Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 39: train



This was a huge mountain lion, with a body length that had reached the limit of the species, more than 200 centimeters, and a shoulder height of 80 centimeters. Under the sleek gray fur were strong muscles that flowed like water. At this moment, its long tail was swinging, its muscles were sometimes tense, sometimes relaxed, and it kept roaring in protest.

It was bluffing, and even now it hasn't realized how it was caught.

Broly rode on his somersault cloud and flew around the desert several times before he found the king of mountain lions. Broly put it into the big pit he had created with his air blast.

"Kakarot, jump in yourself. If you are killed, it means that your potential is just that."

He had trained Kakarot for fifteen days, and it was time for a stage test. The high-intensity training had unearthed Kakarot's potential, and as long as she didn't lose her strength due to fear, the puma would never be able to hurt her life.

Although the Saiyans are called a fighting race, it is more because of their characteristic of explosively increasing their strength after being on the verge of death, rather than their actual strength. Without the protagonist's good luck, it is very easy for them to die directly, rather than being rescued after being on the verge of death. Akira Toriyama just calls them a fighting name, not the strongest fighting race.

In fact, the average strength of Saiyans is not high. Raditz looks weak, but he is already a genius warrior among Saiyans.

The endless emergence of Super Saiyans in the later part of the comics gave readers the illusion that Saiyans are very powerful. In fact, the Ginyu Force, Dodoria and Champo under King Frieza all look down on Saiyans. The status of Saiyans under Frieza is quite low.

Even the genius Saiyan warrior Vegeta was no match for them before his combat power was enhanced in the Earth chapter.

The reason why King Frieza wanted to destroy the Saiyans was not because of the Saiyans' strength, but because of the seemingly illusory legend of the Super Saiyan.

In an interview with Akira Toriyama, he introduced the social structure of the Saiyans. After a baby is born, its combat power is measured immediately. If the value is higher than the standard, it will be raised as a combat candidate. If the combat power does not improve after a period of time, it will either become a technician or be put on a spaceship and sent to a planet.

If they can grow strong enough and conquer planets, they can return home as low-level warriors. Low-level warriors may not sound nice, but they are already part of the ruling class among the Saiyans.

Only those geniuses whose fighting abilities continue to improve during their early childhood will be considered superior fighters.

Raditz is one of the few geniuses who was directly judged as a superior warrior. As a formal fighter, he was assigned to the team of Nappa, a descendant of a famous family. He participated in battles and plundered planets since he was a child. The Saiyan prince Vegeta was the last one to join the team. Because of his strong fighting ability and status as a prince, he directly replaced Nappa as the captain.

The average combat power of the Saiyans is not high. As interstellar pirates, they are more adept at bullying the weak and fearing the strong. They plunder ordinary planets, but they are servile to the stronger King Frieza. In this environment, few Saiyans will fight to the point of near death, using this method to improve their combat power.

Raditz is the ceiling that ordinary Saiyans can reach. If Kakarot is allowed to grow wildly, she might even be worse than Raditz.

Kakarot saw the mountain lion roaring in the pit, roared in a childish voice, and jumped in.

The mountain lion was startled by the sudden human, and quickly distanced itself from him, then began to circle around him. Kakarot then took a Satan-style starting stance, constantly adjusting her posture, facing the mountain lion, her chubby face looking very serious.

After the two had been facing each other for two or three minutes, the mountain lion, as a wild beast, finally decided to attack. In its experience, this kind of human cub was very weak and could be killed with one bite.

The cougar's attack method mainly relies on its powerful shoulder muscles, using its claws to pull the prey in front of it, and then using its teeth to tear the artery to kill the prey. Its light body, powerful strength and deadly bite force make it the top hunter in the American continent.

Kakarot remained calm, blocking the puma's front paw with her backhand, and then kicked it in the jaw.

The kick sent the mountain lion flying, crashing into the wall of the pit.

The mountain lion whined, stood up quickly, and stared at Kakarot vigilantly. It found that the human in front of it was not simple.

But animals are very cunning and have no intelligence, so the mountain lion's means of attack are quite simple. Apart from swiping with its claws, the only thing it can do is bite.

After Kakarot saw through its three-pronged attack, it was pinned to the ground soon and unable to move.

Kakarot grabbed the big cat by the neck and sat on it. It wasn't long before the mountain lion whimpered for mercy.

The powerful force coming from its neck was almost suffocating it.

Kakarot hesitated for a moment, then loosened her hand. The puma, freed from its restraints, panted greedily, stuck out its tongue in a somewhat flattering manner, and wagged its tail, just like a big cat.

"Hey, Broly, how about we not eat it."

Kakarot was still a child, and was immediately attracted by the jaguar's cuteness. She raised her head and asked Broly above.

Broly was a little surprised by Kakarot's progress. He originally thought that Kakarot would have a harder time dealing with Meishi, but he didn't expect that she could easily deal with it. Now, she should be able to beat two Wades in hand-to-hand combat. If she understood the technique of focusing the energy on the fists in the Satan Style, she would not have any difficulty in beating five Wades.

He had decided to fly a little further and catch some brown bears or lions to act as opponents for Kakarot.

"Sure, as long as you are responsible for its food." Broly said: "Be careful, don't let this beast secretly bite your throat."

This mountain lion is wild and untamed, and is only temporarily obeying Kakarot's power. I believe it will retaliate or escape soon.

"No, right, Gulu!"

Kakarot had already chosen a name for the puma.

Gulu immediately stuck out his tongue to please

Broly held Kakarot in one hand and the puma in the other, and jumped out of the pit. His powerful aura frightened Gollum so much that he trembled and almost vomited shit.

He found that Kakarot, because of her gender, was still very belligerent and violent, but she did not have the cunning and bloodlust that were unique to male Saiyans. This should be considered an advantage, at least it was much easier to raise her.