Masked Knight

Chapter 111: [negotiation]


[Lift the ban and seek to sell tickets...]


Chapter 108

Seeing that the rebels under the city had put down their weapons, the leading officer ordered them to line up and stand up. Camus gave an order, and the cavalry of the Southern Legion surrounded them. A group of cavalry dismounted and led these mountain soldiers towards the military camp. Two teams of cavalry stood on both sides to follow, fully armed and ready.

Rody looked at the unarmed rebels under the city. He didn't know why, but suddenly a thought came to his mind that made him feel a little scared:

"Now that they have put down their weapons, kill them all at once to avoid future trouble!"

Such a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and Rody himself was startled, his heart suddenly sank, and he broke into a cold sweat.

"Damn it, why did I suddenly have such a bastard idea!" Rody cursed in his heart. Andy's nonchalant voice came from his mind: "What is this! The rebellion of the mountain tribes is imminent now. It is always uneasy to keep these soldiers of the mountain tribes. Once the mountain tribes openly rebel in the future, the mountain armies of these empires will be afraid It's very dangerous. No one can be sure whether they will openly rebel... Well, it's better to kill them all together now that they have handed over their weapons and are defenseless!"

"Nonsense!" Rody frowned: "How could I do such an indiscriminate killing of innocent people!"

Faintly heard Andy smile coldly: "What's wrong? Why are you so excited? I didn't give you this idea, you thought of it yourself. Hum, let me tell you, if it was the old Tulip Duke, he would probably You really did this! You should understand the truth that once you become famous, your bones will die... Besides, what would you do if they didn't surrender just now? Did you really order the killing of those soldiers in the city? Where are your family members? Didn’t you also say that you would kill them all and leave no one behind? Hey, you were so strong and strong now, why are you so weak now?”

Listening to Andy's voice, Roddy just gritted his teeth and couldn't help thinking: What if they really didn't surrender just now, what should I do? To kill or not to kill the family members of the rebels in the city? According to the imperial decree, it must be killed, kill or not to kill

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he felt a sharp gaze directed towards him. When Rody looked, he saw Camus on the horse at the foot of the city squinting at him. Camus' eyes were filled with deep meaning, and there was a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth. Seeing Rody's eyes contact with his, he gently gestured with the corner of his mouth to the mountain soldiers who were lining up back to camp, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes. A bit of solicitation.

Rody's heart was in confusion, and he felt as clear as day. The meaning of Camus's eyes and movements were actually signaling to him... The thoughts in his mind were probably the same as the thoughts he had just thought!

To kill or not to kill!

Rody took a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air into his lungs, forcing himself to calm down, then looked at Camus and shook his head slightly.

Camus showed a cold smile on his face, then lightly whipped his horse, and followed his cavalry to escort the mountain soldiers.

Rody's heart was extremely complicated. Not long after, only two armies were seen leaving the city, leaving only two corpses lying in a pool of blood.

"Go back!" Rody shouted in a low voice and said coldly: "Go back to the Governor's Mansion! Send someone to find the Governor to see me!"

There was a big chaos just now, and Governor Schier did not show up from beginning to end. Rody calmed down at this moment, feeling angry in his heart, and immediately wanted to trouble the governor. As the highest official of a party, he actually hid in fear of death at this time!

As soon as Rody and his party returned to the gate of the Governor's Mansion, they saw a group of soldiers escorting a carriage heading straight for the Governor's Mansion in the distance. Rody recognized the governor's carriage and sat on the horse with a gloomy expression.

Sure enough, after the carriage stopped, Governor Schier ran down from the carriage, walked up to Rody in three or two steps, bowed slightly, put on a smile and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that you are looking for me. , came right away..."

When Rody saw him, he felt angry and did not dismount. He said coldly on the horse: "Did you get the news? Your nephew Tuhai privately killed a sergeant for lack of pay from the air force, causing his subordinates to mutiny. At this moment, Tuhai has been killed by me. "

The governor was suddenly shocked, and immediately raised his head to look at Rody. The expression on his face changed instantly, and a trace of pain flashed through his eyes. Then he lowered his head and whispered: "Your Majesty, it is not good for Hai to run the army, so The subordinates rebelled and deserved their punishment.”

Rody snorted coldly and said: "You understand the truth." After a pause, he said coldly: "There was almost a disaster outside the city gate just now, why are you nowhere to be seen? Are you, the governor, still here? Are you sleeping at home?”

Cold sweat dripped down the governor's forehead. He didn't dare to raise his head. He just whispered: "I... I received the news too late... this... so..."

Rody was furious and was about to yell at him loudly. Then suddenly something happened in his heart. He suppressed his anger and secretly warned himself: After all, he was in someone else's territory. There are only a dozen guards around him, so he has no soldiers and no power. The situation here is complicated. Although this person is hateful, he is still a governor. If he turns against him in public, it may be detrimental to the stability of the situation.

Taking a deep breath, Rody said in a deep voice: "Mr. Governor, what happened tonight is fortunate that it didn't cause a big mess. You'd better restrain the soldiers in the city, carefully guard the city gates, and be on strict alert. Now you and I are in the same boat, The situation in the southeast is stable, and it's easy for you and me. If something happens, it will be difficult for you and me!" He paused and said in a low voice: "You know, General Ruben, the commander of the northwest army, he is a count, just because he is doing things in the northwest. Unfavorable, not only has the title of earl been stripped, but he is still being held in the Procuratorate of the Imperial Capital Military Court! Mr. Governor, are you asking yourself whether your family is as powerful as General Reuben's family? Humph... Let's do this for tonight. The general's people are monitoring the mutinous soldiers returning to camp outside the city. Please ask the Governor to dispatch manpower immediately to step up the investigation and assist!"

After saying that, he stopped looking at the governor and urged his horse into the governor's palace. The governor was left standing there blankly.

After Roddy entered the house, he immediately called Lant in front of him and whispered: "Be on guard, we have killed the nephew of the governor tonight after all. Although the governor will not fall out with me, after all, we are now in someone else's territory. After two days, once the Wolf Fang Army arrives, there will be nothing to worry about!"

Lant responded and went down. Rody only felt physically and mentally exhausted. Thinking of tonight's scene, he couldn't help but feel confused, and he shook his head and returned to his room.

Rody's mind was in chaos. Thinking of the thought in his mind tonight, he was secretly frightened. When did he become so bloodthirsty and murderous? Could it be that if you kill too many people, your temperament will really change

Andy smiled and said, "Boy, you don't have to be so strange. After all, you have been a duke for a long time. It is normal to have these thoughts in your mind. People in power are usually hard-hearted and cruel. It’s not wrong for you to think so.”

Rody said helplessly: "Do you also think that kind of thought is normal? Don't you think that... is too cruel?"

Andy's voice seemed to be disdainful: "Is it cruel? I'm different from you. I'm not a human, just a skeleton. For me, I don't care how many people in this world kill or die. Except for you , even if I kill everyone in the world, I won’t care.”

Rody shook his head, vaguely feeling that something was wrong with Andy's words, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. My mind was groggy, and I finally fell asleep.

At dawn, I could only hear the faint sound of someone talking outside the door, and then there was a gentle knock on the door. The door was gently pushed open, and a light footstep came in accompanied by the crisp ringing of a bell.

Rody sat up from his bed and looked back, only to see the woman in red who was sitting next to him at the banquet yesterday walking in, holding a silver basin in her hand and a blush on her face. Around yourself. She was still wearing the short red dress, showing off her limbs and a small waist. There was a small bell tied to her foot. Every step she took, there was a clear tinkling sound.

Rody frowned: "How did you get in?"

The woman in red lowered her head and whispered: "Your Majesty, the Governor sent me to serve you."

Rody was stunned for a moment, then smiled coldly: "That governor is quite thoughtful in this regard."

The woman in red smiled slightly. Although there was still a blush on her face, she boldly looked at Rody and whispered: "The Governor also has good intentions. Although there are people around you, they are all rough-handed and rough-footed. Men are always less careful about some things than women.”

After speaking, she slowly handed over a wet towel. After all, it was hard for Rody to get angry at this woman with a charming smile, so he could only sigh and take it.

Suddenly, Lant strode open the door and walked in, saying in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, General Camus is here. He is in the main hall in front."

Rody immediately threw down the towel, without even looking at the woman in red, and followed Lant as he strode out, without noticing a flash of strange color in the woman's eyes.

Camus still looked cold, and when he saw Roddy walking in, he just nodded casually. Rody saw that he looked a little haggard, and it was obvious that he had not slept all night last night. Although Camus has a bad attitude towards him, Rody knows that the only person who can really help him in the southeast at this moment is the commander of the Southern Army.

"General Camus, you're here so early." Rody smiled slightly.

Camus said coldly: "That's natural. Did the Duke sleep well last night?"

Rody said calmly: "General, you blame me for being lazy... It's just that I don't have a single soldier under my command now. I am an empty envoy, so I can only sleep at home."

Camus showed a sarcastic smile: "Is it just an empty envoy? The Duke was so majestic on the city wall last night. He made the mutinous soldiers surrender with just one order. It seems that His Majesty sent you to the south as a party."

Rody sighed and said in a deep voice: "General Camus, I know you have some grudges against our family, but speaking of old... my father has passed away. Any grudges we have will be wiped out. This time I come to the south. , I still have a lot to rely on you for.”

Camus' expression changed and he said calmly: "What's the matter with grudges? You are a Duke and His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy. I am just the commander of the local army in the southeast. If you tell me what you say, who dares not to obey it?"

Rody shook his head, knowing that the grievances of many years could not be resolved in a short time. He smiled reluctantly and said, "How is the military camp outside the city now?"

"All the mountain troops have been disarmed and are now in the military camp. I have sent people to station outside the camp to keep watch at all times." After saying this, Camus flashed a trace of worry in his eyes and said in a deep voice: "It's just that these people are safe for the time being. Well, when the news of the joint rebellion of the mountain tribes comes out, I'm afraid..." After saying that, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Rody nodded: "They mutinied last night because someone secretly instigated them. I just don't know what the news is among those mountain tribes now?"

Camus sighed: "I'm just here to tell you this."

"Okay." Rody smiled: "Then I will ask someone to invite the Governor here, and we will discuss it together."

"Governor? That loser." Camus sneered, then looked at Rody and said slowly: "Set, let's tell the truth. My old man is too lazy to lie to you. Here, the Governor is just a guy. He's a waste! If you and I hadn't been present for what happened last night, I'm afraid this Ziye City would have been lost by dawn today! What can we discuss with that waste?"

Rody looked embarrassed, smiled reluctantly, and said nothing.

Camus waved his hand and said: "Although I don't like you Tulip family members very much, I am not so stupid that I don't know what to do. The situation is so complicated now, and I have seen what you did last night, no matter what. How different is your dead old man? Humph... Do those barbarians in the mountains want to rebel? You have to ask me if Camus' sword will agree!"

Rody nodded and said: "Okay, then why did General Camus come to me so early?"

Camus took two steps closer and whispered: "The Fire Tribe sent someone to come to me and said they wanted to negotiate with us."

"Negotiation?" Rody opened his eyes wide: "They gathered a crowd to jointly elect a chief. I'm afraid they will raise a banner and openly rebel within a few days! What are we talking about at this time?"

Camus suddenly smiled and said something that surprised Rody.

"My Lord Duke, you don't know yet, but I received news from the mountains early this morning: Wu Ya, the leader of the Fire Tribe, who was their newly elected chief, was assassinated the day before yesterday. Now he is seriously injured and his life is hard to save!" -

[Lift the ban and seek to sell tickets...]