Marvel Saiyans

Chapter 89: Looting the Osborne Group (Seeking Collection)


Broly took the butcher knife. After being weakened, Professor Connors's recovery ability also became weaker. If his neck artery was pierced directly, he might not survive.

"You have to understand one thing. I saved you. Your life now belongs to me." He threw the knife back to Cade. "Now you have no other choice but to work for me."

Even if the police were too slow to identify Dr. Lizard, the Osborn Group would certainly be able to identify Professor Connors from the cross-species gene transplantation project. As a giant multi-industry company, the Osborn Group has its own armed forces.

If he leaves here, Professor Connors will only have two choices: go to jail or flee. It would be fine if he is caught by the police, but if he falls into the hands of the Osborn Group, he may even be used as experimental material.

After being stopped by Broly, Professor Connors' inner desire to survive surged back into his heart. He lowered his head, as if he had lost all his strength.

The fall from being the head of the Osborne Group to a fugitive was a gap he found difficult to accept.

"What do you need me to do for you?"

Broly signaled Cade to take Connors to clean up first, while he sat at the dining table and ate and drank heartily. After practicing the Nine-turn True Martial Divine Power, his appetite increased dramatically again.

Even the legendary Super Saiyans did not gain their power out of thin air, they needed to replenish their food to convert energy. Simply relying on the acupoints to absorb and release the energy of the universe is just a drop in the bucket.

If one looks inside, the five-colored light emitted by the five internal organs almost fills the entire field of vision. The edge of the heart is even translucent.

Broly's third-level practice had reached an unprecedented level, and his internal organs had even begun to show signs of semi-energy. The animal skin that recorded the Nine-turn True Martial Divine Gang did not mention similar signs. But as long as his internal organs could still absorb the energy transmitted to him, he would not rush to enter the fourth level of practice.

Not long ago, his physical condition increased a little bit, reaching 15 points. His physical condition is almost always at its peak, and he only needs to sleep two to three hours a day to maintain his vigorous energy. A wound deep enough to see the bone can stop bleeding within five minutes and heal within three to five days.

The legendary Super Saiyan's physique combined with the Nine-Turn True Martial Art allowed him to begin to transcend the limits of his mortal body.

After the evil thoughts were separated from him, Professor Connors was able to control his body to switch between lizardman and human, and the arm that was lost in the war grew back directly, and it would not disappear even after returning to human form.

He took a shower, changed into Cade's old clothes, and looked much better.

After Broly had his fill, he brought Professor Connors to the medical cabin installed in the toilet.

"This is the medical cabin of Frieza's army. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the patient is not brain dead, lying in it will make him recover. But it needs culture fluid to treat the injury. I need you to analyze the composition of the culture fluid."

After the last treatment, there was about a cup of culture medium left, which could be used as a sample.

Professor Connors looked at the strangely shaped medical cabin and even dismantled the outer shell to observe the internal structure. It took more than an hour before he exclaimed in amazement.

"It's amazing! The technology in this medical cabin is completely different from that on Earth. It's about eighty years ahead. If we can crack the technology inside, all surgeons will be out of work! Even Stephen Strange will be the same. No one will have to face his ugly face anymore!"

As a professor of biology and medicine, he had many dealings with Stephen Strange, and almost every time they ended in bad terms.

With a new goal, Professor Connors' mental state has improved a lot, even better than when he was promoting the cross-species gene transplantation project. This project has been proven to be unworkable, and foreign genes will directly change the personality of the original body. He definitely does not want to try it a second time, feeling that his nature has changed drastically without knowing it.

But this medical cabin is much better. It does not require the transplantation of foreign genes, and it will be much easier to deal with the FDA. It has almost no side effects and is simply perfect.

"Your current task is to research how to make the culture medium."

Broly said.

"Of course, of course. But I need a lot of equipment. I can't do anything with just a cup of sample."

Professor Connors rubbed his hands impatiently.

Large experimental instruments and medical equipment are very expensive. Although the 100 million that Broly just received is an astronomical figure, it won't even make a splash. Moreover, many instruments cannot be bought even if you have money. The companies that produce them are large groups like Stark Industries and Osborn Group. They are not sold to the outside world, but only provided to internal laboratories.

"Can you complete the analysis and experiments in the laboratory of the Osborne Group?"

Broly asked.

"Of course. Osborne Group is a world leader in the biological and medical industries, just like Stark Industries is in the weapons industry. I dare say my laboratory has the most advanced experimental equipment in the world. It's a pity that I can't go back to the laboratory to do experiments."

Professor Connors felt a little painful. If his assistant Dr. Rada had not been eager to test the drug on those disabled soldiers, he would not have used the lizard serum on himself on impulse.

That lab no longer belonged to him.

"We can rob the Osborne Group and take out all the experimental equipment we need."

Broly said.

Saiyans usually don't pay for things they buy.

"No... That's impossible. Osborn's security force..."

Professor Connors was stunned in the middle of his speech. He suddenly remembered his own powerlessness when facing Broly. The power of the man in front of him could not be measured by common sense.

"But those test instruments are very large. We need at least three or four containers, and we have to dismantle them from the laboratory, which takes time and manpower."

He said that those test instruments were extremely sophisticated and would definitely be damaged if they were violently disassembled.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes you. I will buy you enough time. And there is no problem with manpower. I have plenty of people here, and they are all very professional."

Broly was referring to the killers working in the farm. They were the elite of the Mata Group and the Juarez underground boxing market. Although they were not as good as the elite troops, their execution was not weak. It should not be a problem for them to dismantle a few experimental instruments and resist the security forces of the Osborn Group and the New York City police.

"All you have to do is draw up detailed drawings of the Osborne Building and then train my people on the techniques for disassembling the equipment."