Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 47: The official debut of Saiyan


A fierce gun battle is taking place in Ciudad Juarez. In the cover of night, the two sides shoot at each other in the streets, and tracer bullets fly like fireflies.

People kept being shot and falling to the ground.


The moment the grenade exploded, everything around was illuminated as bright as day. Shrapnel rolled and drilled into the soft flesh and blood body, instantly destroying the soft internal organs, and bursting out of the body with flesh and blood tissue.

Some people were lucky enough not to be hit by the shrapnel, but because they were too close to the explosion point, they were blown to the ground by the shock wave.


Orange flames suddenly lit up in the street and transformed into a flaming monster that quickly crossed from one end of the street to the other, continuously devouring lives along the way.

As sparks flew, living humans were quickly burned to charcoal. Even the asphalt road surface melted and burned under the scorching flames.

"It's the Flamethrower!" The gunner from the Mata Group, who had already gained the upper hand, exclaimed, "Where are our mutants?"

The two sides in the fight are the Mata Cartel and the underground boxing market in Juarez.

The owner of the underground boxing market was Sicily Farrakon, a legendary Cuban who fled from Cuba to Mexico. No one knew how he made his fortune, but he quickly became very rich and met many bigwigs in the Mexican political world.

At first, he was engaged in smuggling business, but soon he had a crazy idea, which was to organize a group of mutants to fight crazily in iron cages. This cruel and dark way of playing was originally born in Eastern Europe, and Sicily Farrakon brought it to America. It soon caused madness.

He remained neutral between the Mata Group and the Reyes Group, and was able to extract huge profits from the underground boxing market every day.

But after the fall of the Reyes Group, Sicily Farakon's life was no longer so good. First, after the mutant factory was destroyed, he lost a source of mutants. Second, Barro Mata, a hungry wolf who would never feel satisfied, was eyeing him.

The city of Juarez quickly turned into a battlefield due to the conflict between the two.

A beam of blazing light suddenly shot out from a distance, piercing straight through the endless murderous flames and cutting it in two.

"Solar eclipse, our solar eclipse is coming!"

The gunmen cheered.

In the United States, mutants are ostracized by society and turn to crime, but in Mexico, the situation is different: gangs actively recruit mutants and use them as their most powerful weapon.

Unlike the brainwashed products of the mutant factory, these mutants have a higher status and can use their abilities more flexibly.

Eclipse is a Mexican man in his twenties who can absorb and manipulate light beams and release them in a concentrated manner, possessing terrifying destructive power.

The flamethrower continued to condense blazing flames, trying to burn the eclipse to ashes. However, the flames were destroyed by the eclipse's beam before they flew halfway.

With the addition of mutants, the battlefield directly became a bloody meat grinder. The gunmen covered their own mutants and killed the enemy's gunmen with higher efficiency.

The situation on the battlefield quickly turned in favor of the Mata Group.

The civilians of Juarez had long been accustomed to this hellish scene. They hid in their homes, locked their doors, and trembled as they waited for the end of the war.

A five or six-year-old girl curled up in her mother's arms, nodding her head, trying to sleep, but was immediately awakened by the sound of gunshots outside. It was already two o'clock in the morning, and children couldn't stay up late, so she was already very sleepy.


A stray bullet penetrated the window and flew straight towards her mother who was holding her.

Just when the tragedy was about to happen, a hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness and caught the bullet in the air like catching a fly.

"Are you sleepy, kid? Don't worry, it will be quiet outside soon."

A tall and strange man appeared in the room at some point. He wore a Venetian mask on his face, with only his chin exposed. He was wearing a somewhat suspicious tights with a large S logo printed on his chest. He had a red belt around his waist and a pair of red high boots on his feet.

A long tail was swaying behind it.

"Prince of Pleasure, are you Prince of Pleasure?"

The girl suddenly shouted excitedly. Her mother quickly covered her daughter's mouth. The masked man in front of her looked very strange anyway.

"Little brat, what are you yelling about? This is Superman, Superman, okay? The only thing that looks a bit similar is the mask, okay? And where did you watch Balala the Fairies? Promise me you won't watch it again, okay?!"

Broly, dressed as Superman, was furious and used the knuckles of his index finger to pierce the girl's head. His mask was obviously black, how blind must he be to mistake him for Prince Pleasure.

After teaching the girl a lesson, Broly hesitated for a moment, took off his mask, and replaced it with combat detection glasses. As long as there was a slight possibility, he didn't want to be recognized as Prince Pleasure.

Clark Kent in DC can transform just by wearing a pair of glasses, so there's no reason why it shouldn't work in Marvel.

He opened the window and flew out, hovering in the air.

Son Gohan taught Videl how to practice the Air Dance Technique in the manga. Broly learned it in about 30 minutes after exchanging for the Kame-ryu martial arts.

Just because of the qi, he didn't fly very fast, almost the same as Krillin in the original book when he just learned the air dance technique, but it was enough to scare people.

All the gunmen stopped and looked in horror at the strange man who suddenly appeared in the air.

"Green Goblin, it's Green Goblin!"

They shouted in horror.

Broly's face fell, and he was recognized instantly.

"I am a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta. I came to Earth to hunt down a vicious Saiyan criminal. You should be very familiar with that Saiyan criminal. Some time ago, he caused shocking damage in the capital of this country. His name is Broly, or what you call the Green Goblin."

Broly used his Qi to amplify his voice, which could be heard from several blocks away. The huge amount of information in his words immediately caused an uproar.

"As for why Raditz and I look so similar, it's because Saiyans look alike."

"It turns out that the Green Goblin is an alien, no wonder he is so powerful!"

Some people believed it immediately, and some smart people took out their mobile phones to start recording.

Broly did not stop those people. As the video spread, more and more people would know that the people who attacked Mexico City at that time were Saiyans, which would help him complete the main mission two faster.

He dodged and broke through the outer wall of a building with his bare hands, grabbing a fat middle-aged man from inside.

"Do you know where Broly is hiding?"

The person he caught was the mutant Flamethrower. He hid in the dark and controlled the fire to kill people.

Broly's hands were like iron tongs, about to strangle his neck.

"Go... die, bastard!"

The flame jet instantly erupted with extremely hot flames, engulfing Broly completely.