared on his face, and the muscles all over his body were twitching uneasily.

"Fallen humans found, requesting support, requesting support!"

The security guards immediately took a step back and opened fire. The people lining up behind them were even more frightened and ran away.

Amidst the sound of fire like exploding beans, bullets hit the deserter's body. Because they have powered exoskeletons to help withstand the recoil, these security guards use electromagnetic acceleration assault rifles modified by Stark Industries, which can easily shoot through body armor and the fur of mutated creatures.

But the agility of this fallen human exceeded the expectations of the security guards. Its muscles seemed to be filled with springs, and its body was ejected like a cannonball.

A security guard was knocked directly into the air.

The fallen human opened his mouth, revealing yellow teeth, and sticky saliva dripped from the gaps between his teeth.

"Fresh flesh and blood!"


His upper body was directly blasted to pieces by the roaring shock beam. An Iron Legion powered armor swooped down from the air and landed on the ground.

"Discover fallen humans and carry out the mission of destruction."

The power armor stepped forward and tore off the fallen human with only his lower body from the security guard's body. He opened his left arm and pointed it at the corpse.


The high-temperature flames directly burned the corpse to ashes.

The chaotic deserters quickly restored order. They had seen similar scenes countless times in the wilderness outside.

Stark Industries' sharp handling methods can actually make them feel safe.

The injured security guard was taken to the ambulance for treatment, and the remaining security guards continued to check on the deserters who wanted to enter the city. The next deserter was a seemingly normal human being, except for a string of pustules on his arms. This degree of mutation can be recovered by living in an environment with low dark magic power for a period of time.

He was allowed into the city after being implanted with a chip. This chip implanted under the cheek skin records identity information and can be located at any time.

With his powerful computing power, Jarvis has been monitoring the location of everyone in the entire city in order to discover fallen humans as soon as possible and mobilize the Iron Legion to annihilate them.

Stark Industries' new headquarters.

Pepper watched this scene completely through surveillance.

"Can we really develop a potion to restore mutation?"

Facing the complicated affairs that every city has to deal with every day, she has shown amazing ability to keep the alliance in order. Many have already compared her to Washington.

"No, I can't do it. Moderate or above mutations are irreversible, at least not at the current level of technology."

Tony Stark said, he looked very tired, and there was no trace of the playboy before the cataclysm.

"If you don't deceive them like this, they will only fall into complete despair and fall directly. I have no other way or choice."

He scratched his hair painfully, and a few gray and white hair fell from his head.

"As long as we win the world's best martial arts tournament and make a wish to the dragon, everything will be restored to its original state!"

Pepper hugged Tony Stark's head distressedly. After ruling hundreds of millions of people for nearly two months, her innocence is no longer visible.

She understands that no one is omniscient and omnipotent, and compromises and sacrifices are inevitable.

"You've done all you can do, Tony. Don't put all the responsibility on your shoulders. You need to rest for a few days."

In the city of Los Angeles, the deserter blended into the crowd. He raised his head and glanced at the huge sky farms. The lush plants in the lights looked like scenes from a science fiction movie.

He took two fingers together, pierced his cheek, and dug out the implanted chip. Then his body squirmed and changed, changing his appearance and becoming a completely different person.

If Peter Parker were here, he would be shocked to find that the spirit of this deserter is exactly the same as that of the Demon Samita.