Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 36: invest


After driving a distance, Broly canceled his transformation. Both Oolong and Pu'er's transformations can create objects. Oolong, who made his debut, created hot soup and bowls and chopsticks, and even accidentally burned his fingers.

After upgrading the Oolong Transformation Technique to the fourth level, ordinary people can no longer distinguish the authenticity of the things he transforms into.

Bruce Wayne was planning to use this identity when registering as a killer at a mainland hotel, but he didn't expect to run into S.H.I.E.L.D. first.

Phil Coulson chose another direction to search for the giant ape's location.

"Is there really nothing wrong with that guy? I have to work for ten years to afford the custom-made suit and watch he wears, but he drives such a shabby car that no one would steal even if it was parked on the side of the road."

Said the agent sitting next to him.

"He has too many reasons to explain. It would be a waste of time to verify them one by one. Our first goal is to get rid of the giant ape first."

Phil Coulson said that the threat from the giant ape was more urgent than that of Bruce Wayne, whose identity was somewhat suspicious.

He had just returned to the United States and had successfully brought back a large amount of information about the riot from the Mexican military, including unit numbers, orders and reports during the battle, recordings of survivors narrating details of the battle, and communication recordings during the battle.

When he was transporting the information back to the headquarters of Sanfei Island, he suddenly received a call for help. A huge ape attacked the town of Lajitas.

Fortunately, in order to deal with possible battles, they brought a lot of powerful weapons and were able to drive the giant ape away from the town center.

The escaped giant ape would most likely attack surrounding cities and cause heavy casualties, so Nick Fury ordered him to stay in the town of Lajitas to find the whereabouts of the giant ape.

"I wrote down his driver's license number, vehicle frame number and license plate number. Once we've dealt with the giant ape, we'll have plenty of time to track him down."

... ...

... ...

Tracked by the combat detection glasses, Broly found Kakarot's location without any setbacks. She was curled up and sleeping soundly under a huge rock. Transforming into a giant ape consumed a lot of her energy.

Broly looked at Kakarot's tail that was still shaking, and after hesitating for a moment, he used his luck to cut it off, and then completely destroyed it with a qigong wave.

There is a lot of black technology in the Marvel world, and he is very cautious to prevent anyone from obtaining Saiyan cells and creating monsters like Cell in this universe.

In the giant ape form, Kakarot lost all her sanity and became a beast that only knew how to destroy. Her flaws far outweighed her strengths. Now that he had understood the general level of combat power on Earth, he was sure that he had the strength to protect her safety in most cases without having to rely on the giant ape form, so he decided to just pull out her tail.

Looking at Kakarot who looked no different from an ordinary human child, Broly took off his coat, wrapped her up, and held her in his arms.

His action woke up Kakarot, and she immediately burst into tears after seeing Broly.

"Ooooooh, Broly, I'm so hungry!"

She didn't even notice that her tail was gone, and even her memory of turning into a giant ape and wreaking havoc last night had disappeared.

Broly put her in the passenger seat and drove back to Sharp Farm. Halfway through the journey, he abandoned the car in the desert and chose to walk back to Sharp Farm with Kakarot in his arms.

"I've already thrown your car away. If anyone comes to investigate, just say it was stolen last night."

Broly said as he opened his backpack and pulled out a roll of US dollars, which was worth five thousand dollars, and threw it to Clint Sharp. The seven-hand pickup truck was worth at most three thousand dollars, and the rest was hush money.

He knew that SHIELD would definitely investigate the car and trace the clues back to Cade Yeager.

Cade took the US dollars with a smile. What he liked most was Broly's generosity. He spent money without even blinking.

"Tessa, prepare food for Mr. Broly!"

Broly sat comfortably on a rescued sofa, while Kakarot curled up in his arms, nodding her head, looking sleepy.

Kailina picked up Kakarot and realized that she was just wearing a coat.

She shuddered, looked at Broly, bit her lower lip, and wanted to say something. There was a church in Lajitas Town, and three years ago, a priest sexual assault case occurred. Under the protection of the church, the priest was only fined four weeks of community labor.

Could it be that Kakarot was imprisoned by that priest

"She fell into a mud pit and her clothes were all torn so I just threw them away."

Broly explained casually.

Tessa smelled Kakarot's hair and found that there was no bad smell, but she was smart enough not to ask any more questions. Instead, she carried Kakarot to the bathroom that was not completely destroyed, preparing to give her a bath and change her into new clothes.

Kakarot rolled around in the bathtub excitedly, splashing hot water everywhere. Tessa had to work hard to calm her down, squeeze out the shower gel, and apply it on her body.

"Wait, Kakarot, your tail?"

It was only then that she realized that Kakarot's tail was gone.

"Hey, where's my tail?"

Kakarot screamed in panic, stood up, and looked in the mirror to find her tail.

The disappeared tail, the missing clothes, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed through Tessa's mind. She covered her mouth and struggled to digest her previous guess.

Broly was sitting cross-legged on the sofa with his eyes closed, when he suddenly felt a pair of eyes falling on him.

"What's wrong? It's weird."

He looked at Tessa.

"No... It's nothing. Kakarot has already washed it."

She hurriedly handed Kakarot, who had been washed and changed into a dress, to Broly, then walked to the campfire to prepare dinner.

The kitchen was completely buried in the ruins, and she could only cook some broth over the campfire.

"It's okay, Tessa, don't panic, don't panic, they won't be here for long and will leave!"

Tessa cut the potatoes and threw them into the soup pot, while talking to herself to force herself to calm down.

Her father Cade, holding a beer in his hand, took the initiative to move closer to Broly.

"Mr. Broly, are you interested in investing?"

Broly looked at him in confusion.

“What to invest in?”

He looked at Clint with suspicion.

"Of course it's the farms. You know, after the giant ape attacked Lajitas, almost all the farmers couldn't pay back their loans. They could only sell their farms at low prices to get cash to repay their loans, or they would go bankrupt. But because of the giant apes, the farms here can't be sold at a high price. Only we know that the giant apes have been dealt with by you, Mr. Broly. We can take this opportunity to buy a large number of farms and resell them later, and we can make a lot of money!"

Kaide said in a fanatical tone. This idea kept popping up in his mind after he met Broly. He was ready to recommend himself to do this for Broly. If successful, the commission alone would be a lot of money.

Broly held his chin with his hand, thinking about the possibility of this matter. Of course, he didn't do it for money, but he spent money to buy the land. Does it count as completing the main task and occupying a habitat for the Saiyans