Masked Knight

Chapter 110: [Mutiny]


In the evening, Rody sternly refused Governor Scheer's banquet and ate something casually in the Governor's Mansion. Before his arrival, Governor Shear had already prepared a large house for him to settle in. But seeing that the situation was urgent now, Roddy had no interest in living in a big house. At his insistent request, he lived in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion.

The Governor's Mansion is divided into a front yard and a backyard. The front yard is where local officials conduct government affairs, while the back yard is the governor's residence. However, Governor Scheer seems to dislike the shabby backyard of the Governor's Mansion, and rarely lives here. I heard that he has another mansion in Ziye City. Rody now lives in the Governor's Mansion, which is quite clean.

In the middle of the night, Rody suddenly heard a noise outside, and the messy footsteps woke him up. Rody ran out immediately, and Lant had already strode over, shouting: "Your Majesty the Duke! Listen to the people outside! The entire mountain military camp outside the city mutinied! They detained their regiment leader, and now Lord Camus' The army has surrounded the military camp, and the two sides are confronting each other! Outside, the defenders of Ziye City seem to be gathering!

Rody frowned, immediately dressed up, and rode horses towards the outside of the city with his ten guards.

Along the way, I saw large and small groups of Purple Leaf City defenders running around in chaos. Rody frowned secretly, but Lant was a straight-tempered person. Looking at the messy local garrison, he couldn't help but whisper: "How do the officers here lead troops! How can such an army fight! If If the enemy makes a surprise attack, I'm afraid it will collapse in less than one charge!"

Rody shook his head and sighed, thinking that if Camus had suddenly brought someone here today, I'm afraid things would have been a disaster tonight!

When I ran to the city gate, I saw that the city gate was closed, and the defenders in many places were guarding the city wall with frightened expressions. Both soldiers and officers looked frightened. Rody frowned and sent his guards over to ask before finding out.

It turns out that the information Lant got from him just now was wrong. It is true that the mountain military camp outside the city was in mutiny, but it was not surrounded in the military camp. Instead, it was gathered outside the city gate at this moment, confronting Camus's Southern Army under the city. These mountain troops kidnapped the officers appointed by the empire, gathered fully armed under the city, and clamored to see the governor.

Rody led Lant up the city wall. When the defenders learned that the Duke was coming, they hurriedly got out of the way. A few more clever ones immediately ran to find the commander and report back.

Rody stood on the city wall and looked down.

I saw about tens of thousands of infantrymen, wearing the empire's local garrison uniforms, forming an infantry square, holding weapons in hand, gathering at the city gate with murderous intent. Behind them, a large number of imperial cavalry were wearing the uniforms of the Southern Legion, forming an encircling formation behind them.

The swords of both sides were unsheathed, and sharp arrows were loaded in the bows. It looked like a fight would begin if they disagreed. The torches are like a forest, illuminating the night like day!

Although those mountain infantrymen wore imperial uniforms, they could tell the difference from the imperial soldiers at a glance. These people are generally taller than the Imperial people, with dark complexions and thick hands and feet. The bridge of the nose is sunken, and the eyes are mostly brown.

Although it was a mutiny, the entire military formation was orderly and solemn. It looked like they were well-trained at ordinary times, which was very different from the noisy other imperial garrison troops.

At this moment, an officer was shouting loudly to Camus' people, while the others were silent and glared at each other fiercely.

The officer who shouted was wearing the uniform of an imperial regiment commander, but at first glance he looked like a mountain man. I don't know what he just said to the people of the Southern Legion. After a disagreement, he waved his hands and immediately two mountain soldiers dragged out a tied man.

The man's clothes were messy, and although he was wearing the uniform of an imperial officer, he was in a lethargic state at the moment, with a look of fear on his face.

The mountain officer shouted something in a language that Roddy couldn't understand, and he didn't know what he said. The mountain soldiers suddenly burst out with an earth-shattering cry.

Rody frowned, grabbed an officer not far away, and whispered: "What did they say? What did they shout?"

The officer looked frightened and stammered: "Sir, sir... They said that if they don't agree to their request, they will chop Master Tuhai immediately, and then everyone will fight to the death..."

"Tu Hai? Is he the original commander of the Mountain Infantry Regiment who was captured?" Rody frowned and let go of the officer.

Seeing that the emotions of the mountain troops below were getting more and more agitated, under the light of torches, everyone's face was filled with angry expressions, their swords were flashing in their hands, and some had even pointed their bows and arrows at the Southern Legion cavalry behind them.

Rody only saw the light of the torch from a distance. On top of a black horse in the cavalry of the Southern Legion, Camus was wearing full armor, squinting his eyes, and a murderous look gradually appeared on his face. He lowered his head and said something to an officer beside him. After receiving the order, the officer immediately shouted loudly: "Listen up, soldiers who are causing trouble! Lord Camus has an order! You are given a quarter of an hour to immediately put down your weapons and return to the barracks! Otherwise, if you violate military law, you will be shot without mercy!" He said in the imperial language! He said it once, and then said it again in the mountain language.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar among the mountain army. The officer under Camus didn't care at all. He raised his spear high and shouted: "All troops obey the order! Form up!"

With a brush sound, all the knights in the cavalry queue lowered their spears and raised them levelly, pointing their bright spearheads at the mountain army.

"Come in!" the officer shouted again.

The cavalry queue slowly took a few steps forward, and an oppressive momentum suddenly filled the whole place. In the midst of the killing, the noisy mountain troops fell silent. Everyone gritted their teeth and stared at the dark cavalry in front of them and the forest-like spears in their hands.

The leading mountain officer didn't seem to be a fool. He knew that in this kind of open terrain, defending against the cavalry was definitely looking for death. What's more, the other party is the elite cavalry team under Commander Camus

With a hurt expression on his face, he yelled: "Lord Camus! We have always respected you, are you going to kill all of us mountain people too!!"

This loud shout was full of unyielding and resentment. The officer stared at Camus, as if he was about to burst out with anger.

Camus's voice was heard: "You are all soldiers of the empire! Of course I don't want to kill anyone! As long as you put down your regiment leader and return to the military camp, I will make the decision for you in other matters!" These words were passed on to you! Throughout the entire venue, everyone could hear it clearly.

The officer had a hesitant look on his face. Camus has great prestige in East Antarctica, he does what he says, and is highly respected by everyone. But he also knew in his heart that Camus was a resolute man. If he wanted to kill someone, he would not show mercy at all. If he gave the order, he would definitely kill without mercy! There is no room for maneuver. If we fight hard at this moment, I am afraid that most of these brothers will die tonight.

Just when he was hesitating, a voice from the Mountain Army shouted loudly: "What nonsense! Their Imperial people will bully us Mountain people! Fight with them!"

This word came from the mountain army. The speaker was hidden in the queue, and it was not known who said it. As soon as these words came out, they just added fuel to the fire. Immediately, many emotional mountain soldiers followed and shouted: "Fight! Fight!!"

The hearts of Camus and Rody on the city wall sank. Rody felt something bad in his heart. These mountain troops mutinied, and someone just added fuel to the fire at a critical moment. Naturally, someone deliberately instigated it. I'm afraid someone from those tribes has already infiltrated into the military camp!

Seeing the excitement among his subordinates, the officer could only grit his teeth and shout loudly: "Master Camus! It's not that we don't believe you. It's just that Tuhai bullies us too much on weekdays! Brothers haven't received military pay for two months! Just the day before yesterday , several brothers tried to argue with him, but he killed two of them on the spot! We really can’t bear this! This Tuhai is the nephew of the governor, if we let him go today, I’m afraid everyone will be dead tomorrow!”

"Yes!! We can't let him go!!"

"Can't let go!"

Countless voices clamored loudly, and there was another burst of excitement.

Camus looked gloomy, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "I already know about Tuhai. If you let him go, I will take care of it! I, Camus, have been in the south for ten years, but have I ever said anything to deceive you? What!”

These words were so loud that everyone immediately shut their mouths. They couldn't help but feel relieved. They all knew in their hearts that although Camus was strict, under the prestige of Southeast, he always kept his word. As long as he upheld justice today, since he had agreed, he would probably not go back on his word.

In the silence, the same voice in the army shouted again: "The people in the Empire are mostly cunning! Don't be fooled! Fight them..."

Before he finished speaking, Camus suddenly yelled: "Who is so sneaky! How dare you stand up and talk to me!"

When he shouted suddenly, his voice was like a sudden thunder in the air, and the man's voice immediately broke off.

Camus's eyes were stern: "Stand up and talk to me! You mountain people even committed the crime of kidnapping and beheading your commander tonight, so you don't even dare to come out and say a word to me?!"

When the Mountain Army heard this, they all shouted loudly: "Go out and speak! Why don't you dare! Go out and tell him! Mountain people are not cowards!"

As everyone focused their attention, the mountain military formation slowly loosened. Several soldiers stepped aside and took a few steps back. A man in military uniform stood in the middle with a strange expression.

This man was probably in his thirties, with a dark complexion, and his eyes were swiveling around at the moment, showing a bit of fear.

Camus snorted coldly: "Don't you have something to say? Tell me your military rank first!"

The man hesitated and couldn't say a word for a long time.

The mountain leader officer also looked puzzled and frowned: "Which battalion are you from? Lord Camus asks, just tell me! Don't be afraid, don't let the majesty of our mountain warriors fall!"

The man's eyes were wandering around, his face turned red, and he slowly said: "I... I am from the second battalion..."

"Nonsense!" Camus shouted: "Where is your commander! Let him come out!"

As soon as Camus finished speaking, a majestic mountain man came out, looked at the man, and said loudly: "Master Camus! He is not from my camp! He is a family member of a brother in the camp!"

"Hmph!" Camus smiled coldly: "If you are not from the military camp, how could you sneak into the military camp! How dare you wear military uniforms and carry weapons! Isn't it a capital crime! You are making trouble tonight, but he is the instigator??"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers standing next to the spy immediately had strange expressions on their faces, and they all looked at this man. It was this person who instigated everyone to have a big fight with Tu Hai's officers tonight. After the quarrel became too big, Tu Hai came out to suppress them. This person also yelled, attracting many mountain soldiers. Finally, after many days, Tu Hai came out to suppress them. The suppressed anger finally broke out into a mutiny.

In the evening, everyone ran to the city gate noisily to see the governor. In the chaos, although they saw him wearing military uniform and standing with everyone, no one took it too seriously.

Camus narrowed his eyes and shouted coldly: "Sneak into the army and confuse the public with your lies! Take it!"

The two cavalry men under him immediately responded, dismounted, and strode towards the mountain army.

The man rolled his eyes and immediately screamed: "I am a mountain man! Are you going to kill us all!!"

When this voice was shouted, it immediately caused a burst of excitement. Several mountain soldiers standing outside immediately pointed their swords at the approaching cavalry to prevent them from getting closer.

The man continued to yell: "The empire oppresses us too hard! Are the majestic mountain warriors just allowed to be bullied by them! Kill them! Rebellion! Rebellion!!"

As soon as he said this, thinking of the daily oppression and humiliation, less than half of the soldiers immediately started making noises.

Although the mountain officer who was originally the leader still had some sense, but when he saw that only half of his subordinates were making noises, he sighed in his heart and his face gradually darkened. Although he originally gathered a crowd to cause trouble, he just wanted to seek justice and did not really want to rebel. But seeing the current situation, it was no longer under his control.

After all, the mountain people are a foreign race with tough hearts and simple minds. Coupled with the chaotic situation tonight, half of them lost their cool under the instigation and started to make a fuss. At this moment, although the other group of people still had a few people left. He was quite awake, but when he saw his companions shouting and yelling around him, he gradually lost his cool.

Rody watched from a distance and felt anxious. Gritting his teeth, he looked at Lant beside him and whispered: "No, let the soldiers on the city wall get ready! Archers get ready!"

Lant looked resolute and immediately went down to deliver the order. He was the Duke's attendant. Although the defenders were in panic at the moment, they reluctantly lined up and prepared.

Rody looked at these ragtag defenders and shook his head in his mind, thinking that with these people, if there was no Camus supporting the city, Ziye City might even be captured tonight!

You must know that in the sudden mutiny, although the city gate was closed, the suspension bridge on the moat was not closed. Once the mutinous soldiers started to cause trouble, they would really attack the city. If it weren't for the people brought by Camus outside the city, I'm afraid it would be really dangerous.

"Why don't we think of a way to kill the spy first?" But the instigator was very cunning and hid in the mountain army formation, never taking a step outside. Rody calculated in his mind, assessed the distance between himself and the man, and wondered whether he could kill the guy with one arrow.

Rody was thinking when he suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound piercing the air.

Then there was a scream from the city. The spy had a spiked arrow stuck in his forehead and fell to the sky. Bright red blood mixed with white brains flowed to the ground. The mountain soldiers beside him were so shocked that they backed away.

Rody was also shocked by this sudden change. His heart moved and he immediately looked towards the city gate. In the darkness, a tall figure was seen standing on the top roof of the city tower, and the evening wind made the corners of his clothes rustle. The man held a strange-shaped long bow in his hand, nodded to Rody from a distance, then turned over and jumped off the tower, disappearing into the night.

"Dak!" Roddy couldn't help but whisper. He really didn't expect that Dak was still following him. He had indeed kept his promise and not assassinated him again, but he actually showed up to help tonight!

Seeing that there was already a commotion outside the city, Rody had no time to think about anything else, and his eyes fell on the city again.

Camus was also surprised. Before he could react. The mountain soldiers were already shouting. Someone shouted: "The Imperials are killing people!"

"They killed people! They fought hard!"


In the chaos, many people rushed towards Camus' cavalry with swords in hand.

"Stop!!" On top of the city tower, Rody suddenly shouted. At the critical moment, he was lucky enough to stand on the bricks of the city wall, standing on the edge of the city wall. His shout was so powerful that even though there was a lot of noise, everyone could hear it clearly. The sound was like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts. Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but shout. Look towards the top of the city wall.

Under the night, in the light of torches, Rody stood proudly on the city wall, his body bursting with light golden arrogance, his blond hair flying, and his eyes swept across the entire place like lightning. The arrogance on his body was like a ball of coquettish flames, making Roddy look like a murderous god in the night.

Rody yelled: "People below the city, listen! I am the Tulip Duke of the Empire! The southeast envoy sent by His Majesty the Emperor! You gathered a crowd to mutiny tonight, which is a capital crime! Lord Camus and I wanted to make an exception. , you are still gathered here, do you really want to rebel! Have you thought about the consequences of the rebellion? Don’t you know that the whole family of the rebels will be executed!

Rody's words spread throughout the audience in silence, and everyone was shocked when they heard it. The noisy mountain soldiers immediately became cold-blooded.

These mountain people are different from the foreign tribes in the mountains. They live in the city and have been under the jurisdiction of the empire for many years. Most of their families are in the city. They are quite different from the mountain people who live in the mountains. Hearing these words at this moment, everyone's heart sank.

Rody deliberately paused for a while, and then shouted loudly: "You gathered to make trouble, don't you just want to seek justice!! Okay! I will give you justice!!" After saying that, Rody grabbed one of the people next to him. The defender had the bow and arrow in his hand, and with a cold snort, he bent the bow and nocked the arrow.

There was only a sound of "hoo", and an arrow wrapped in golden flames shot down from the city wall. The sound of piercing the air was faintly filled with thunderous momentum.

"Plop!" There was a muffled sound.

While everyone was screaming, Tu Hai, who was tied up with five flowers, didn't even have time to scream, and was pierced by the arrow. The golden flames on the arrow exploded his chest, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. He had already died!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden move. Even Camus didn't expect that Roddy would do this.

Rody put down his bow and arrow and took a cold look at the mountain soldiers below the city. He saw that they were all full of surprise and disbelief. He smiled coldly and said loudly: "I have already given you justice! Now I will give you dozens of blows! Everyone, put down your weapons and line up back to the camp! Otherwise, they will all be punished as traitors and beheaded!" !”

Everyone looked at each other. The leading officer separated the crowd, knelt down on one knee, and said with his head held high: "Thank you, Lord Duke, for upholding justice for us! But what happened tonight has already happened! It is also a capital crime to kidnap the chief and make trouble in a crowd. ! We can leave, unless the Duke can guarantee that tonight’s matter will not be pursued again! Otherwise, everyone will be dead..." At this point, he stood up slowly, without saying a word, and just looked at Rody. .

Rody snorted coldly and said loudly: "The emperor's law! You have committed a capital crime! I will give you two ways to go! First, you immediately put down your weapons and return to the camp! I will only pursue the leader for what happened tonight. People! Don’t worry about the rest! Second, you might as well pick up your weapons and kill them all! But after you rebel, I will kill everyone in the city!”

The words "leave no one behind" hit the hearts of these mountain soldiers hard. Thinking of the parents and children in the city, many of them felt soft in their hearts.

Roddy did not hesitate and shouted coldly: "One!"

The soldiers in the mountains below the city looked at each other.


The mountain soldiers looked at the leading officer. The officer's face was covered with sweat and his expression was gloomy.

"Three!" Rodis shouted coldly without hesitation.

"Archers, prepare!" Lant shouted loudly. A row of defenders immediately stood on the city wall, each with a bow and arrow in their hands, pointing their arrows at the bottom of the city.

"Four!" Roddy's cold voice came again.

"Your Majesty the Duke!" the officer yelled: "You keep your word! As long as everyone goes back, you will let everyone go! Only take the leader!"

Rody said coldly: "You only believe in General Camus. Could it be that I, Duke Tulip, will lie to you!!"

The officer trembled. Thinking of the prestige of Duke Tulip, he gritted his teeth and finally took a deep breath: "Everyone, put down your weapons!"

Rody nodded, and the "five" that was on his lips stopped shouting.

Those mountain soldiers below the city, you look at me, I look at you. Finally, a "ding" sound was heard, and someone was the first to put down the sword in his hand. As soon as the first person put down their weapons, the others immediately put down their weapons one after another.

The sound of jingling bells was heard endlessly. It turned out that there were a few tough defenders. Seeing that everyone around them gave up, and seeing that the situation was over, they put down their weapons along with everyone else.