Mary Sue: A Faithful Adaptation

Chapter 31


After saying goodbye to the prince who was reluctant to part with her, Ye Xi went to the house where the robber Tuoba was housed.

In order to ensure that the three male supporting roles would not meet each other, Ye Xi deliberately spread out the residences of the three of them slightly. Although they were not too far apart, at least they would not reveal their secrets when they went out to take a look.

Chasing the scene among the three male supporting roles, the scumbag's heart is also very tired.

Pushing open the door of the robber, as Ye Xi expected, the robber was still lying unconscious on the carpet, his clothes were basically dry, and his waist-length bright red hair was tied together in a coquettish manner. The bundle was placed on the chest, and the clothes were exquisite and elegant. It looked like he was going to a banquet somewhere, and he didn't look like a thief at all.

Ye Xi called out, "Wake up."

In the blink of an eye, the robber lying on the carpet disappeared entirely. A cold hand stretched out from behind Ye Xi and gently touched Ye Xi's neck. The movement was like a lover's caress, but it was faintly threatening. At the same time, two cool lips Ruo Ruo was sticking to Ye Xi's ear, and said lightly: "Heh, where is this little baby?"

Ye Xi immediately raised her hands and explained how she rescued the thief in a weak and harmless tone.

Since I often hold my throat and talk to the male supporting cast during this time, my whine voice has become quite natural!

"That is to say, you saved me." The thief took back the hand on Ye Xi's neck, and appeared in front of Ye Xi in a blink of an eye. The peach blossom eyes were slightly raised at the corners of the eyes, and there was a small tear mole on the left side. The face was white and bloodless, but the eyes were scorchingly bright. Why is it vaguely revealing an evil connotation.

"Want anything in return, my savior?" The thief blinked happily.

Of course I want you! Ye Xi silently looked at him from head to toe.

The robber pointed to his nose, and said with a smirk, "It's fine if you want me to show you my body."

Holy crap, why is this male lead so rude! Ye Xi was stunned for a moment, and she agreed straightforwardly: "Okay, let's promise each other with your body."

The thief, who originally wanted to watch the little white-flowered beautiful young man frowning and blushing, fell into a mysterious silence: "… "

Ye Xi urged expectantly: "Then let's go through the process, you confess to me first."

"Wait." The thief held his forehead and smiled helplessly, "Do you know who I am?"

Ye Xi said hypocritically, "I don't know."

The robber raised his eyebrows and introduced himself in a rather smug tone: "I am a robber who has been issued an S-level wanted order by thousands of countries. Do you know now?"

Ye Xixi opened her eyes wide enough, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "So it's you!"

The robber's onyx-like beautiful eyes curved slightly playfully, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Ye Xi poked the thief's arm with his hand and announced solemnly, "And I dare to touch you."

The thief was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and laughed: "Hahaha, interesting, who are you?"

So Ye Xi took out the set of rhetoric that had already been said so well, and said it again, including self-introduction of the history of house arrest, forced marriage, blood and tears, and what a terrible pervert the young master Huangfu was!

Unlike the other two male supporting roles, when Ye Xi mentioned that she was under house arrest by Huangfu X, the thief not only did not express his indignation at all, but laughed without sympathy and praised Huangfu X: "Tsk tsk, still shut down Heiwu, Young Master Huangfu is a playboy."

Ye Xi looked at him with a bewildered expression: "..."

This male supporting role is not right, what the hell!

But think about it, a thief who steals all over the world must have no gentlemanly manner or sympathy.

So Ye Xi swallowed the words "My dream since I was a child was to marry a mysterious and handsome thief who was both righteous and evil" that she had prepared.

"It turns out that this is the private island of the young master Huangfu." The thief found a shiny metal medal from somewhere and played with it. The medal flew up and down at a dizzying speed between his ten slender fingers. , said with a smile, "I once stole a small thing from Huangfu's family. This young master of Huangfu issued a reward of up to 10 billion to me in his own name, and threatened to burn me to ashes..."

Ye Xi asked curiously, "What did you steal?"

The thief spread his hands and looked bored: "It's nothing, just a family heirloom."

Ye Xi: "..."

"Hey, it's boring." The robber threw up the shiny medal in his hand and caught it, and said boringly, "The heirloom has been stolen, and this young master Huangfu has nothing good for me to steal."

Ye Xi rolled her eyes and said wisely: "Actually, there is another thing. If you steal it, you will definitely be able to piss off Young Master Huangfu to death."

"Oh? What is it?" The thief came to the spirit.

Ye Xi pointed to herself mysteriously, and said, "I, his fiance, we will get married in a few days."

This kind of male supporting actor whose three views are obviously crooked obviously can't use the way of showing weakness and cuteness.

"...You're right." The thief suddenly realized, touched his chin with one hand, and a perverted light flashed in his eyes, "I haven't stolen a living person before."

Ye Xi eagerly raised her little hand: "Steal me steal me!"

The robber laughed, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll steal you this time."

This male supporting role also has a show, Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and asked, "But do you have a way to leave the island?"

"Hey, that couldn't be easier." The robber let out a sneer, "However the young master Huangfu leaves the island, I will leave the island."

Ye Xi: "He took a helicopter."

Thief: "Then I'll take his helicopter."

Ye Xi: "..."

Very good, this is very gangster-like!

"However, I have to find out where his plane is, how to start it, how much fuel is left, the number of guards, the equipment of guard weapons, and the rotation. It will take some time." The thief carefully counted the preparations before stealing the plane. Looking eager to try, "Aiya, I will steal Young Master Huangfu's little treasure and helicopter. I wonder if he will turn his nose up this time."

Ye Xi fanned the flames and said, "That will definitely be mad!"

"...By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how did you drift to this island?" Although she didn't care at all and probably understood it, Ye Xi felt that normal people should ask this question.

The robber said with a sad face: "It's all to blame for the seafood marshal surnamed Wan Cheng."

Ye Xi: "..."

Seafood Marshal, poof.

Thief: "Originally, I got on the luxury cruise ship of Prince X, Prince Louis X, a few days ago, trying to find an opportunity to steal the thousand-year-old crown on his head. I didn't know where he got the information from the seafood marshal. He took a group of people on Louis X's cruise ship to arrest me. When he made such a fuss, Louis X immediately increased the number of guards around him several times. I Seeing that the crown is not easy to get, I stole the military medal from Seafood Marshal's chest, hahaha." After speaking, the robber threw the shiny medal that he had been playing with during the speech and caught it in the air. , said: "As the saying goes, thieves do not go empty."

Ye Xi recalled the crown that was as strong as a prince's head: "..."

Can't pull that thing out at all! How to steal!

So this thief, you should actually thank the Seafood Marshal. If it wasn't for his appearance to stop your plan to steal the crown, you would be saddened to find that there are more things in this world that you can't steal.

"However, what does these things have to do with your drifting to this island?" Ye Xi asked.

The robber laughed happily, and seemed to remember something funny, his shoulders trembled with laughter: "Have you heard of that seafood marshal, he contains the power of the four seas in his body, when he is angry, he There will be a massive tsunami in the surrounding sea beyond his control... Because I stole his military medal, he was so angry with the tsunami that he sank his warship and the prince's cruise ship! Hahahahaha!"

"Cough." The corners of Ye Xi's lips were slightly raised, and she wanted to laugh very much, but she held back and covered up her smile with a light cough.

No wonder the marshal was a little vague when he mentioned the cause of the shipwreck before. It turned out that the warship was overturned by himself!

The robber glanced out the window and said with concern: "You are still outside so late, that young master Huangfu won't be suspicious?"

"Yes, maybe he has sent people to search my whereabouts." Ye Xi said.

"It's incredible." The thief said leisurely, "Then why don't you go back?"

"I'll be back now," Ye Xi asked, "Would you like me to get you something to eat?"

The robber waved his hand slyly: "No need, I will eat whatever Young Master Huangfu eats."

Really special thief style!

So, 20 minutes later, Ye Xi, who was exhausted and exhausted, returned to the villa where Shen Xiulin lived. The huge mansion, which was too big to see the beginning and the end, was brightly lit and resplendent, like a luxury cruise ship floating in the night. At the door of the villa, is Shen Xiulin standing with his arms in his arms. His tall and handsome figure is beautifully outlined by the backlight.

Thick resentment radiated from this beautiful figure, Shen Xiulin stared at Ye Xi who was slowly approaching from a distance, the crescent moon was suddenly obscured by dark clouds, and the air was filled with the breath of rain that was about to fall. .

Ye Xi was stared at by Shen Xiulin's undisguised naked eyes until her legs were weak. It's not like looking at him, and it's not like not looking at him. She had to look at the sky for a while, the ground for a while, and Shen Xiulin for a while. Very guilty.

"Why is it so late? Do you know what time it is?" Shen Xiulin's tone was cold and resentful, like a poor wife who was waiting for her scumbag husband to return home at night.

"Uh... I'm not walking around, saving up 24 hours of free movement time." Ye Xi pretended to be relaxed, like a scumbag who went home after fooling around with his three mistresses and lied that he had gone to work overtime.

I really don't want to tell President Shen that I'm going to attack male supporting roles! The atmosphere is so awkward!

"Oh? Walking around? Going to the middle of the night?" Shen Xiulin took a step forward, grabbed the fabric by Ye Xi's neckline, and brought him into his arms, so that Ye Xi's whole body was close to him, and then he lowered his head and used the tip of his nose to touch Ye Xi's body. Xi sniffed fiercely on her neckline, neck, auricle, and hair, like a wife checking her husband for the smell of someone else's perfume.

However, Ye Xi didn't have any perfume on her body...

Shen Xiulin smelled it again in disbelief, and frowned, "Why does it smell like steamed crabs?"

Ye Xi: "..."

When I mention Marshal's steamed crab Ye Xi, I want to cry!

"How could it be, you smelled it wrong, it must be the smell of the sea breeze." Ye Xi raised her chest and turned Shen Xiulin back confidently, "Where do you want me to steam crabs? Besides, why am I stealthily steaming crabs? I can't. eat."