Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 48: Black hearted farmer


The flamethrower's superpower is to create and control flames. Although he can create flames out of thin air within thirty meters from his body, the flames ejected from his hands have the highest temperature, reaching a temperature of one thousand six hundred degrees.

At this temperature, the flames were already a blinding white. Even steel would be melted into liquid iron.

The dazzling flames not only engulfed Broly, but also covered the area of more than ten meters behind him. The asphalt road melted instantly and turned into liquid. Several gunmen were caught off guard and turned into torches in the flames, bursting with orange flames, but they only lasted for a few seconds before being burned out and turned into ashes.

Even the wall at the end of the flame melted under the high temperature and turned into magma.


The gunmen covered their eyes; it was impossible for anyone to survive being engulfed in such flames.

Eclipse showed a fearful look on his face. The reason why the flame before the flame was ejected was so vulnerable was to lure him deeper. If he was hit by that flame, even he would die instantly.

But Flamethrower was obviously not as optimistic as they were. Despair appeared on his face, because the force on his neck had not changed at all, and the hand was still locked on his neck like an iron clamp.

"Wolf Fist."

The surging flames were suddenly cut neatly in half, the flame jet's body stiffened, and then the lower half fell to the ground. A mass of internal organs flowed to the ground, and you could even see his dinner through it.

In the scorched air, Broly's intact figure was revealed, and even the road surface centered on him was not melted by the flames.

This level of flames is not enough to break through Broly's Chi defense.

"The Green Goblin... It's the Green Goblin..."

Someone shouted in panic, trying to escape.

"I've already told you that I'm not the Green Goblin. I'm the Galactic Patrolman Raditz. You can also call me Superman."

Broly shouted in dissatisfaction, and with a flash of his figure, he knocked out one of the fastest gunmen. In Broly's eyes, the movements of these gunmen seemed to be still, and in a flash, they lay on the ground.

He deliberately left behind a few people, one of whom was the smart guy who took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

Eclipse was so terrified that he couldn't see Broly at all. He could only see the gunmen being knocked down one after another like wooden stakes.

"This is simply not an opponent that humans can match!"

There was a sudden disturbance of air behind him, and Eclipse turned around instantly, firing two dazzling beams of light from his hands. Broly waved his hand and deflected the two beams, then punched Eclipse in the abdomen.


Ri Shi felt as if he was hit hard by an iron rod. His eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Broly counted the number of gunmen, there were forty-two of them, enough to clear the land, plant vegetables and take care of the cattle. He drove a truck that had been prepared long ago, threw everyone into the truck bed, and then called the Somersault Cloud.

Lifting the truck, Broly jumped onto the somersault cloud.

The entire truck weighed six tons, plus the weight of forty-two people, which caused the Somersault Cloud to sink violently before it returned to its original height. Broly controlled the Somersault Cloud and flew back to Lajitas Town at a height of about fifty meters.

The truck was a huge object in the air defense radar, and if it flew high in the sky, it would be difficult to escape the monitoring of the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Fortunately, it was already midnight, and it flew lower, so few people noticed the truck flying in the air.

Cade Eagle stood in the open space, and Broly told him that he would come back with a group of free laborers at this time. Kakarot rode on Gollum's back, feeling drowsy.

It wasn't long before they saw the truck flying in the air.

"This... this is too exaggerated."

Broly jumped off the cloud holding the truck and put it on the ground.

"These are the laborers I captured from Mexico. Bring the fire hose and give them a good beating."

Cade had the fire hose ready, and he was a little worried.

"Boss, where did you get these people from? Will there be any problems?"

He was very afraid that Broly had captured some people at random. Although slave labor still existed in Southeast Asia and a few chaotic areas, the disappearance of so many people at once in the United States would easily attract the attention of the police and the FBI.

As the global demand for seafood remains high, Thailand has a shortage of about 50,000 seafarers each year. Some fishing companies in poor neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos use deception or even kidnapping to bring local young laborers to their boats and enslave them to fish.

Sick fishermen would be thrown directly into the sea, those who resisted would be shot or beheaded, and those who disobeyed would be imprisoned in a dark cabin under the deck, kept with rotten fish and shrimp all day long.

The fish they catch are shipped to canning companies and then to the United States, where they are used as pet food. The United States is the largest customer for Thai fish products, and pet food is one of Thailand's fastest-growing exports, more than doubling in six years.

In a sense, this is a cat-eat-man movement. The fish that poor people buy with their blood are just food for pets in rich countries.

"They are all Mexican gang gunmen who have killed countless people. It is not a pity that they died. You can use them as animals."

Broly said as he picked up the hose and used a high-pressure water jet to wake everyone up. Without these people, I believe the Mexicans will be happier.

Under the impact of the water flow, all the gunmen quickly woke up. Some were choked by the water and coughed violently.

"Where is this place?"

Their consciousness is still stuck at the moment they were knocked unconscious.

"You are already in America, prepare to work until you die in this black farm!" Broly turned off the water valve and pointed at Kakarot who was watching: "Anyone who tries to be lazy will be fed to the mountain lion."

The cattle in the pasture had been taken away by the original farmer, so the cowshed was empty. Cade had already cleaned it up, so there was no problem using it to live in.

Under Broly's intimidation, all the gunmen were very obedient. They changed into the denim clothes that had been prepared long ago and went to sleep in the bullpen.

Cade was a little worried.

"Boss, I can't manage so many thugs by myself. It's like asking a mouse to supervise a group of cats. I will be killed!"

He was just an ordinary Texas farmer.

"Don't worry, you just need to teach them how to do farm work, and leave the rest to Kakarot. Kakarot will definitely make them behave themselves."