Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 42: Continental Hotel (seeking recommendation votes)


Tessa woke up from the soft bed reluctantly. The smooth silk bedding was so comfortable that she wanted to lie on the bed forever. She closed her eyes again, and after gathering her strength for a while, she resolutely got up and washed.

Rubbing her hair with a towel, she walked into the living room. The hotel staff had already delivered breakfast, which was all exquisite bread and desserts. Broly was not interested in such food, so he ordered another bucket of baguettes and stuffed one into his mouth with each hand.

Seeing a table full of desserts that she had only seen on TV, Tessa couldn't wait to sit down, picked up a macaron, and took a bite with a happy look on her face.

"What's so good about something this sweet that tastes like saccharine?"

Broly was a little confused. He would rather eat an uncooked lizard than this.

Tessa didn't dare to refute Broly, she just kept her head down and nibbled on the macarons in her hand like a little hamster. In the end, most of the desserts on the table went into her stomach.

Because they booked a royal suite, the Four Seasons Hotel provided travel services, and Broly chose a less high-profile Bentley Flying Spur. First, he sent Tessa to Midtown High School.

Tessa was not blinded by vanity, and asked the driver to drop her off when she was still more than 300 meters away from Zhongcheng High School. She knew that she was still the daughter of a poor Texas farmer, and would not change at all after staying in a five-star hotel for one night.

Riding a Bentley to school might make a group of girls who don't know the truth flatter her for a while, but after being exposed, it would be difficult for her to stay in Midtown High School.

The only way to change her future is to study hard.

"To the Continental Hotel."

Broly reported the address of the Continental Hotel. The Continental Hotel was not advertised to the public, so not many people knew the address.

The Bentley started smoothly. Because it was working hours and there was some traffic on the road, it took two hours to reach the Continental Hotel.

The Continental Hotel in New York City is located at a three-way intersection and looks like a very ordinary star hotel from the outside, with tall Roman columns and some old granite exterior tiles.

"Just stop here, you can go back."

Broly placed a ten-dollar bill on the seat as a tip, then opened the door and walked out.

After pushing open the door of the hotel, he found that the decoration of the Continental Hotel was not as ordinary as the outside, and it was even better than the five-star Four Seasons Hotel.

Gorgeous crystal chandeliers, solid wood furniture that glows golden under the light, intricate golden reliefs, tall marble statues, and well-dressed waiters.

The people here were obviously familiar with each other. Broly, as a newcomer, walked in like a deer walking into a lion's habitat. Everyone in the hotel lobby looked at him inconspicuously, blatantly, or murderously.

"Welcome to the Continental Hotel, sir. We are open to members only."

The hotel's lobby manager was a black man, and he spoke to Broly in a polite manner.

“I came here to become a member.”

Broly said as he took out a gold coin and placed it on the desk at the front desk.

"It is a great honor for Charon to serve you, sir." Charon raised his eyebrows, collected the gold coins and put them in the drawer. "We haven't had a new member in a long time."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone and made a call.

"Please follow me, sir."

Charon said as he led Broly through the lobby and into an elevator.

The elevator fell rapidly downwards. The Continental Hotel was obviously much larger than it appeared on the surface. Its underground was completely hollowed out and the space it occupied was even greater than that on the ground.

There is a bar on the seventh underground floor. There are many people sitting inside. All of them are well-dressed. They don’t look like killers, but more like gentlemen from upper society.

"Mr. Winston, this gentleman wishes to join us?"

Charon led Broly to a wine table.

Sitting at the table was an elderly man with wrinkles all over his face. He was holding a glass of whiskey and sipping it while listening to the performance of the pianist on the stage.

"Sit down, young man, right here."

Broly sat down carelessly.

"Since you brought the gold coins with you, I could actually say nothing and assign you a task as a test. But as an old man, I'd rather chat with young people. What's your name, friend?"

Winston snapped his fingers and asked the waiter to bring a glass of brandy to Broly.

"Bruce Wayne."

Broly picked up the brandy and drank it all. He knocked on the table and asked the waiter to bring three more steaks. He was going to pretend to be a gentleman, but he didn't eat much for breakfast, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

Winston's mouth twitched. This was the first time he had seen a newcomer who didn't take the Continental Hotel seriously. As an experienced old man, he had seen many killers. Even the most unruly, self-righteous, and murderous killers would be restrained and feel uneasy after entering the Continental Hotel.

Because when entering the Continental Hotel, the newcomer will meet many of his kind, some are weaker than him, some are stronger than him, but everything tells him that he is not special. It is like a lion that hunts sheep wantonly, and suddenly finds that there are also other lions of the same kind living on this grassland.

This is why mainland hotels can continue to operate. There are no rules between lions and sheep, but there are rules between lions.

But Bruce Wayne, who was sitting opposite him, gave him a different feeling. He was like a dragon sitting in the sky, overlooking the grassland. The fights and hunting between lions were like games between ants in his eyes.

"I hope you're not just a simple fool, Mr. Wayne."

Winston picked up the wine glass and took a sip. If he was not a fool, the future high table would surely be a headache.

Broly first tried the knife and fork, but found it too troublesome, so he simply picked up the whole steak with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth. He had given up on himself. What Batman style? Filling his stomach was more important.

The steak tasted very good. Even Broly, who had no demand for gourmet food, stopped chewing and enjoyed the delicious taste the moment the extremely delicious gravy exploded in his mouth.

"Ten more portions!" Broly finished his steak and said to Winston while waiting for the food to be served: "Am I registered now?"

Winston raised his finger and Charon, who was standing next to him, took out a bar phone from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Welcome to the Continental, Wayne. I hope you live to see the day you retire."

As he spoke, he stood up and prepared to change a table for himself. As he was old, he couldn't stand the sight of anything greasy.

"Don't leave yet. I want to accept the mission. Do I have to wait for you to send me a text message? And what is the test mission? You tell me who to kill and I'll tear his head off right now."

Winston pointed at Charon, signaling him to deal with Broly. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he asked Broly:

"Mr. Wayne, do you like dogs?"

Broly nodded solemnly.

“I like dog meat very much.”