Masked Knight

Chapter 21: [Skeletons can talk! ]


If Rody was stunned at the moment, it was definitely not the fragrant food in the handed basket! But the pretty little maid in front of her is full of shyness and lovely appearance...

Roddy has grown up so much. When has he ever seen a girl look at him like this? What's more, this girl is so pretty and charming...

To be honest, Roddy was a little dizzy.

"Master Seth..." An Qi couldn't help but call out softly.

In fact, An Qi's mood at the moment is also extremely complicated - she is naturally beautiful, and Seth also likes the little maid who serves him - but it is a pity that Seth, the young master, is born to be a romantic, let alone There is a beautiful little maid beside him, and there are more than a hundred noble girls beside him

It's not that An Qi didn't know the young master's temper, but she was already at the age when a girl was pregnant, and the playboy was really a standard love expert. Although An Qi repeatedly reminded herself to be careful, she still couldn't bear it. I was attracted by that handsome, romantic and talented young master. Although Seth always likes to do things when he is not paying attention, making the girl feel helpless, Seth usually takes good care of himself.

As a beautiful girl born in a commoner family, An Qi is very clear about her destiny - she is just a maid. Although Master Seth likes her currently, she has absolutely no illusions that one day she will fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

Although this kind of thing is helpless, it is too common in the aristocratic circles of the imperial capital.

As long as there are nobles and beautiful maids in this world, this kind of thing will still happen!

An Qi also understood that if she really followed Master Seth, the best outcome in the future would be to be married by Master Seth as a concubine one day, or to be secretly arranged by him to be his lover.

But it is more likely that she will give up after all - after all, she is just an underground maid.

With this complicated mood, An Qi was a little moved by this romantic young master, but also a little scared - but tonight when she heard that the young master had been captured and imprisoned by Miss Nicole again, the soft heart in her heart immediately took over. . After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't help but get some food, so he sneaked in under the cover of night.

Rody was indeed scared and nervous, but also a little happy.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to really think that the girl in front of him really liked him. He knew very well that the girl in front of him liked the playboy who had gone away, not himself, the unlucky fool who stayed behind. But Roddy, who had never experienced such tenderness from a girl in his whole life, couldn't bear to tell him the truth right away.

"Anyway, Miss Nicole asked me not to reveal the truth." Rody comforted himself with peace of mind.

He trembled and stretched out his hand to take the basket. When his hands touched the other's soft little hand, Rody's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

But An Qi was startled - the young master in front of her had a weird expression on his face, and his eyes were a little too scary.

An Qi subconsciously took a step back, tried her best to make her expression more solemn, and said in a deep voice: "I... I said it first... I came to see you because I'm afraid something will happen to you... But... it doesn't mean I agree. You... um... you... don't think wrongly."

"What are you thinking wrong?" Rody couldn't help but ask.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, An Qi's ears changed. She blushed and said in a deep voice: "You... you bullied me again! I tell you... if you do it to me again... do it to me." Move your feet...I won't ignore you anymore!"

Rody's heart skipped a beat, but his face turned red. Although he didn't understand Fengqing, he understood the meaning of the little maid's words.

Seeing the look of love and fear in the girl in front of him, Rody couldn't help but feel his heart sink, and thought to himself: What's wrong with me? Even though she is beautiful, she doesn't like me. How could I, Roddy, do such a thing? Thinking of this, Rody felt a little ashamed and couldn't help but raise his hand and slap himself.

An Qi was startled when she saw Rody's face suddenly darkened and he said with a sad face: "Master Seth... you... you... I... I..."

Rody said seriously: "I'm sorry, sorry... I will never... do that again."

An Qi almost cried: "Master Seth... you... are you angry? Don't you like me?"

After saying that, An Qi covered her face with her hands, turned around and ran out.

The door was slammed shut, and Roddy stood there in a daze. He had never had any experience with girls, so he couldn't understand why the beautiful maid suddenly made him cry.

Then he sighed, sighing in his heart: This is fine, to avoid trouble, but if she discovers my identity, I'm afraid Miss Nicole will get angry.

Rody was secretly rejoicing, but he didn't know that if it weren't for the special situation just now, Angel was so excited that he didn't notice it - otherwise, compared to the real Seth, Rody's slightly hoarse voice would have been exposed long ago. Broken. It's just that the little maid was so nervous that she didn't notice it.

Rody thought wildly for a long time and finally sat down again. However, his mind was already in a mess and he could no longer read a single word in the book in front of him.

Feeling irritated, Rody couldn't help but stood up again, pulled out his long sword and waved it left and right.

The sword he originally picked up had been shattered by Mr. Qiu that day, but the sword he was wearing now was indeed given to him by Nicole. It was a slender accessory popular among nobles. The scabbard is gorgeous, and the hilt is inlaid with a very precious cat's eye - not to mention the sword itself, the cat's eye alone is enough to buy hundreds of Rody's original swords.

With a sword in his hand, Rody couldn't help but chop left and right, and then he couldn't help but follow several swordsmanship routines he had learned in the academy. Roddy has practiced these movements extremely skillfully, and his strength is just right.

Fortunately, the lobby on the first floor of this small building is quite spacious. Although the strong winds of Rody's sword dance are strong enough for him to perform.

While Rody was practicing his sword, he couldn't help but think of Mr. Bai Baiqiu's words about swordsmanship. Thinking of Mr. Qiu's final sword strike, Rody couldn't help but feel sincere wonder in his heart.

Thinking of this, Rody stood attentively, pointing his sword towards the sky just like Mr. Qiu did during the day. With full concentration, he gathered strength in his hands, then suddenly shouted, and slashed down with the sword!

This sword was struck by Rody with all his strength, and it was quite powerful in terms of power. But if you want to compare it with the sword that Mr. Qiu struck during the day, it is far inferior.

Mr. Qiu's sword was truly shocking. The light blade on the blade alone was enough to break a huge boulder!

But Rody's sword, let alone a light blade, even with the energy exerted on the sword's edge, it might not even be able to blow out a candle!

Rody sighed in frustration, feeling a little annoyed.

He has a stubborn temper, otherwise he wouldn't have the guts to break into the Tulip family late at night regardless of comfort.

He didn't wait for his breathing to subside, and immediately stood up again, thrusting his sword forward - this time his expression was more serious and he could concentrate for a longer period of time! The sword he swung was indeed quite powerful, but how easy was it to reach the point where he could draw a light blade

Not to mention that Rody didn't understand profound martial arts at all. Even if he got the method of practice, how could he reach that state without ten or eight years of practice

In anger, Rody struck out with his sword several more times, each time with more force than the last. However, after several consecutive blows, his strength gradually failed. He yelled louder than he thought, but the power of the sword became smaller with each strike. .

By the time he struck the last blow, Rody was out of breath and felt that both arms were limp.

Roddy lost his strength and felt dizzy. His vision went dark and he almost sat down.

At this moment, something strange happened!

A glimmer of light suddenly appeared between Rody's eyebrows. Rody felt a sharp pain deep in his mind and couldn't help but scream! I just feel like there is a stream of heat pouring down from the top of my head! The originally limp arms immediately became as if they had great strength when the heat flow passed through them! !

The severe pain in his head became more and more intense, and Rody felt that his brain was getting more and more swollen, as if it was about to burst! He couldn't help but shout loudly, and slashed out the sword in his hand!

With a cry, a half-moon light blade like a silver moon burst out from the edge of Rodi's sword. The light blade was as powerful as a rainbow! Before Rody could react, he only heard a crash, and the table in front of him was completely shattered!

Broken wood flew everywhere, and even the scattered books and utensils on the table were all broken!

Rody was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him!

Looking at the table in front of him that had been divided into seven or eight pieces and the mess on the floor, Rody took a breath!

"This... I did this???"

Surprised, Roddy no longer cared about the mess on the floor and whether he would be scolded by Miss Nicole tomorrow.

He weighed the sword in his hand, took a deep breath, shouted, and struck out with the sword again!

This time, let alone the light blade, there was a sneer. Because Rody was in agitated mood and used too much force, the long sword in his hand flew out without even being able to hold it!

Roddy was really scared this time!

The long sword escaped and hit the huge iron frame at the edge of the hall! Roddy knew very well that those shelves were filled with those terrible pill bottles that Nicole mentioned!

"It's over!" Before Rody could shout out, he saw a white claw suddenly stretched out from the void, and with a single stroke, Rody's sword was caught in his hand.

I saw that the white skeleton that was originally placed in the corner of the hall had stood upright in front of me for unknown reasons, holding Rody's sword in his hand.

Rody's eyes almost popped out!

"Ah!!" Rody just screamed. But the skeleton had already thrown the long sword on the ground, with a pair of empty eyes facing Rody, its mouth opened and closed, and it actually made a human voice!

"Damn! I have a good sleep. If I hadn't been careful, I would have almost stabbed you to the core with my sword!"