Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 46: labor


There are no more valuable bounties left at the Continental Hotel. The remaining bounties are all for small characters, and the bounties are all around 200,000 US dollars, which are not worth investing.

Tessa Yeager was very capable of living independently, and had already found herself an apartment with a reasonable price and decent security, and moved out of the Four Seasons Hotel. There was no need to stay in New York anymore, so Broly simply rode his cloud back to Texas.

Filippoto's men and Bullseye had provided Broly with a lot of experience earlier. With the addition of the more than seventy gang members last night, his level was raised to level twelve. After one more level, he would be able to get another attribute point.

Since he was about to get the next attribute point, Broly prepared to use the skill points he had obtained at level ten.

After observing for a while, he found that he was indeed a legendary Super Saiyan. After training and growing older, his strength, physique, agility and perception were all getting stronger. He also figured out what these four attributes represented.

Strength attribute is the explosive power of muscles. It is currently 14 points, but Broly feels that it will soon reach 15 points through development and training. Because the maximum force that can be burst out with one arm is almost six tons, relying on the force-generating skills of Kame-sen martial arts, he can instantly burst out a terrifying force of nearly eighteen tons.

Physical attributes are more complex, and the values comprehensively include the body's ability to resist impact, cell activity, metabolism, bone toughness, immunity, five internal organs and endocrine system. The reason why his physical fitness has increased is mainly due to his ability to resist impact, the strengthening of bones during exercise, and the natural growth brought about by physical development.

He was a little hesitant about whether to add some points to his physique. Saiyans can get sick too, and Goku even had a heart attack due to a bacterial infection. The powerful Qi did not make the Saiyans transcend their lives, and they were still mortal. Adding some points to his physique might avoid this situation.

Agility is not about speed, but about nerve reflex speed and body coordination and flexibility. Coordination and flexibility can be improved through training, but nerve reflex speed can only be improved by adding points.

In his battle with Goro Daimon, he relied on his strong nerve reflexes to gain the upper hand.

The perception attribute is the five senses and the ethereal intuition. The perception ability of Saiyans is much stronger than that of humans, and Broly is even more outstanding. Not only does he have amazing eyesight and hearing, but he can also easily distinguish thousands of smells in the air by relying on his sense of smell.

As for the intellectual attributes that show no signs of growth at all, they are the ability to learn and think, and the ability to control one's own behavior.

Except for strength, other attributes need to be added. Broly is having a headache thinking about it. He decides to take a simple and rough approach, which is to add one point to the intelligence attribute each time, and then add one point to other attributes in turn.

Having added a little intelligence last time, Broly plans to add a little physique this time.

The feeling brought by adding points to the physical constitution is very wonderful, he can feel that his body seems to be more relaxed, as if some burden has been unloaded, his skin is more delicate and tough, the bones of the whole body have become harder and more flexible, the heart beats more strongly, and the digestive ability of the stomach and intestines has also become much stronger.

Saiyans' digestive organs are already very strong, and now Broly feels that his stomach can squeeze nutrients out of almost anything.

The effect of attribute points is really amazing, but it's a pity that you can only get one point every three levels, which is really not enough.

Flying at full speed on the Somersault Cloud, it only took less than an hour to fly back to the countryside from New York. Broly's sense of direction was amazing. After flying once, he no longer got lost and arrived at the farm not long after.

Cade Eagle was a man who could not sit still. Among the farms he acquired, there were several farms whose houses escaped the destruction by the giant apes, so he simply moved all his belongings there.

Pressing the cloud head, Broly jumped down from the somersault cloud.

"Where's Kakarot?"

"Miss Kakarot is still cleaning those fences. In the past two days, she has already cleaned one-third of the fences around the former White Farm."

Cade Eagle said.

"It seems she is not lazy."

Broly threw the suitcase into his arms.

"What's the situation on the farm now?"

Cade took the suitcase, somewhat curious about what was inside. He had been working very hard on the farm acceptance and was already familiar with all the details.

"We now own a total of 1,253 acres of farm land, including 32 acres of orchards, mainly growing citrus, 45 acres of vegetable gardens, growing all kinds of vegetables, mainly sold to the capital Austin, 200 acres of alfalfa pastures, and the rest are all ordinary corn and soybeans."

Kaide continued:

"Due to a lack of manpower, the orchards are still in good condition, but the vegetable gardens, soybean fields and corn fields have suffered serious losses. Even if we hire new workers to maintain them, only about one-third of the crops will remain."

Broly didn't care about the loss of the farm.

"I don't need soybeans and corn. Those crops need to be removed and most of them turned into pastures. Cade, when the pastures are transformed, buy a batch of beef cattle. It's better to choose better breeds as food for Kakarot and me. The orchard and vegetable garden can be left, but there should be more varieties of fruit trees and vegetables."

Cade nodded. He knew how much Broly and Kakarot ate.

"Even if we sow seeds right now, it will take at least six months to provide enough feed for the beef cattle. However, the original 200 acres of grassland can be used directly to raise cattle. At least 120 cows can be raised there. I know a farmer who raises very good Angus cattle."

"But boss, we are out of money. Now we only have 110,000 US dollars left."

Cade showed a wry smile on his face. For such a large rural village, the taxes alone would be quite high, not to mention the money needed to operate it.

"You have 3.5 million in the suitcase in your hand. Don't save money for me. Continue to buy the remaining farms. You must buy the best breed of cattle. In addition, you must open up another 100 acres of land for growing rice."

Texas has a subtropical monsoon humid climate, with rain and heat occurring simultaneously, which is very suitable for the growth of rice. The farms here mainly use dryland direct seeding technology to grow rice, which eliminates the need for rice seedling raising and transplanting in paddy fields, reduces the manpower involved, and is more conducive to mechanized farming.

Broly prefers rice to bread.

"The key is manpower, boss. Right now, no cowboys or farmers dare to come to Lajitas Town to work. Even if Miss Kakarot is very capable, she can't cultivate more than a thousand acres of land."

Cade said. He had already raised the salary by two times, but still no one dared to come.

"It's okay, I can handle this."

Broly said. It would be better if no locals were willing to come, so he could just go and capture a group of members of the Mata Group to carry out labor reform.

Because of the disintegration of the Reyes Group, the Mata Group has become more arrogant. Even Broly, who doesn't know much about current affairs, has seen several gunfights and massacres caused by the Mata Group. This time, it's just right to go there to weaken their arrogance and deal with the mess that was accidentally left behind before.