Masked Knight

Chapter 19: [Enter the room]


"Swords are different from other weapons. Swords have two edges. They can stab, cut, and chop... Every swordsman has his own habit of using swords. For example, some warriors are good at using big swords on the battlefield. That kind of big sword What is more important is strength, so there are not so many requirements in terms of skills. However, some warriors are good at using long swords. Their strength may be slightly weaker, but their skills are more complicated... "

"I know these things. You must have studied these things before, and you have a good foundation... But let me tell you, these are just the most basic theories. They are still far away from more advanced swordsmanship!"

"It doesn't mean that those who use big swords must be inferior to long swords in skill, but long swords must be inferior in strength to big swords. Most martial arts in the world are like this. No matter what weapon you use, whether it is a sword, a knife, or anything else, What, after reaching a certain level, you no longer stick to the changes, skills or power of the weapon itself... "

"What I'm talking about is... from the outside in!"

"For example, yesterday, I only used two swords to cut your sword into seven or eight pieces... What was that for?"

Mr. Qiu looked at Rody with a smile.

Rody thought for a while, his face was already red, but through the mask, Mr. Qiu couldn't see it. He tentatively said: "I heard that masters can draw swords very quickly. Could it be that you are here?" He fired seven or eight swords in an instant, too fast, didn’t I notice?”

"Haha..." Mr. Qiu smiled softly and said warmly: "No! What you are talking about is just a legend. No matter how fast a warrior strikes, even the most famous ones in the empire who are known as 'fast' And it is impossible for a famous samurai to draw his sword several times in an instant without being seen by others. It is impossible for us to draw a sword at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. "

"Speaking of speed, the fastest speed for a swordsman is to strike out with one sword at most, so fast that the opponent has no time to react - when it comes to striking out the sword seven or eight times in an instant, the opponent cannot even see it even if he is close at hand. Yeah, that’s more of a myth than a fact.”

"I just said, from the outside in!"

"Guilty?" Rody frowned.

"Yes! When I say inner, I mean inner strength! In other words, it is a kind of soft power, Yin power, dark power!"

"Let's use an analogy... You've seen the river, the water rushes down, and it's smooth all the way - we compare the power of our swords to the river... You, and ordinary swordsmen, are like this... But have you ever thought about the river? There is a vortex inside! The flow of the vortex is not straight forward, but in a spiral shape! Then the force is different!"

Rody seemed to realize something and couldn't help but nodded.

Mr. Qiu squatted down, suddenly stretched out his hand, dug his fingers into the soil on the ground, then grabbed a handful of soil and kneaded it into a ball in his hand.

"Go on!" After saying that, Mr. Qiu threw the mud ball in his hand towards Rody.

Rody caught the mud ball like a conditioned reflex, and then couldn't help but shake it twice in his hand.

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, and couldn't help but said: "I seem to understand a little bit. If we want to use an analogy, then we ordinary swordsmen are just like the mud ball you just threw over. The direction of the force is obvious. ! There are traces to be found, stabbing is stabbing, chopping is chopping, and cutting is chopping! But when you reach a higher level, the situation is different, like this... "

Rody raised his hand and threw the mud ball in his hand, but this time the force of his fingers was slightly different. The mud ball was not thrown out in a straight line, but seemed to spin.

A smile appeared on the corner of Mr. Qiu's mouth, and he said softly: "Not bad, you understood it very quickly."

Rody was in a good mood and said loudly: "Then I understand. Yesterday you were able to cut my long sword into seven or eight pieces with two sword strikes. It was not because you drew the sword quickly - in fact, you only struck two sword blows. But your power is more clever, so you used An Jin to break my sword into seven or eight pieces!"

Rody pondered for a while: "In other words, it is no longer swordsmanship, but a skill of strength - this skill can be used on other weapons even if it is not used on swordsmanship, right?"

At the end of the sentence, Rody's tone became more and more excited and his voice became more and more cheerful.

Mr. Qiu nodded, but said seriously: "These are not advanced things. Generally speaking, when your sword skills have reached a certain level, you can also understand these things. Even if one day you truly understand these things, He is just an ordinary swordsman. Even if he is better than other swordsmen, he is not a real master... "

Roddy immediately asked: "Then... what is a real master?"

Mr. Qiu did not answer directly, but asked: "Which one do you think is more powerful, a warrior or a warlock?"

Rody thought for a while, sighed and said, "Of course it's a warlock!"


Rody curled his lips—Mr. Qiu couldn't see his move. But his voice was very frustrated: "Isn't this obvious? A high-level swordsman can kill at most a few enemies with one sword strike. But a high-level warlock can sweep across an area with just one spell, and even the most powerful ones can do it. It caused landslides, lightning and fire..."

"Haha." Mr. Qiu smiled: "Since you think swordsmen are invincible when meeting warlocks, why are there still warriors in this world? Why don't everyone just become warlocks?"

Roddy was stunned for a moment—this question was something he had never thought about before.

"Look carefully!" Mr. Qiu put away his smile.

The long sword in his hand suddenly pointed to the sky, with a solemn expression on his face. At this moment, the whole world in Roddy's eyes seemed to have changed!

Mr. Qiu is still the same Mr. Qiu, but in Rody's eyes it is completely different!

If Mr. Qiu had no aura before, it was like a sharp sword hidden in a scabbard - then at this moment, the sharp sword has been unsheathed!

Mr. Qiu's whole body was filled with a bone-chilling sense of chilling!

A strange scene appeared in Rody's eyes - it seemed that Mr. Qiu was the center, and everything around him was spinning around Mr. Qiu! Although the yard is still the same yard and the trees are still the same trees, in Rody's eyes, the entire space seems to be distorted! Everything seems to be attracted to Mr. Qiu! It was as if there was a big hand pulling everything around him towards Mr. Qiu!

Although this was just a momentary fantasy, Roddy did not dare to be careless at all. He held his breath and stared at Mr. Qiu, for fear of missing a glance!

"Kill!" Mr. Qiu shouted softly, and suddenly raised the sword in his hand, and a sword light struck straight out like a real entity!

With a bang, the sword light split into a huge light blade and shot out into the sky!

Rody stared at the dazzling light blade with wide eyes - even in the daytime, the light was so obvious and clear!

Rody was sure that if he was hit by that light blade, let alone the long sword in his hand, I am afraid that the whole person, as well as everything in the yard, would end up being shattered to pieces!

Rody opened his mouth and murmured: "This... this is... what? Is this also swordsmanship?"

Mr. Qiu smiled softly, held a sword flower in his long sword, and put it back into the scabbard gently and deftly.

Rody was still sighing: "How can this still be swordsmanship? This is already magic... No, it may be magic... But this is not swordsmanship at all."

"You are wrong!" Mr. Qiu patted Rody's shoulder gently and said seriously: "This is indeed swordsmanship! And it is a profound swordsmanship! Whether you practice swordsmanship or swordsmanship, martial arts reaches a high level, this is The ultimate in power!"

"The ultimate control of power?" Rody didn't understand.

Mr. Qiu said: "You just said that a magician or warlock can cause mountains to collapse, cracks of lightning, and fire, but those are no longer normal powers! No matter how powerful a person's body is, it is impossible to reach that level. Such a degree! Therefore, whether it is magic or magic, it uses a supernatural power!"

"Supernatural power?"

"That's right! Our world is actually a world made up of energy! The rise and fall of the stars, the sun and the sunset, the ebb and flow of the tide, the changes of the four seasons... all the ways of nature are energy and power! Regardless of magic or spells , what I have studied is not enough about how to utilize this power.”

"What about martial arts?"

"This is the difference between martial arts and magic!" There was a sense of pride in Mr. Qiu's tone: "Martial arts is not about learning how to use other powers! Martial arts is about cultivating oneself and making oneself more powerful! We warriors, practice It’s your true power!”

"My own power?"

"Yes!" Mr. Qiu said lightly: "A warlock may be able to achieve the same level of energy as the sword I just struck, but that is not his own power, but the use of his magic. Some kind of energy in nature—but I’m different! The sword just now was entirely the power of my own body!”

Rody's eyes widened and he looked at Mr. Qiu carefully.

His own power—oh my god, that earth-shattering sword strike just now, the power of that sword strike! That sword contains super destructive power! Is it entirely the power in his own body

Mr. Qiu smiled softly: "Don't be so surprised. The reason why I tell you this is to let you understand that warriors are not inferior to warlocks! If a warrior has practiced to a high level, his strength can completely surpass that of a warlock! "

"But... this is too amazing!" Rody sighed.

Mr. Qiu shook his head: "This is nothing. You must know that the ancient holy sword warriors can split mountain peaks with one sword and pierce city walls with one sword! That is the ultimate limit of true martial arts! Compared with them, our current This little power is nothing at all.”

"Split the mountain peaks, pierce the city walls..." Rody's eyes flashed, full of excitement, and he murmured to himself.

Mr. Qiu looked at the obsessed young man in front of him, smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, now let me ask you a question! What does a warrior's power come from?"

"Huh?" Rody was stunned for a moment and blurted out: "Of course it comes from a strong body!" But as soon as he said this, Rody immediately sighed: "But that's not right... I have many swordsmanship teachers in the academy. They are much stronger than you, but they are definitely not as powerful as you, and they can never strike with a sword like the one you just made."

"Yes, strength does not simply come from muscles."

"Where does that power come from?" Rody asked confused.

Although Mr. Qiu did not really teach him any moves or swordsmanship, these words undoubtedly pointed out a path to advanced martial arts for Rody and opened the door to another palace for Rody! Rody was fascinated and fascinated by what he heard!

Mr. Qiu pondered for a moment and said: "This question can't be explained clearly in a few words... Well... Well... let's see, you and I are destined. Although I can't accept you as my disciple because of a vow I made back then, I can still send you as a disciple. Your little gift."

After saying that, Mr. Qiu stretched out a finger and pointed it as a secret. With a quick finger, he hit Rody's forehead between the eyebrows.

This finger seemed to contain some strange power, and that power actually seemed to pass through the silver mask on Roddy's face! Rody felt a pain in the center of his brow, then he snorted and fell down softly.

Mr. Qiu looked at Roddy in front of him and said softly, sighing: "This can be considered as giving you a seed of power! If you can truly understand the profound martial arts in the future, then I will give you this seed of power. It will bring you endless benefits!”