Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 44: Low-profile Batman (seeking recommendation votes)


Starting in 1843, potato late blight spread across North America and Europe, causing massive potato crop failures and triggering a horrific famine. Nearly 10,000 people died in the Netherlands, the second worst country, and as many as one million died in Ireland, the worst country. The biggest reason for such a heavy death toll was the British government's perfunctory disaster relief measures.

The majority of Irish immigrants to the United States came to the United States after 1843. The Irish immigrants who arrived during this period formed the basis of the Irish immigrant community in the United States.

As white Catholics, they were different from the Anglo-Saxon Puritans who were the mainstream of American society. When they first arrived in the United States, they suffered from rejection, discrimination and insults from the locals. The painful experience in Ireland and the rejection after immigration made these Irish people quickly unite and develop a dynamic social organization - the Irish gang.

Even now, some Irish communities are still very united, they are internally linked by blood and have a very strict organization. If you offend one person, you offend the whole community.

After Dave Boyle embezzled Kingpin's goods, he fled back to the Irish community with his men. Even the powerful Kingpin could not find any way to punish this traitor.

Bullseye's death almost took away his arm.

Dave already knew that Jin Bing had offered a reward for him at the Continental Hotel, which made him even more vigilant. All the gunmen took turns patrolling, and some dark corners in the villa that could be infiltrated had gunmen on duty 24 hours a day.

At the back door, two gunmen with bulging waists were guarding here. Their bodies were covered with tattoos, and their bulging muscles were about to burst through the cheap suits on their bodies. The two looked around with vigilant eyes. All of Dave Ibor's men knew how terrible the assassins from the Continental Hotel were. Because their boss often hired these assassins to eliminate the enemy.

In the dim light, a woman suddenly came staggering over. She was obviously so drunk that her consciousness was blurred. She slipped and simply lay on the cold ground and fell asleep.

“Go and have a look!”

The two gunmen looked at each other and made a decision. The gangs did not make this community rich, but made it poorer. Many daughters from poor families had to sell themselves in order to survive. It was not uncommon to see women coming back drunk.

“It’s just an ordinary sign.”

The two of them checked it carefully and rubbed it hard.

"Do you want to take it back?"

"Forget it. It will be bad if she is found by the leader. Besides, she is from the community and it will be troublesome if something happens to her."

They returned to the back door of the villa with some regret and continued to vigilantly monitor the surrounding situation.

I don't know how much time had passed. The surroundings were completely silent, with only the occasional snoring sound from the woman lying on the other side of the street.

"It seems that no one will come. The killers in the Continental Hotel are just so-so."

One of the gunmen said.

Before his words faded in the air, a sound of breaking through the air was suddenly heard in the distance, and something was flying towards him at an extremely fast speed.


A card cut into the shape of a bat was driven into the throat of one of the gunmen, severing his trachea and arteries.

The remaining gunman was stunned and frantically tried to draw the pistol at his waist to warn others, but as soon as his hand touched the handle of the gun, a flying card pierced his throat.


That was the sound made when blood turned into blood mist and spurted out from the wound.

A bat-like figure appeared at the back door. It was Broly who transformed into Bruce Wayne. Because of the tight time, he had no time to prepare. He just bought a black sheet and cut a stack of bat darts with playing cards.

If you don't have enough money, you can only make up for it with your strength. In his hands, the soft card is no different from steel, and it can still cut the throat from dozens of meters away.

After taking a look at the woman lying on the street, Broly walked into the villa. Wrapped in a black cloak, he landed silently, like a ghost.

The patrolling gunmen had their necks broken before they could react, and died silently in the darkness.

Even though he could only use one tenth of his strength after the transformation, it was easy for Broly to kill these amateur gunmen.

Soon, all the patrolling gunmen were turned into corpses on the ground. The villa suddenly became quiet, with only the buzzing of insects.

The gunman upstairs finally sensed something was wrong:

"What's going on? Guys down there, report the situation!"

No sound was heard, and the courtyard of the villa was as quiet as death.

A card drew an arc in the air and pierced his throat.


The gunman covered his neck, trying in vain to stop the bleeding, staggered a few steps, and his body fell directly from the upstairs. The whole villa suddenly woke up from the darkness, and the lights illuminated the inside and outside.

Finally, someone saw the bodies lying on the ground in the courtyard.

"The devil... the devil is coming!"

These gunmen, who were bullying the Greyhounds with their notoriety, immediately panicked when they encountered real enemies. Some picked up their rifles and fired at the courtyard. For a moment, there was a lot of gunfire. The bullets destroyed everything in the courtyard. But there was no trace of the attackers.

Broly had already used the grappling hook to jump onto the roof of the villa and sneaked into the interior of the villa. Soon, the gunshots in the villa became sparse, and from time to time there were a few shrill screams. After a few minutes, there was only an eerie silence in the villa.

The entire community woke up to the sound of gunfire. The men took out the guns hidden in their homes and went to the streets, but the battle in the villa ended too quickly and they had no time to provide support.

The villa, which was still as brightly lit as day, was as horrible as hell. No one dared to go in to see what was going on.

A woman mixed in the crowd and retreated away from the villa without leaving a trace.

It’s so terrible, it’s really so terrible, is this really something that humans can do

Eva Lorde could feel her heart beating violently, almost jumping out of her chest. She watched almost the entire process as Broly easily killed all the gunmen.

Killing people by throwing cards is simply a magical skill. Even the legendary John Wick would not be a match for this monster.

Suddenly she stopped in the crowd, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"No, don't kill me."

Eva Lorde immediately showed a delicate and weak look, and coupled with her gorgeous appearance, she was really pitiful. But the next moment, her soft body froze, and her rosy skin instantly turned pale.

Her throat was slit.

"Auntie, you shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't put poison needles in your ring."

Broly said, shaking off the poison needle between his fingers.