Masked Knight

Chapter 116: [Hidden Killing in the Dark]


After the conversation with Wu Ya, Rody felt extremely depressed. The Wuya chief spoke like he was guessing a riddle. He said half of the words and left the other half in the clouds, mountains and fog, and everything looked weird. After finally talking about the Death Valley, he inexplicably shut up and stopped talking.

This conversation also shocked Rody - all the preparations and plans before coming here are in vain. People can see through the tricks in your heart at a glance, and all strategies are empty words. More importantly, Wu Ya was not assassinated at all! The original idea of splitting the mountain tribes in the middle seemed impossible.

After being sent back to a relatively clean wooden house to rest by several mountain warriors, Roddy sat down and meditated, talking to Andy in his mind.

"What does that guy's prophecy mean?" Rody couldn't help but get upset thinking about those damn "curses" and "disasters".

Andy's tone was a little dry: "Who knows, do you believe in prophecies? Humph... Have you forgotten the prohibition left by Emperor Abbas of the Empire?"

"Prohibition..." Rody murmured to himself, then shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

Of course he knew that "ban"!

Among practitioners in this world, apart from warriors who pursue the ultimate in martial arts, magicians and warlocks all pursue the manipulation of energy. But just a few hundred years ago... no, to be precise, it was during the Abbasid era two hundred years ago. There was another kind of practitioner on the Bright Continent. This kind of practitioner was different from warriors or magicians and warlocks. , they are like the most devout ascetics who believe in theistic religions. They do not pursue strong power, rich food and clothing, and do not pursue preaching doctrines everywhere - their only purpose of living in this world is to "understand God's will." !

The practice situation of these people is very simple. They are usually born with the talent to become warlocks, but they disdain to become a powerful warlock. They face the gods all day long, meditate and explore the existence of gods. In the eyes of other practitioners, these people are not only madmen, but also fools! Because he leaves his great talents unused and does such useless things all day long.

Often among such people, there will always be some strange guys. After studying for half a lifetime, they will suddenly announce that they have received instructions or declarations from God one morning or evening, and then say some incomprehensible words. Come.

Roddy had seen these things in some books when he was at Imperial College, and later saw many records in the Tulip family's collection of books. Some of the most famous records are:

In the 107th year of the empire, one of the most famous practitioners in the imperial capital suddenly got up and went crazy one morning. He ran to the street and shouted that he had received instructions from God: the largest religious church in the imperial capital was to be built on the third day of the lunar month. The queen of heaven was destroyed—because God was dissatisfied and angry with the darkness of his agents on earth.

Of course, such rebellious words were immediately regarded as crazy talk, and the practitioner was captured and taken back to the religious center and imprisoned. Three days later, he was burned at the stake in front of the church of the imperial religious center on the charge of blasphemy. , the person who presided over the burning was His Majesty the Pope of the Imperial Religion at that time.

As a result, it is said that when the burning was carried out that day, the practitioner suffered the punishment calmly and did not cry out before he died, but just looked up to the sky and laughed. As a result, while the fire was burning, strong winds blew in the sky. The strong wind will make everyone unable to open their eyes. The strong wind will blow up countless burning firewood, and those fireballs will fly to the church. Promethean Church, the largest church in the imperial capital with hundreds of years of history, was burned to ruins in the fire and was older than the existence of the empire. Countless gorgeous murals and artifacts were burned in the fire. Even the bishop of this church was burned to death.

The official record of the empire at the time of this incident was that the Promethean Church was destroyed due to this accident because of its age and aging, and because most of the entire building was made of wood.

Another interesting record is: When Emperor Abbas the Great succeeded to the throne, a practitioner once announced that the Empire would unify the continent. However, he declared that Emperor Abbas was an unprecedented tyrant, and the blood he had stained would be repaid in his on future generations. This practitioner survived because of his special status and was not killed.

When Emperor Abbasid succeeded to the throne, the greatest emperor in the empire indeed wiped out the mainland, but the war that lasted for seventeen years also reduced the population of the mainland by nearly three million! Among them, hundreds of thousands of people were massacred on the northwest grasslands under the orders of Emperor Abbasid. After the aliens in the northwest, which originally had a population of nearly one million, were conquered, only less than 400,000 people remained.

In addition, during the second war between the empire and the northern Roland continent, the empire was at war with several kingdoms in the south of the Guangming continent. The sudden invasion of the north plunged the empire into an unprecedented crisis. The knights of the Roland continent fought all the way to Xilin. The province is less than five days' journey from the imperial capital. At that time, the imperial capital was in a panic. All the nobles strongly demanded that Abbasid stop his conquest of the south, negotiate peace with several kingdoms in the south, and then mobilize the army to the north. The urgency of the situation made the Abbasid Emperor shaken, but a practitioner announced that he had received God's will. The empire would eventually win the war with the northern mainlanders, and the tulip flag would protect the empire.

In the end, the 100,000 Thunder God's Whips led by Duke Tulip completely defeated the 200,000 coalition forces in the northern Roland continent. In the end, less than 30,000 people escaped back to the northern continent. This battle not only repelled the invaders, but also caused the alliance of kingdoms in Roland Continent to collapse. The situation and political situation in Roland Continent also changed dramatically. From then on, they could no longer truly unite to pose a threat to Guangming Continent.

And after all, the person who helped Duke Tulip win that war was the sudden rise of the Dandong sage! It was with the full assistance of the sage Dandong that the Abbasid Emperor wiped out the Guangming Continent. Among them, Dandong took the greatest credit. He used various means, including deception, frame-up, dissension, and so on, to make the original people on the Guangming Continent The alliances between the forces of several other kingdoms broke down one after another, and then they adopted the method of breaking them one by one, and finally unified the continent.

After reading these records, people can't help but feel suspicious and imaginative, and they can't help but feel cold sweat all over their bodies. They just feel that there really seems to be a pair of invisible hands of gods controlling everything on this earth!

These practitioners are regarded as aliens. Some people may discriminate against them, some may be afraid of them, and some may hate them, but no one dares to look down upon them! Because these practitioners always like to observe the stars in the sky, hoping to learn the instructions of the gods from the mysteries of the stars, these practitioners are collectively called "astrologers"! And because these practitioners often like to gather on the top of the "White Tower", the tallest building in the imperial capital, to watch the stars, these people are also called "White Tower Warlocks".

After the empire won the Second and Northern Roland, the status of the astrologers was greatly improved. Many people have begun to believe their nonsense appeals. Although these lunatics are not normal, the things they announce always come true, and everyone regards their words as "prophecies"! !

But in the end, after Abbasid's later years, the empire underwent a huge change.

In the later years of Abbasid the Great, the previous generation of Tulip Dukes and Dandong sages who followed him to conquer the continent passed away one after another. Legend has it that in the later years of Abbasid the Great, there was an "astrologer" in the court. After a long conversation between this astrologer and His Majesty Abbasid the Great all night long, I don't know what the astrologer said to His Majesty. Something made the greatest emperor in the empire so furious that he drew his sword and chopped off the astrologer's head on the spot. After daybreak, the maids who walked into the palace were frightened by the corpses and heads on the ground and almost fainted, while Abbasid the Great sat in a pool of blood and meditated without saying a word and with a serious expression.

Three days later, Abbasid the Great issued a strict order, declaring all "astrologers" in the empire to be traitors. At the same time, it is unknown what agreement the empire and the Pope reached. A day later, the Pope also announced that all "astrologers" in the empire were "treasonous". Astrologer" is a blasphemous heretic. Under the joint pursuit of the imperial army and the law enforcement magicians of the Inquisition, almost all the astrologers were bloody massacred.

In just one month, people were killed every day at the stake of the divine cult in the imperial capital, and people were hanged every day. Almost all the works of astrologers were confiscated and burned! The great emperor seemed to have gone crazy. He not only executed all the astrologers he could find, but also announced to death those who opposed his order.

Finally, Emperor Abbas issued a ban: "From now on, no astrologers or 'prophecies' are allowed to appear in the empire. All blasphemous beings will be mercilessly burned to death!"

Facts have proved that many things are fragile in the face of powerful imperial power. A few years later, there was no more astrologer in the empire. After those madmen disappeared, no one would say those crazy words that shocked the world.

This matter was later deliberately suppressed by the imperial officials, especially in terms of public opinion, and no one was allowed to talk about it. And the Abbasid Emperor burned almost all the books about astrologers recording their practice methods. As a result, in the empire today, there is almost no way to practice to become an astrologer. Naturally, no one can practice to become an astrologer anymore. . Today, nearly two hundred years later, almost no one in the empire still knows the word "astrologer". As for "prophecy", no one has said anything about it anymore. Those warlocks regard "prophecy" as something like a plague. Once it is contaminated, it will bring disaster to life!

"Do you know what the palace astrologer said to Emperor Abbas? What kind of terrible 'prophecy' could it be?" Roddy couldn't help but ask Andy.

Andy smiled coldly: "How do I know? But obviously the court astrologer said bad things about Emperor Abbasid! Although these astrologers are all geniuses, their brains are not very good at using them. They don't know what to do. You can say what you can't say. Likewise, today's 'prophecy' of the Wu Ya clan would have been wiped out immediately if Emperor Abbas suppressed the astrologers!"

Rody was silent for a while. The "prophecy" Wu Ya said was like an invisible shadow weighing heavily on his heart. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "Okay, rest! We will meet others tomorrow." Mountain tribe people!”

In the middle of the night, Luo Di was lying on the wooden platform and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Then he turned over and woke up. Sitting on the wooden platform, he felt a little cold on the back of his neck. He couldn't help but reach out and lift the bag beside him. Sword held.

It was quiet inside the wooden house. Although it was in darkness, you could still see the environment inside the house with the help of the stars outside the window. Rody's eyes scanned the surroundings, but there was nothing unusual. But the uneasiness in his heart seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but stand up and walk to the window.

The place where Wuya sent people to settle him was on a relatively high ground and was built on a high wooden platform. From the window, you could overlook the scene in the valley village.

At night, the Flame Tribe's village, which had been noisy during the day, fell into silence. There were only occasional people walking back and forth in the village. Their strange straw sandals made these people rarely make any noise when walking.

Rody sighed, secretly laughing that he didn't know what happened today, shook his head, turned around and was about to walk back to Muta...

Something strange suddenly happened!

Roddy only felt a biting wind blowing against the back of his neck. The cold feeling stimulated his hair to stand up in an instant! Subconsciously, he lowered his head and rolled on the spot. He heard a "crack" sound in his ears, and a wind blade had already split the log in front of him into two halves!

"Who!" Rody was half-kneeling on the ground, holding the sword across his chest and looking around with vigilance. If I hadn't dodged quickly just now, I might have had my head chopped off!

There was still silence all around, and Rody's heart was beating wildly. Suddenly a sudden movement came from the left! A strong gust of wind had already cut his clothes. Roddy rolled out sideways again, but this time he dodged a little slower. The clothes on his left arm had been torn, and his skin was covered with blood. The neat cut on the clothes actually seemed to have been cut with a sharp sword!

"Who is it!" Rody shouted in a low voice. He suddenly grabbed a wooden platform next to him and threw it to the left. However, he took advantage of the situation and rushed to the wall. He leaned against the wall and looked at the people in the room warily. environment.

Damn it! what happened? Will the other party become invisible