Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 332: Demons and beasts tide happiness


Outside the city of Los Angeles, several demons stood on the roof of an abandoned gas station.

"No trace of Shamituo has been found. He must have hidden in Los Angeles."

After the dark dimension was pierced and the tide of dark magic poured back to the earth, the war between the demons and the US military gradually subsided.

Under the tide of dark magic, the individual strength of the demons generally increased, but because they lost their leader, they fell into internal strife. The endless internal friction caused the overall strength of the demons to rapidly weaken.

The US military suffered even greater loss of combat effectiveness due to the loss of supplies.

Most of the heavy weapons turned into scrap metal due to the lack of fuel, and some soldiers even became bandits and gangsters due to lack of food. The slightly organized troops either joined the alliance organized by Tony Stark or became warlords.

The whole of North America has entered an era similar to the Warring States Period.

As for the demons, without Veronica, they had lost their ability to reproduce. In such a situation, any demon whose brain had not been corrupted by the demonic energy and turned into a fool knew that if the demons did not change, it would only be a matter of time before they perished.

However, the demons' chaotic, aggressive and greedy natures made it almost impossible for them to maintain long-term cooperation. Finally, these demons agreed that within nine months, the demon with the most fire source fragments would become the new leader of all the demons.

It was not until this time that the demons discovered that a demon had secretly collected many fragments of the fire source.

Samita immediately became the target of public criticism. Almost all the demons wanted to take the fire source fragment from him.

"We are no match for Stark Industries."

A tall demon said with some annoyance.

Stark Industries' strength is rapidly expanding. Tony Stark has transformed a batch of advanced weapons that originally belonged to the US military, and with the surrender of the US military, even the demons are unwilling to confront them head-on.

"What should we do? Are we just going to wait for Shaminata to become the king of the demons in five months?!"

An irritable demon said angrily.

"We can also sneak into Los Angeles and capture Shamituo quietly."

Another demon suggested.

"And then they were all captured by Tony Stark?"

His proposal was refuted by other demons in a sarcastic tone.

Several demons discussed for a long time but failed to come up with any reliable plan, and almost got into a fight.

It was not until the end that a demon came up with a plan that everyone agreed to.

That is to drive the mutant creatures to attack other cities in the alliance, forcing Tony Stark to disperse the power of Los Angeles to other cities, and then sneak into the city to capture Shamituo when the defense force of Los Angeles is the weakest.

In the wilderness, the ones whose strength expands the fastest are not humans or demons, but the mutated creatures that reproduce and mutate quickly.

Under the stimulation of the tide of dark magic, creatures in the wilderness are constantly mutating. Even the most knowledgeable biologists are unable to classify these strange and bizarre mutant creatures.

Some powerful mutant creatures, having absorbed too much dark magic, are even able to fight against demons.

There was a deafening roar coming from the sky. It was the fighter jets belonging to the West Coast Alliance on patrol, monitoring the movements of mutant creatures in the wilderness.

Several demons disappeared immediately, leaving only an empty roof.

The reconnaissance capabilities of these fighters are very strong. Even when flying at an altitude of thousands of meters, the optoelectronic system can still easily distinguish objects the size of a mouse.

Once they discover a gathering of mutant creatures, they will organize an attack, or even call in bombers to carry out carpet bombing. They will not stop attacking until they have identified the leader of the mutant creatures and destroyed them.

If it is not certain that the leader has been killed, Los Angeles will even mobilize ground troops to confirm.

Because Tony Stark knew very well how terrifying these mutants would be if they were organized. He even sent drones deep into the inland to monitor the movements of the mutants. He also used the Veronica satellite in space to attack the mutants in clusters.

Those mutant creatures that could fly posed a huge threat to the alliance's fighter jets and drones.

The demons were very mobile. It took them more than ten days to herd the mutant creatures from several nearby states to the west coast.

They were able to use the dark magic in the air to disguise themselves as mutants. In this way, they quickly organized the mutants that were like a pile of loose sand.

By this time, a raging tide of beasts had already formed. They swept across the border like locusts, flattening the human settlements along the way and surging towards the west coast.

The West Coast Alliance was the first to discover this massive tide of mutated creatures.

The surging biological tide could not be hidden from Stark Industries' satellites, drones and fighter planes. Destructive lasers fell from the sky, like thunder from the sky, leaving charred marks on the ground.

That was the first time Stark Industries fired a large laser cannon in space orbit after resuming production. Using the large Ark reaction ring function, it was able to continuously fire high-energy lasers towards the ground.

Once the powerful mutant creatures are hit by high-energy lasers, they will be instantly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature and reduced to ashes.

The nearly incandescent beam of light was like the thunder of divine punishment.

The bomber group took off from the airport and formed a formation. When facing mutant creatures, the heavy cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs prepared for human warfare were not cost-effective.

The stealth bombers currently in service have already entered a semi-obsolete state, so Tony Stark personally led a team to collect a number of active and sealed B-52 bombers from all over North America, using their advantages of easy maintenance and large bomb load to fight against mutant creatures.

The fighter jets escorting the bombers directly turned on the afterburner and fired a round of medium-range air-to-air missiles after occupying the terrain.

The whistling missiles left white trails in the air.

All the escort fighters fired all the medium-range air-to-air missiles in one go.

Dozens of kilometers away, the missiles made their final maneuvers, tracking the mutant creatures towards the bomber group.

Flashes of air-to-air missile warheads exploding continuously appeared among the cluster of thousands of flying creatures.

Blood rained down from the sky like a rainstorm, and wailing and screaming were endless.

The death of their own kind made these mutant creatures even more violent, causing them to accelerate towards the bomber group.